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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on Thursday 2nd September
at 7.30pm in the Village Hall


Present: Cllr R Tillett, Cllr A Birmingham, Cllr W Honan and Cllr E Hollingsworth
In Attendance: Carole Oliphant (Clerk), Cllr Sara Randall-Johnson (DCC) and two members of the public

26/21 Apologies:
Cllrs W Gallois, S Luxton and N Vickers gave apologies

27/21 Declarations of interest
Cllr E Hollingsworth declared a personal interest as her house was next to the proposed cycle path

28/21 Minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 7th July 2021

Were agreed as a true record and SIGNED by the Chairman

29/21 Public Question Time

A member of the public presented a *letter to the Council with regard to the value of the village hall as a community asset. They explained that they were disappointed that the Parish Council had not explored community fundraising to assist with repairs required and that it was the wrong time to look at the use of the village hall during the pandemic. They were disappointed that the Parish Council had discussed alternative usage of the site.

Cllr R Tillett explained that a joint meeting of the Village Hall Trust (VHT) and the Parish Council had been held to discuss the short and long term futures for the hall. He explained that it had been agreed that in the short term, repairs to the roof and a replacement porch were required. The repairs could be achieved by a mixture of grant applications and this would be a joint project with the Parish Council and the VHT to explore funding available. It was agreed that the Parish Council was responsible for the repairs as landlord but the VHT would be able to project manage the works.

The Chairman explained that although talks had taken place about the future viability of the Hall, which did include redevelopment of the site, that no decision had been made and it was prudent of the Council to explore all possibilities.

A previous survey about the future of the hall was sent to villagers in 2018 but only generated 20 responses with no clear consensus on if villagers felt it was an asset which they would like to support. It was felt that a new survey should be conducted which should include the question of community fundraising and if the village would support it.

Upon the discussion having taken place a vote was taken and it was RESOLVED that:
The Parish Council would support the repairs to the roof and porch to secure the short term future of the hall which the VHT would be asked to project manage, subject to funding being secured through a range of grants and reserves held explored by both the VHT and the Parish Council

A survey would be conducted by the Parish Council with regard to the thoughts of villagers on the long term future of the village hall with the content of the survey to be agreed at the November meeting

(Proposed by the Chairman)

Note: *letter attached to the minutes

30/21 Church Path
Council RESOLVED to appoint supplier B to complete the works to the Church Path

(Proposed by the Chairman)

31/21 Financial Regulations

Council RESOLVED to adopt the revised Financial Regulations
(Proposed by the Chairman)

32/21 DCC

Cllr S Randall-Johnson explained to Council that a new integrated social care system was due to be announced which incorporated both the NHS and County Council responsibilities. That there were approximately 1000 job vacancies in the care system throughout Devon.

33/21 Financial Items

The account summary to July 31st (previously approved by Cllr A Birmingham) was NOTED.
It was NOTED that the following payments were approved remotely in accordance with Financial Regulations

2 x Payments to Carole Oliphant (July/August)
2 x Payment to HMRC (July/August Salary)
1 x Payment to BT for Village Hall WiFi (paid by DD on 28.082021) - £28.15

It was NOTED that: Payments approved by Councillors S Luxton, A Birmingham and R Tillett in accordance with the Financial Regulations
Thanks were given to Dave Bamford for sorting out the village hall WiFi.

The Council RESOLVED to purchase a plug in telephone for the village hall so that emergency calls could be made up to the value of £25.00

34/21 Cycleways Exe Valley Park

The Council had before it, and NOTED, a *report from Cllr Gallois on the prospects of a cycleway/footpath or bridleway between Brampford Speke and Stoke Cannon.

A member of the public present explained that they lived in Upton Pyne and would dearly like to see a cycleway between the village so that they could access the shop and post office in Stoke Cannon via bicycle rather than by car.

The Chairman explained that the Council was broadly in favour of a multi purpose route between the villages and that it would continue to explore the possibilities of such a scheme with both County and District Councillors and Officers. That the Parish Council alone, would not be able to finance and complete any works as this was County and District functions and would likely involve the formal adoption of such a route and the financing of it.

He explained that the Council would need to take into account the views of all parties, including those against such a scheme and landowners who would be impacted.

He confirmed that the Council would keep this as a standing item on the agenda and would continue to keep parishioners updated on any progress made.

It was AGREED to explore the removal of gates with DCC and the Footpath Warden with local landowners along the existing footpath to enable easier use by cyclists and wheelchair users.

Note* Report attached to the minutes

36/21 Other information/correspondence received for possible action/discussion/attendance

• Cllr R Tillett confirmed he would attend a virtual Highways conference and report back
• Cllr R Tillett explained that the Community Land Trust had held a meeting with a housing association re viability of a scheme and that they were due to meet with EDDC in late September. If EDDC agreed that the need for affordable housing as viable the next step would be a call for sites.
• Cllr R Tillett advised that he would circulate a draft of the next Speke Up submission

37/21 Next Meeting
Meeting finished at 8.50 pm. Next meeting 10th November 2021