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Minutes of the of the Parish Council Meeting AGM held on Wednesday 15th May 2019 at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.

Present: Cllr S Luxton (Chairman), Cllr A Birmingham (Vice-Chairman), Cllr E Johns, Cllr E Hollingsworth, Cllr R Tillett

In Attendance: Jacqui Ward (Clerk), Carole Oliphant (outgoing Clerk) and 3 members of the public.

Election of Chair: it was proposed and seconded to re-elect Cllr S Luxton. Cllr Luxton completed and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form and countersigned by the Clerk.

Election of Vice Chair: it was proposed and seconded to re-elect Cllr A Birmingham.

Declaration of Acceptance of Office: all elected Councillors signed these and were countersigned by the Clerk.

Register of Interest Forms: the completed forms were handed to the Clerk to be sent to EDDC.

The Chair welcomed the new Clerk, Jacqui Ward.

52/19 Apologies

Cllr Ray Bloxham and Cllr S Randall-Johnson (DCC) and Cllr Fabian King (EDDC) gave apologies.

53/19 Declarations of interest Under the Code of Conduct:

All agreed to adopt.

54/19 To adopt and use the General Power of Competence

Council to agree that it is qualified to use The Power of Competence by virtue of:
• The percentage of Councillors elected
• Employment of a suitably qualified Clerk
The Parish Council agreed to adopt and the Clerk reminded them the Power of Competence is valid for 12 months. The Clerk said that Upton Pyne Parish Council were willing to share the costs of the CiLCA qualification required to be completed by the new Clerk. This to be discussed further.

To adopt and agree the Council’s Code of Conduct: all agreed to adopt.

To adopt and agree the Council’s Standing Orders: all agreed to adopt. Agenda item for the meeting in June: it was agreed to check the Standing Orders in general and consider reducing the content if necessary. The Clerk to check other models.

To adopt and agree the Council’s Financial Regulations: all agreed to adopt.

To adopt and agree the Council’s Community Grant Policy: all agreed to adopt.

55/19 Democratic period

The Lazy Toad: a lengthy discussion took place regarding the progress of the sale of the business. The landlord wishes to make it known that the pub is still open for business. The opening hours have been reduced on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. He will place an article in Speke-Up to this effect. There has been a Village survey regarding the future of the pub and an informal working group has been set up. A community pub has been mentioned as a possibility. It was requested this be an Agenda item for the meeting in June. Cllr Tillett asked that if it is registered as a community asset can it be de-registered? It was suggested it could remain on the register for two years. The questions were asked: is it reversable? Could a potential buyer remove it? It was pointed out that the trade buyer price must be matched by the community offer. Cllr Birmingham asked how close are they to making a sale. The landlord said there were two potential buyers. Cllr Birmingham said that at the recent APM the Villagers said they wanted to keep the pub open. He pointed out that if there are potential buyers then perhaps there is no point in a Village group going ahead.
The members of the public left at 8pm.

56/19 Lead Councillor Roles

To agree the lead Councillor roles for:
• Brampford Speke Village Hall Trust: Cllrs Tillett and Johns: to review at the meeting in June.
• Footpaths: it was suggested that the new Councillor may take this responsibility. To review at the meeting in June.
• Verges: Cllr Johns
• Trees: Cllr Hollingsworth
• Highways & Traffic Management: Cllr Tillett
• Human Resources – For Clerk: Cllrs Hollingsworth and Birmingham
• Finance: Cllr Birmingham
• Planning: this remains open.
• Communications: former Parish Cllr Mac Merrett manages the website. This is not a Parish Council website, however, the Clerk asked that the Parish Council may have ‘a page’ on the website for Parish Council items only: the Minutes and Agenda as an example. The Clerk pointed out the importance of transparency and she would prefer to enter these items herself to be sure they were on the website in the time scale set down by the Transparency Code. For discussion at the meeting in June.

• Community Grant Fund: all Councillors.

57/19 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 3rd April 2019 were adopted as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman.

