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Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 5th May 2021 at 7.30pm via a Zoom virtual meeting


Present: Cllr S Luxton Cllr R Tillett, Cllr W Honan, Cllr A Birmingham, Cllr E Hollingsworth and Cllr N Vickers

In Attendance: Carole Oliphant (Clerk) and two members of the public

1/21 Election of Chairman (retiring Chairman in the Chair)

Cllr A Birmingham was duly elected Chairman for the municipal year

(proposed by Cllr Luxton and seconded by Cllr E Hollingsworth)

The Chairman stated:

Thank you for inviting me to take on the role of your Chair for the next year.

Firstly I would like to express on behalf of the Council our thanks to Stuart Luxton for all his efforts in guiding us through the recent years as our past Chair. I would also like to thank all councillors for continuing to represent villagers and to Carole Oliphant for continuing to provide us with the support, advice and wisdom in her role as Clerk to the Council. Thanks also to Wynn Stait for his continued involvement as Footpath Warden.

Looking ahead, as well as the perennial issues that the Council sees itself involved with, I am mindful that there are likely to be some new items emerging on our agenda that will require attention e.g. the outcomes of the recent Housing Needs Survey, updating the Church path, the maintenance challenges around the Village Hall amongst others.

Hopefully, as the Covid impacts begin to diminish, we will soon be able to meet again as a group in the Village Hall, something which I am sure will be welcomed by many of us after the trials and tribulations of ‘Zoom’ working.

I look forward to the opportunity of chairing the Council during the next year, and with the active involvement and support of my fellow councillors in their lead roles, helping to ensure our village remains a place where we can all live and enjoy our local environment.

2/21 Chairmans Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Cllr A Birmingham duly signed the Chairmans Declaration of Acceptance of Office

3/21 Election of Vice Chairman

Cllr S Luxton was duly elected Vice Chairman for the municipal year

(Proposed by Cllr A Birmingham and seconded by Cllr R Tillett

4/21 Apologies:
Cllr W Gallois gave apologies

5/21 Declarations of interest
None at this stage of the meeting

6/21 Code of Conduct
It was RESOLVED to adopt the Code of Conduct for the municipal year

(Proposed by the Chairman)

7/21 Standing Orders
It was RESOLVED to adopt the Standing Orders for the municipal year

(Proposed by the Chairman)

8/21 Financial Regulations
It was RESOLVED to adopt the Financial Regulations for the municipal year

(Proposed by the Chairman)

9/21 Community Grant Policy
It was RESOLVED to adopt the Community Grant Policy for the municipal year

(Proposed by the Chairman)

10/21 Lead Councillor Roles

The Lead Councillor Roles were agreed as:

Brampford Speke Village Hall Trust – Cllrs R Tillett and W Honan
Footpaths – Cllr W Gallois
Verges – Cllr S Luxton
Trees and Natural Environment – Cllr E Hollingsworth
Highways and Traffic Management – Cllr R Tillett
Finance – Cllr A Birmingham
Planning – Cllr W Honan
Communications – Cllr N Vickers
Community Grant – All

The Outside Body representatives were agreed as:
Community Land Trust – Cllr R Tillett
Raddon Hills – Cllrs A Birmingham and S Luxton

11/21 Minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 21st April 2021
Were agreed as a true record and virtually SIGNED by the Chairman

12/21 Public Question Time
No members of the public present raised a question

13/21 Discussion on relevant topics

Members discussed parking issues, footpaths and the river and agreed that there were no known issues at the present time and that issues were weather dependant.

The parking cones had been delivered and that an item would be placed in Speke Up informing residents how to apply for one.

14/20 Next Meeting

Meeting finished at 8.07pm. Next meeting 7th July 2021