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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 3rd July 2019 at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.

Present: Cllr S Luxton (Chairman), Cllr A Birmingham, Cllr E Hollingsworth and Cllr E Johns.

Apologies: Cllr R Tillett.

In Attendance: Jacqui Ward (Clerk), Cllrs S Randall-Johnson and R Bloxham (DCC) and 2 members of the public, Janine Gardner: Clerk to Cranbrook Town Council on behalf of Brampford Speke School

79/19 Apologies:

Cllr R Tillett.

80/19 Declarations of interest

None at this stage of the meeting

81/19 Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 5th June 2019

The minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 5th June 2019 were adopted as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman

Minutes 5th June 2019

82/19 Democratic period

1. Neighbourhood Watch: Cllr Birmingham said that due to other commitments those who had played an active part were no longer able to devote the time required on this scheme. He asked if the Clerk would take on this duty as administrator with two other parishioners to help co-ordinate the duties. The Clerk would primarily send out the appropriate emails while others would attend to the village residents. This will be an Agenda item for the meeting in September when Councillors will be able to report any concerns or issues and to decide whether to support this. The Clerk, if taking on this role, will report back to the Parish Council in due course if any extra hours are involved.

2. Brampford Speke Area: Toddlers: The Chair read out a letter of thanks to the Parish Council: Brampford Area toddlers is spending over £100 on a slide, toy kitchen, play mats, plastic food items, a toy till, stairgates and batteries. Many thanks to the Parish Council for their kind grant which is enabling the toddler group to continue to grow and replenish toys and equipment when needed.

83/19 Ongoing topics

1: Village Hall – the Chair has not been able to carry out the survey to date. Grit Box: for the September Agenda.

2: Footpaths & Verges- no update.

3: Trees – No update.

4: Highways & Traffic Management- it was reported that the problem with flooding at Nortons has been resolved. Highways have raised the road slightly to ensure that the water will now run away.

5: Chapel Road: Cllr Hollinsworth said she will be speaking on a more formal basis about the problem of parking.

6. Communications: The Clerk is making enquiries into various websites and more recently with Vision ICT, however, more research is required in order to make fair comparisons with costings and ease of setting up and so forth.

7. Telephone Box: The Clerk has received an email from BT stating that the phone box is now on their painting schedule and that they have also ordered a new door. This item to be kept on the Agenda under ‘Matters Arising’.

8. S106: This is ongoing: The Clerk will contact EDDC again to continue discussions regarding the criteria for funding. To discuss at the meeting in September.

9. Village Pub: it was stated that there is ‘an offer on the table’. No further information. To be kept on the Agenda under ‘Matters Arising’.

84/19 Standing Orders

The Parish Council want to re-appraise the existing standing orders against the new standards coming out. The Clerk to arrange a meeting with Cllrs Birmingham and Tillett.

85/19 East Devon District Council

No report.

86/19 Devon County Council

1. The report on Broadband has been circulated to Councillors.

2. Gigaclear: there will be a report at the end of July.

3. Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue: Cllr R-Johnson said that they are particularly interested in home protection: prevention is important. She suggested that the Parish Council respond and ask to see the prevention scheme. All agreed: The Clerk to respond.

To place in Speke-Up.

87/19 Planning:

Land North of Nortons, Thorverton: a site meeting was held on Monday 10th June at 7pm. The minutes were approved and signed by those Councillors present. Cllr Fletcher-Neal to sign. The Clerk to arrange.

88/19 Financial matters

• Account Summary for July 2019
• Expenses to approve and pay:
• 1 x to Jacqui Ward (June)

It was proposed and seconded to approve the above. The invoices/receipts were signed by Cllrs Luxton and Birmingham.

Accounting Statement June 2019

89/19 Other information:

Grant Applications:

The Church: have asked for a grant of £500 from the Parish Council. A discussion took place and questions were asked regarding the contributions toward this from the Church. The costings for various items were also looked at. DCC Councillors confirmed that a contribution should be made. Cllr Birmingham asked the Clerk to check the terms of the Grant Application form and to add ‘what other fund-raising activities have been carried out?’
It was pointed out that throughout the year fund raising takes place by the Church, therefore, it was proposed and seconded that a grant of £452.00 be given.

The School:

2 applications have been submitted: for equipment for sports and playground and for an artist to visit the School in September. It was pointed out that fund raising activities were carried out throughout the year by the School PTA. Cllrs Johns and Hollingsworth proposed and seconded to support the School. A sum of £500 for each application has been requested. The second application for an artist was discussed and debated. It was proposed and seconded and with a vote and a show of hands: to allow a grant of £500 for play and sports equipment only: unanimous. This was considered value for money for the Village. Janine will forward an email from the Headmistress to the Clerk.

NB: Cllr Birmingham asked the Church and the School to inform the Parish Council how the funds are being spent.

The Church will take before and after photos of the Belfry. It was suggested that a visit should be arranged for the Parish Council.

Cllr Johns said that arrangements should be in place for the checking of the School equipment supplies. The School will send a report back in 6 months.

90/19 WI FI:

For the Village Hall: for the benefit of the residents. It was suggested that a TV screen be set up for residents and the School. Cllr Birmingham said this should be put to the Village Hall Trust. Cllr Johns to take this suggestion to them. DCC have funds for WI FI. DCC Locality funding also. EDDC have a specific grant of up to £5,000. To keep this item on the Agenda.

91/19 Footpath Warden:

Cllr Birmingham asked the Clerk to invite him to future Parish Council meetings.

92/19 Matters Arising:
• Village Pub
• Phone Box
• Village Hall: WI FI

93/19 Next meeting:

The meeting closed at 9.10pm.

The next meeting will be Wednesday 4th September 2019 at 7.30pm, Village Hall