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                                   BRAMPFORD SPEKE PARISH COUNCIL

I hereby give notice of a meeting of Brampford Speke Parish Council to be held at Brampford Speke Village Hall on Wednesday 2nd October 2019 at 7.30pm, to which Councillors are summoned.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting and may speak at the Democratic Period.

Jacqui Ward

Parish Clerk

Brampford Speke Parish Council

Brampford Speke Parish Council: Cllr S Luxton, Cllr E Hollingsworth, Cllr A Birmingham, Cllr R Tillett, Cllr E Johns, Cllr L Fletcher-Neal and Cllr W Honan.

As detailed in the Council’s Press & Media policy:

  • Most papers that have been circulated to councillors will be available (on request) to members of the public at or after the council meeting.
  • Members of the public are permitted to film or record council meetings, to which they are permitted access, in a non-disruptive manner.



  1. Apologies
  2. Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct - Councillors are reminded of the requirement to declare any interest, including the type of interest, and reason for that interest, either at this stage of the meeting or as soon as they become aware of that interest
  3. Minutes
  1. Democratic period

Up to 15 minutes Open Forum for members of the public to bring forward any issues not on the agenda (where a matter is already on the agenda members of the public will be given an opportunity to speak when that item is considered, within the framework of the Council’s standing orders). Where a decision is required the issue will be placed on the following agenda.

  1. Ongoing Topics
    • BSVHT: Installation of WIFI at the Village Hall: it was agreed to send a written proposal to the Village Hall Trust at the meeting in September. The Clerk had highlighted the areas of funding at the meeting in September: DCC have funds for WI FI; they also have their Locality fund. EDDC have a specific grant of up to £5,000. To confirm this with Cllr King.
    • Footpaths & Verges:
    • Trees:
    • Highways & Traffic Management: update.
    • Communications: update from the Clerk: The Clerk met with Mac Merrett who has kindly allowed her access to the Village website for Parish Council purposes only.  
    • Chapel Street: update on anyone volunteering to help lead this project?
    • Living Streets Scheme: School Traffic problems: Cllr Tillett to discuss.
    • S106: update: The Clerk has information from EDDC regarding this funding and the areas on which spending apply. 
  1. East Devon DC (EDDC) matters:

(Except where the matter is covered under another specific heading on this agenda)

  • To receive a report from Cllr F. King.
  1. Devon County Council (DCC) matters:

(Except where the matter is covered under another specific heading on this agenda)

  • To receive a report from Councillor R Bloxham or Councillor S Randall-Johnson.  
  1. Standing Order adjustment: update: Cllrs Birmingham and Tillett have reviewed these and the Financial Regulations, and the Code of Conduct. The Clerk was asked to update the 2015 edition of the Standing Orders as set by the Parish Council where it differs from the 2018 edition.  The same applies to the Financial Regulations from the 2016 to the 2019 edition. To discuss the draft drawn up by the Clerk and the Chair.
  2. Neighbourhood Watch: to discuss any response received for volunteers. 
  1. Climate Change: this is top of the Agenda at EDDC and DCC declared a climate change emergency earlier this year. The Clerk forwarded all emails from DCC to Councillors. The Clerk has some news from the Clerk at Ottery St Mary and, if agreed, will look at what other parish councils are doing. Cllr Birmingham suggested looking at ways to take this topic to the community for views and opinions. To discuss ways of getting some interested people to take a lead on this on behalf of the village.  
  1. Planning:

To receive details of any planning applications received since the last meeting.

  • 19/2007/TCA - The Old Farmhouse Brampford Speke: comments due by 5th October: update from Cllr Hollingsworth.
  • Any other planning applications since posting the Agenda: 
  1. Financial items:
    • Expenses to approve and pay:
      • 1 x to Jacqui Ward (September Salary) NB: The Clerk omitted to include the salary for August on the Expenses form last month and emailed Councillors accordingly who agreed that she pay this into her bank account and this is duly noted.
      • 1 x to Jacqui Ward (Travel Expenses)
      • 1x to Brampford Speke School: Grant awarded by the Parish Council. 
      • Accounting Statement September 2019
  1. Other information/correspondence received for possible action/discussion/attendance:
  • CPRE: Planning Workshop: 15th October 2019 at Hatherleigh: discuss.
  • Grant Application from BS School: sent in May 2019: requesting funds to pay for the hire of the Village Hall. To discuss. 
  1. Matters Arising:
  • Telephone Box
  • Village Hall WIFI 
  1. Next Meeting on Wednesday 6th November 2019 @ 7.30pm at Brampford Speke Village Hall.