Minutes 15th January 2025
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on
Wednesday 13th November 2024
at 7.30pm at the Village Hall
Present: Cllr B Hillson, Cllr S Luxton, Cllr L Langdon and Cllr J Wayne
In Attendance: Tracy Watkins (Clerk), and one member of the public
1/25 Apologies:
Apologies were received from Cllrs Tillett, Hollingsworth, Honan and Cllr H Gent (DCC) and Cllr S Randall-Johnson (DCC). No apologies received from Cllr J Kemp (EDDC)
2/25 Declarations of interest
None received
3/25 Minutes of the meeting held on 13th November 2024
Were agreed as a true record and SIGNED by the Chair
4/25 Public Question Time
No questions were raised.
5/25 Public Rights of Way Team (DCC)
The Council welcomed Jon Boyd and Richard Spurway from the PROW team.
Jon and Richard gave a very helpful update on the P3 scheme.
The P3 bid form will go in as soon as possible.
It was confirmed the Council can apply for major and improvement grants.
6/25 Affordable Housing
No updates on Stoneylands. The next meeting is 27th February 2025. The CLT are proposing a drop in event for the public on or around the 5th March 2025. This will be confirmed nearer the date.
Templers Field – the developer has informed the Council that they are still progressing the contracts and there should be more information in the Spring.
7/25 Planning
The following planning consultations have been received since the last meeting:
24/2503/FUL | Two-storey side extension, front extensions and alterations including material finish and fenestration. | Ashley Chase Brampford Speke Exeter EX5 5DR – no objection
24/2471/LBC | Demolishing part of existing extension and construction of two storey rear extension with associated works | 3 Church View Brampford Speke Exeter EX5 5DP – no objections
The Clerk confirmed the planning portal has been updated.
8/25 Lead Councillor Updates
Updates were received from the Lead Councillors on the following:
• Verges – Cllr Luxton – Nothing to report. There has been a request that when the contractor comes to cut back the hedges the WhatsApp group are notified. This time they cut around the cars!
• Trees & Natural Environment – Cllr Hollingsworth was not present so no update was given.
• Highways and Traffic Management – Cllr Tillett was not present so no update was given
• Communications – Cllr Langdon – Facebook page development is still on-going. Clerk will send Cllr Langdon a copy of another Council’s Newsletter to consider one for Brampford Speke
• Footpaths – Update from the Footpath Warden/Cllr Wayne Footpath 7 – laurels have been cut back by the Landowner. Footpath 4 – There is a tree down. Cllr Luxton will have a look tomorrow.
Footpath 10 -WS will cut back at the weekend.
9/25 Village Hall
Planning has come back from Building Control so all ready to go. Quote for works will be sent to the Clerk. The deposit has been refunded from the contractor.
10/25 Financial Items
To receive the accounts summary to 31st December 2024 (previously approved by Cllr Hillson).
To NOTE the following payments were approved remotely in accordance with Financial Regulations :
2 x Payments to Tracy Watkins (November and December salary and expenses)
2 x Payments to HMRC (November and December)
2 x Payments to BT for Village Hall line rental only (paid by DD on 28.11.2024 - £12.09 & 02.01.2025 - £12.09)
1 x payment to Sowdens of £394.80 for grounds work (13.11.2024)
Note: Payments approved by Councillors S Luxton, B Hillson and R Tillett in accordance with the Financial Regulations.
Council to NOTE that the following payments have been received:
13.12.2024 £412.80 VAT reclaim from HMRC
11/25 Santander Bank Account
To discuss and APPROVE the removal of Mr A Birmingham and Mr A Wiles from the bank account. To discuss and APPROVE adding Cllr B Hillson to the bank account.
PROPOSED by Cllr Hillson and SECONDED by Cllr Luxton - RESOLVED
To discuss and APPROVE the transfer of funds from the Deposit account to the Current account with the appropriate signatories.
PROPOSED by Cllr Luxton and SECONDED by Cllr Wayne - RESOLVED
12/25 Meetings for 2025
Clerk to send details of dates for the next 12 months. Keeping meeting dates to the second Wednesday every other month.
13/25 EDDC Update
Cllr Kemp was not at the meeting, did not send apologies and did not provide an update. The Clerk has been waiting for an update from Cllr Paul Arnott, Leader of EDDC, but has not received one. Clerk to now contact the CEO.
14/25 DCC Update
Neither Cllr Randall-Johnson nor Cllr Gent were present at the meeting. Cllr Randall-Johnson provided the monthly update. See Council website for details.
15/25 Other information/correspondence received for possible action/discussion/attendance and review of Action Points
Village Hall
• Action points – reviewed. All up to date. No longer required at meetings as all admin based.
• Speke up submissions – No updates. Cllr Wayne set this information through to Speke Up.
16/25 Date of the next meeting(s)
The meeting closed at 8.10pm. The date of the next Meeting is Wednesday 12th March 2025– Village Hall at 7.30 pm.