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I hereby give notice of a meeting of Brampford Speke Parish Council to be held at Brampford Speke Village Hall on Wednesday 6th November 2019 at 7.30pm, to which Councillors are summoned.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting and may speak at the Democratic Period.

Jacqui Ward

Parish Clerk

Brampford Speke Parish Council

Brampford Speke Parish Council: Cllr S Luxton, Cllr E Hollingsworth, Cllr R Tillett, Cllr E Johns and Cllr L Fletcher-Neal, Cllr W Honan and Cllr A Birmingham.

As detailed in the Council’s Press & Media policy:

  • Most papers that have been circulated to councillors will be available (on request) to members of the public at or after the council meeting.
  • Members of the public are permitted to film or record council meetings, to which they are permitted access, in a non-disruptive manner.



  1. Apologies
  2. Declarations of Interest under the Code of Conduct - Councillors are reminded of the requirement to declare any interest, including the type of interest, and reason for that interest, either at this stage of the meeting or as soon as they become aware of that interest
  3. Minutes
  1. Democratic period

Up to 15 minutes Open Forum for members of the public to bring forward any issues not on the agenda (where a matter is already on the agenda members of the public will be given an opportunity to speak when that item is considered, within the framework of the Council’s standing orders). Where a decision is required the issue will be placed on the following agenda.

  1. Ongoing Topics
    • BSVHT: update from Cllr Fletcher-Neal on the written proposal to the Village Hall Trust and information on costs of installation and equipment.
    • Footpaths & Verges:
    • Trees:
    • Highways & Traffic Management: update.
    • Chapel Road: update.
    • Living Streets Scheme:
    • S106: update.
  2. East Devon DC (EDDC) matters

(Except where the matter is covered under another specific heading on this agenda)

  • To receive a report from the Councillor F King.
  1. Devon County Council (DCC) matters

(Except where the matter is covered under another specific heading on this agenda)

  • To receive a report from Councillor R Bloxham or Councillor S Randall-Johnson.
  • Police Reports: update from Cllr Bloxham: NB: The Clerk has not received further information on this from Cllr Bloxham.
  1. Standing Order adjustment: update from the Chair. 
  1. Neighbourhood Watch: Cllr Fletcher-Neal volunteered to take on the village email list.
  2. Climate Change: It was suggested to offer a public meeting in January at the last meeting in October.
  3. Planning
    • To receive details of any planning applications received since the last meeting. None received to date.
    • Any other planning applications since posting the Agenda: none received. 
  4. Financial items
    • Expenses to approve and pay:
      • 1 x to Jacqui Ward (October Salary)
      • 1 x to Jacqui Ward (Travel Expenses)
      • 1x to Jacqui Ward (Extra hours)
      • 1x to Brampford Speke School: Grant awarded by the Parish Council for
      • Accounting Statements October 2019

Please Note: : the invoice for BS School has not yet been received, the Clerk has reminded them of this , so far there has been no response. 

13. Other information/correspondence received for possible action/discussion/attendance 

14. Next Meeting on Wednesday 3rd July 2019 @ 7.30pm at Brampford Speke Village Hall