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I hereby give notice of a meeting of Brampford Speke Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 10th November 2021 at 7.30pm at Brampford Speke Village Hall, to which Councillors are summoned.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting and may speak at the Public Question Time BUT you must register in advance to attend due to Covid Restrictions. Members of the Public wishing to ask a question at public question time can send the question to the Clerk 24 hours before the commencement of the meeting and the Chairman will read this out on your behalf.

Carole Oliphant
Parish Clerk
Brampford Speke Parish Council

4th November 2021

Brampford Speke Parish Council: Cllr S Luxton, Cllr E Hollingsworth, Cllr A Birmingham, Cllr R Tillett, Cllr W Gallois, Cllr N Vickers and Cllr W Honan

As detailed in the Council’s Press & Media policy:
Most papers that have been circulated to councillors will be available (on request) to members of the public at or after the council meeting.


1. Apologies - To receive any apologies for absence

2. Declarations of Interest Under the Code of Conduct
Councillors are reminded of the requirement to declare any interest, including the type of interest, and reason for that interest, either at this stage of the meeting or as soon as they become aware of that interest.

3. Minutes
To adopt the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2nd September 2021

4. Public Question Time
Up to 15 minutes Public Question Time for members of the public to bring forward any issues not on the agenda (where a matter is already on the agenda members of the public will be given an opportunity to speak when that item is considered, within the framework of the Council’s standing orders). Where a decision is required, the issue will be placed on the following agenda.

5. County Councillor update

To receive a report from Cllr Sara Randall-Johnson and Cllr Henry Gent, Devon County Council

6. East Devon District update

To receive an update from Cllr Jamie Kemp, East Devon District Council

7. Financial Items

To receive the account summary to October 31st (previously approved by Cllr A Birmingham)

To note the following payments were approved remotely in accordance with Financial Regulations

2 x Payments to Carole Oliphant (September & October)
2 x Payment to HMRC (September & October)
2 x Payment to BT for Village Hall WiFi (paid by DD on 28.09.2021 & 28.10.2021) - £28.15

Note: Payments approved by Councillors S Luxton, A Birmingham and R Tillett in accordance with the Financial Regulations

Draft Budget – To receive the draft budget for 2022-2023 and make recommendations regarding proposed spending and precept levels.

8. Cycleways Exe Valley Park

To receive an update from Councillor Gallois on the proposed Cycleways for Exe Valley Park (Postponed from September meeting)

9. Church Path

To receive an update from the Chairman of the progress of the repairs to Church Path and to agree a way forward.

10. Village Hall Survey

To agree on the content of the proposed village hall survey to gain a perspective on the validity of an extensive repair programme & to agree the timings of the survey being sent to parishioners.

11. Other information/correspondence received for possible action/discussion/attendance

• Speke up submission
• Parish Council newsletter
• Station Hill
• Raddon Hills mtg 18/10
• HNS update
• Village Induction pack

12. Date of the next meeting(s)
• Next Meeting on Wednesday 12th January 2021 7.30pm – Village Hall