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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 2 nd October 2019 at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.

Present: Cllr S Luxton (Chairman), Cllr R Tillett, Cllr E Hollingsworth, Cllr L Fletcher-Neal, Cllr W Honan, and Cllr
A Birmingham.

In Attendance: Jacqui Ward (Clerk), EDDC Cllr F King and DCC Cllr R Bloxham.

111/19 Apologies:

Cllr E Johns

112/19 Declarations of interest

None at this stage of the meeting

113/19 Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 4th September 2019

The minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 2nd September 2019 were adopted as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman

Minutes 4th September 2019

114/19 Democratic period

No reports.

115/19 East Devon District Council
Report from Cllr F King:
• Emails: The Clerk forwarded to all Councillors.
• GESP: Cllr King said he will advise the Clerk when more
information becomes available.
• Cllr King left at 8pm

116/19 Ongoing Topics

: Village Hall –
1. WIFI: a written proposal to the Village Hall Trust is yet to be completed. Cllr Fletcher-Neal will do so. She will also circulate information on costs of installation and equipment. The Clerk had previously reported that EDDC have a specific grant of up to £5,000 which was confirmed by Cllr Bloxham.

2. Footpaths & Verges- the verge trim has been completed. Cllr Tillett said that wildflower verges were a good idea in principle but that this would need a champion to take it forward. He will put a piece in the Speke-Up magazine asking for ideas.

3. Trees – Cllr Hollingworth reported all was well.

4. Highways & Traffic Management- it was reported that the car has now been removed from Burridge Road. The Chair expressed thanks to all those who gave of their time on this matter.

5. Chapel Road: Cllr Hollinsworth will attend a Residents’ meeting on the 16th October at 7.30pm in the village pub. She will start the meeting off but someone else will be required to take this issue forward.

6. Communications: The Clerk reported that she now has access to the Village Website for Parish Council business only. The Chair thanked Mac Merrett for his help in this matter.

7. Living Streets Scheme: School Traffic problems: Cllr Tillett said he had been in contact with the Clerk of Broadclyst Parish Council and DCC. Cllr Bloxham said there were issues with parking at Broadclyst School. Cllr Tillett asked Cllr Bloxham if it would be possible to get 20mph repeater signs in place. Cllr Bloxham said
he will follow this up. To discuss at the next meeting in November.

8. S106: NB: Cllr Luxton declared an interest here with regard to the Planning Application. The Clerk had spoked again with EDDC and she explained the procedure. The Clerk was asked to approach EDDC to ask if it may be possible to work with another parish on this matter.

117/19 Devon County Council

The Clerk has forwarded all emails circulated by Cllr Bloxham.

Police Reports: Cllr Bloxham spoke of establishing a framework within which parishes can meet with the police on a regular basis. This would entail a member of the Parish Council volunteering to be the representative to report back to the Parish Council. He will forward information on this to the Clerk. To discuss at the next meeting in November.

118/19 Standing Order adjustment:

to discuss the draft drawn up by the Clerk and the Chair at the meeting in November once the draft
amended standing orders and financial regulations have been forwarded to all Councillors by the Clerk. The Clerk will also contact DALC to ask whether it is permissible to refer only to the items in bold 
on these orders and the remaining orders to be used as a reference only. The Clerk to advise the Parish Council accordingly.

119/19 Neighborhood Watch

to discuss any response received for volunteers. It was reported that this has not gone to Speke-UP yet. Cllr Fletcher-Neal volunteered to take on the village email list. She will contact the Clerk.

120/19 Climate Change

The Clerk handed around a message from Ottery St Mary Parish Council outlining the steps they have taken in regard to this. Cllr Bloxham will send other parish council initiatives to the Clerk. It was suggested to offer a public meeting in January. Cllr Bloxham left at 9.15pm.

121/19 Planning

To receive details of any planning applications received since the last

19/2007/TCA - The Old Farmhouse Brampford Speke: comments due by 5 th October: update from Cllr Hollingsworth. Councillors have seen Cllr Hollingsworth’s report and no objections were

122/19 Financial Items

Expenses to approve and pay:
• 1 x to Jacqui Ward (September Salary)

NB: The Clerk omitted to include the salary for August on the Expenses form last month and emailed Councillors accordingly who agreed that she pay this into her bank account and this is duly noted.

• 1 x to Jacqui Ward (Travel Expenses)
• 1x to Brampford Speke School: Grant awarded by the Parish Council. See note below.

The authorisations were signed by Cllr Luxton and Cllr Tillett. 

NB: the invoice for BS School has not yet been received, therefore, to pay at the next meeting in November.

Accounting Statements September 2019

123/19 Other information:

CPRE: Planning Workshop: 15th October 2019 at Hatherleigh: discuss. No one was available to attend.

Grant Application from BS School: sent in May 2019: requesting funds to pay for the hire of the Village Hall. To discuss. Councillors asked that the Clerk forward this application to them as more clarification is required, in particular to financial information.

124/19 Matters Arising

Telephone Box: no update.
• Village Hall WIFI: as above item: 116/19 (1). 

• Church Visit: The Chair reported that this was enjoyed by all who attended.

• Survey of the Village Hall: The Chair said this is ongoing and that the roof will require an inspection.

• Representative to attend police meetings: Cllr Honan said he will volunteer to do this.

• December meeting: Cllr Tillett said a meeting should be held in the Village Hall in December: it was agreed to hold a meeting on 4th December at 7pm to discuss any items requiring immediate attention/action.

125/19 Next Meeting

The meeting closed at 9.45pm.

The next meeting will be Wednesday 6th November 2019 at 7.30pm, Village Hall.