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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on
Wednesday 13th November 2024
at 7.30pm at the Village Hall

Present: Cllr R Tillett, Cllr E Hollingsworth, Cllr W Honan, Cllr B Hillson, Cllr S Luxton, Cllr L Langdon and Cllr J Wayne
In Attendance: Tracy Watkins (Clerk), and one member of the public
75/24 Apologies:
No apologies received from Cllr J Kemp (EDDC) and Cllr H Gent (DCC). Cllr S Randall-Johnson (DCC) sent her report.
76/24 Declarations of interest
Cllr Luxton declared an interest as land owner of one of the potential housing application sites. It was declared that Cllrs Langdon (Director) and Wayne (Member) of the CLT.

77/24 Appointment of a co-opted Councillor
Following the appropriate procedures Cllr Hillson NOMINATED Jo Wayne as a co-opted Parish Councillor SECONDED by Cllr Tillett.
Cllr Wayne to SIGN the Acceptance of Office and Register of Interests forms and pass to the Clerk as soon as possible
78/24 Minutes of the meeting held on 11th September 2024
Were agreed as a true record and SIGNED by the Chair
79/24 Public Question Time
No questions were raised.

80/24 Affordable Housing
To receive any updates on potential housing initiatives within the Parish. See update from the developers regarding Templers Field here.
An update has been received from CLT is here.

The idea of having a working group within the village to oversee the affordable housing has been muted in the past and there were no volunteers. It was felt by all that there needs to be a more varied opinion in meetings and discussions. Some information will be put into the next Speke Up edition encouraging members of the public to create a group and run it.
Cllr Langdon agreed to be the link between the CLT and the Parish Council.
Further discussion will need to be had around the public space which is included in the CLT plans.

81/24 Planning

The following planning consultations have been received since the last meeting:
24/2283/AGR - Norton Farm Thorverton Exeter EX5 5JW - no objections. Roof over a existing silage container.
24/2006/FUL - Southmoor Brampford Speke Exeter EX5 5DX – no objections
24/2078/FUL - Pilgrims Brampford Speke Exeter EX5 5DP -no objections
Planning application 22/1355/FUL - Brampford Speke Village Hall -currently with Building Control. They have until the end of the month to make a decision.

82/24 Lead Councillor Updates
Updates were received from the Lead Councillors on the following:
Finance – Brad Hillson – It was confirmed that all financial information has been published on the website
Verges – Cllr Luxton – Invoice has now been received for works from contractor. This has been factored in to the budget calculations for next year. Growing season has now stopped. Mud is building up at the bottom of the hill again.
Trees & Natural Environment – Cllr Hollingsworth – Devon Wildlife Trust is giving away trees some of them vey rare. They will grow to be substantial so everyone to have a think and let Cllr Hollingsworth know if anyone can think of a suitable site to put one. A pair of Marsh Harriers have been spotted which are very rare. A group of white egrets are also visible locally.
Highways and Traffic Management – Cllr Tillett – Cllr Tillett spoke to contractors who are working today and they advised they are currently looking at culverts, drains etc on Pynes Hill. Pot holes on St Andrews Road have been reported. Cllr Tillett will meet with the new Highways office soon.
Planning and Development– Cllr Honan – See Planning agenda item above
Communications – Cllr Langdon – Handover with former Cllr Vickers has been done. Facebook page has been created. Will run a trial for 6 months as will need policing.
Footpaths – Update from the Footpath Warden/Cllr Hillson – very little to report. Footpath 7 has been cleared and posts replaced. Station Hill covered in leaves which need clearing before wet weather makes them treacherous. Cllr Hillson will request someone does this. Cllr Wayne to take over responsibility for Footpaths in conjunction with the Footpath Warden, Wynn Stait.

83/24 Village Hall

Planning for porch is with Building Control. Will be chased at the end of November. Planning approval has already been passed.

84/24 Financial Items
To receive the accounts summary to 31st October 2024 (previously approved by Cllr Hillson). See below.
To NOTE the following payments were approved remotely in accordance with Financial Regulations :
2 x Payments to Tracy Watkins (September and October salary and expenses)
2 x Payments to HMRC (September and October)
2 x Payments to BT for Village Hall line rental only (paid by DD on 30.09.2024 - £12.09 & 28.10.2024 - £12.09)
1 x payment for removal of Wasps nest - £30 (04.09.2024)
1 x payment Building Reg Fees for BSVH porch - £266 (01.10.2024)
1 x payment to Zurich for insurance £264.00 (25.10.2024)
1 x payment to Ed Rogers for repairs to footpath £726.00 (28.10.2024)
Note: Payments approved by Councillors S Luxton, B Hillson and R Tillett in accordance with the Financial Regulations.
Council to NOTE that the following payments have been received:
02.09.24 – EDCC – PRECEPT - £4250
14.10.24 – Sale of leaf sucker - £50

85/24 Precept

To Review the Budget forecasts and APPROVE the Precept claim for 2025
After reviewing the budgets and spends for 2024/25 it was decided to increase the claim for the Precept by £250 to £8750 per year for 2025/26. This represents just under 3% rise from last year. This was PROPOSED by Cllr Tillett and SECONDED by Cllr Hillson.

Clerk to make application to move all remaining funds in the deposit account over to the current account.

Clerk to send Cllr Tillett details of rise in Band D contributions based on figures above.
86/24 Policies
To re-adopt The Financial Regs, Equality & Diversity Policy, Health & Safety Policy. Policies already sent to Councillors for review.
All policies were unanimously AGREED and APPROVED.
Clerk to update the website.

87/24 EDDC Update

Cllr Kemp was not at the meeting, did not send apologies and did not provide an update. The Clerk is still awaiting a call with Cllr Paul Arnott (DCC) to discuss this matter.

88/24 DCC Update

Neither Cllr Randall-Johnson nor Cllr Gent were present at the meeting. Cllr Randall-Johnson provided the monthly update. See report here.

89/24 Other information/correspondence received for possible action/discussion/attendance and review of Action Points

• Action points – reviewed. All up to date
• Speke up submissions – See above.

90/24 Date of the next meeting(s)

The meeting closed at 9.15pm. The date of the next Meeting is Wednesday 15th January 2025– Village Hall at 7.30 pm.