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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on Wednesday 3rd March 2021
at 7.30pm via a Zoom virtual meeting

Present: Cllr S Luxton (Chairman), Cllr R Tillett, Cllr W Honan, Cllr A Birmingham (Vice-Chairman), Cllr W Gallois and Cllr N Vickers

In Attendance: Carole Oliphant (Clerk), DCC Cllr Sara Randall Johnson

64/20 Apologies:
Cllr E Hollingsworth gave apologies

65/20 Declarations of interest
None at this stage of the meeting

66/20 Minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 6th January 2021
Were agreed as a true record and virtually SIGNED by the Chairman

67/20 Public Question Time

No members of the public were present

68/20 Ongoing Topics

Communications – Cllrs R Tillett and N Vickers advised that there were now 110 subscribers to the village email and various correspondence had been sent

Highways – Cllr R Tillett advised that numerous gritting runs had been completed
69/20 DCC Update
Cllr S Randall-Johnson updated Members on the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic and that the vaccine roll out was underway and restrictions may be lifting soon

70/20 EDDC Update
Cllr F King had provided Members with his update.

71/20 Financial items:
Council had before it and NOTED the account summary detailing payments and receipts to 31st January 2021

Council NOTED that the following expenses were authorised and paid since the last meeting on 6th January 2021

• Expenses approved for payment:
2 x Payments to Carole Oliphant (January & February Salary)
2 x Payments to HMRC (January & February Salary)
1 x Payment BSNHW - £50
1 x Payment MDDC Mobility – £100- Community Grant

Members NOTED that the payments were authorised by email by the Chairman, Cllr A Birmingham and Cllr R Tillett in line with the Financial Regulations.

72/20 Community Land Trust

The Parish Council discussed and AGREED to support the Community Land Trust commission a Housing Needs Survey.

Members request sight of the survey before it was distributed to residents.

(Proposed by the Chairman)

73/20 Church Path

The Parish Council AGREED to pursue S106 funds to resurface Church Path.

The Clerk was tasked with liaising with the Footpath Warden to obtain quotes and to claims S106 funding from EDDC.

(Proposed by the Chairman)

Note: Cllr Luxton declared a personal interest as his development had contributed to S106 funds

74/20 Parking Issues

The Parish Council considered a request from local residents to provide parking cones to help alleviate parking issues.

The Parish Council AGREED to purchase a number of cones for use by residents up to a maximum of £200.

(proposed by the Chairman)

Note: Cllr N Vickers declared a personal interest as she would be using the cones for her property

75/20 Local Plan

The Parish Council AGREED for the Clerk to respond to the Local Plan Consultation.

Proposed by the Chairman)

76/20 Annual Parish Meeting

The Parish Council RESOLVED to postpone the Annual Parish Meeting until May 2021 so that it could be held in person.

(Proposed by the Chairman)

77/20 Speke Up

Cllr R Tillett agreed to submit the Parish Council’s update each month.

78/20 Next Meeting

Meeting finished at 9.01pm. Next meeting 21st April 2021