Minutes 3rd April 2019

Parking in Chapel Street:  Cllr Hollingsworth asked for an Agenda item for the meeting in June to discuss residents only parking.

58/19 Annual Parish Meeting

Discussion on any actions to be taken as a result of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 24th April 2019:

The Lazy Toad: the Villagers want to keep the pub open: further discussions took place regarding the advantages and disadvantages of nominating the pub as a Community Asset. The Chair said he would contact EDDC planning. He said he would forward the email from EDDC regarding this issue to all Councillors and the Clerk. To discuss at the June meeting.

The Telephone Box: the Clerk was asked to contact BT and request that this be re-painted.

CIL: S106 monies: this needs to be used. For allotments; for the Village Hall; the Village School: e.g., for nets in the fields/football posts: to inquire if the S106 can be used for schools.

59/19 Ongoing Topics

1: Village Hall – Cllr Tillett said that a survey was required and the Chair said he would contact the builder.

2: Footpaths & Verges- Cllr Johns said the contactors were ready to work on the verges. Cllr Birmingham said he would strim the corner in late May.

Cllr Johns said the signs need replacing on the footpaths and he will contact a contractor.

Cllr Johns advised that the verges would receive a first cut in April or May

3: Trees – Cllr Hollingsworth said that she was waiting for the grass around the WW1 trees to be cut.

4: Highways & Traffic Management-Cllr Tillett said a digger was needed to dig out the ditch in Nick Taverner’s field as the last attempt failed to remove enough mud hence the need to repeat the process. It was agreed by all to commission Cllr Luxton to carry out this task and that the Parish Council will pay the bill. It was requested that it be mentioned to the DCC Councillors at the meeting in June and whether this was a DCC matter.

60/19 East Devon District Council

No Report

61/19 Devon County Council

No Report

62/19 Planning


63/19 Financial Matters

  • Financial Reports:
    • Accounting Summary for May 2019
  • Payments to be approved:
    • 1 x to Karen Garland (Internal Audit)

All payments and invoices approved and signed.

It was noted that the RFO name be changed to the new Clerk.

Accounting Statement April 2019

64/19 Governance

• To receive and approve the internal auditors report for the year ending March 31st 2019
• To approve the conclusion of the Annual Audit for year ending March 31st 2019

Certificate of Exemption - AGAR - 2019-2020- Part 2

Annual Governance Statement 2019-2020

Annual Accounting Statement 2019-2020

and publication of the Notice of Public Rights

All agreed to approve.

65/19 Co-Option

To receive any applications for Co-option onto the Council: one application has been received. The Chair to contact the applicant. Cllr Tillett suggested she be co-opted: it was proposed and seconded to co-opt Lucinda Fletcher-Neal onto the Parish Council. Cllr Birmingham suggested that the Footpath Warden should be someone who was not a Councillor. It was proposed and seconded to do this. Cllr Johns to send him the map of the footpaths.

66/19 Other Information

Other information

• Consultation on proposed expansion of the Exe Valley Federation to include Silverton School: no objections were raised. It was stated that the Parish Council has no view on this but is concerned that the Brampford Speke Village School be retained.

• Items for Speak Up:
The re-election of the Chair and Vice Chair (leaving the roles out).
To report on the co-option.

Wynn Stait has offered to be the Footpath Warden. S106: there is no clear intention for it.
Community Grant: there is no clear intention for it.

The new Clerk details.

The Clerk was asked to place a list of Councillors names and email addresses on the Village notice board.

The Chair said he would notify all that Lucinda Fletcher-Neal is willing to become a Parish Councillor.

• Community Plan review: this was requested by Cllr Tillett.

Would a Community Plan Review for management of disasters be valid? This was discussed and it was decided not to pursue this.

Action Log: Cllr Birmingham asked would this be valid in order to keep abreast of items such as S137 and S106: to ensure monies are used and not lost.

67/19 Next Meeting

Next meeting: on 5th June 2019 @ 7.30pm at Brampford Speke Village Hall The meeting closed at 9.30pm.