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Minutes of the of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 4th July 2018 at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.

Present: Cllr S Luxton(Chairman), Cllr R Tillett, Cllr M Merrett, Cllr J Gibson, Cllr E Hollingsworth and Cllr E Johns

In Attendance: Carole Oliphant (Clerk), Cllr R Bloxham (DCC), and 1 member of the public

88/18 Apologies

Apology received from A Birmingham. Resolved to accept this apology.

Apologies also received from Cllr S Randal-Johnson (DCC) and Cllr S Grundy (EDDC)

89/18 Declarations of interest


90/18 Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 6th June 2018

The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 6th June 2018 were adopted as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman

Minutes 6th June 2018

91/18 Democratic period

There were no issues raised by members of the public during the Democratic Period

92/18 Ongoing topics

1: Village Hall –

• Cllrs Merrett & Tillett reported a successful cream tea in which £186 was raised. 30/ 7/2018 was the AGM & 19 questionnaires had been returned

2: Footpaths & Verges -
• Cllr Gibson will look at routes in the summer for additional signage and the kissing gate. She had followed up with Richard Spurway about the first cut of the footpaths which she reported was imminent.
• There was a general discussion about Lake Bridge and Cllr Luxton agreed to make repairs
• Cllr Johns had asked local’s in village but they didn’t have the equipment to cut the verge. He had contacted a contractor from Thorverton who had completed a cut. The group decided that two cuts would be good enough per year and there was £600 in the budget and that the work done was an adequate standard. Thomas Gilbard would be instructed to continue with the next cut. Agreed to start at 30 mph sign one of the end of the village
and go to the other 30mph sign. Agreed second cut in September.
• Cllr Hollingsworth would keep on chasing the contractor to replace the posts on Station Hill.
• Cllr Birmingham had provided a report on the strimming training and Ed Sanders confirmed that the training was adequate. There a general discussion on whether volunteers are the way to go or to pay a contractor to complete the works. Volunteers would need to complete risk assessment for each job. Confirmed £800 in
budget for P3. It was agreed that Cllr Gibson would ask Stephen Hunter and James Ayre for quotations to strim the paths. The group decided to make a decision in September on which way forward to go with regard to footpath strimming.

3: Trees
• Nothing has happened about the village tree. There was a suggestion that piece put in Speke Up asking the village if they wish to come forward and sort something about by the end of March (planting seasons)
• Cllr Hollingsworth had raised £90 from the Bat walk towards the grass cutting around the WW1 trees. Council agreed that a second cut of the WW1 trees could go ahead and Cllr Hollingsworth would instruct Four Seasons to complete the works

4: Highways & Traffic Management
• Cllr Tillett advised that the surface dressing of Burridge was imminent 

• Cllr Luxton confirmed that he would arrange the Section 8 Training for himself and Ed Sanders in the Autumn
• Stripper Stones. The PC agreed in principle in May to push back the verge. Plainnings could be made available and Cllr Tillett would chase Helen Shelby to get some delivered to Cllr Luxtons yard. Cllr Luxton would complete the works when the plainings had been delivered.

5: Antisocial Behaviour
• Cllr Gibson and Cllr Merrett had searched the internet regarding any mention of Wild Swimming but couldn’t find anything. One website found which referenced the village and the group agreed to contact the website and ask them to take the reference down. They would send the details to the clerk to deal with.
• Cllr Hollingsworth said she had bumped into people in the village and parishioners had been complaining about the drunken behaviour but they didn’t want to do anything about it. Reports of hay bales being thrown in the river. Issue is that people don’t want to officially complain.
• Member of the public present relayed another dog attack at Red Rock about 3 weeks ago. Reported it to EDDC Dog Warden and she is going to contact the owners of the dog. Thinks that people generally are not being considerate. Cllr Merrett reported another attack which was on the Brampford Speke facebook page. The group felt that the PC should provide details of what to do when a dog attack takes place and encourage people to report it.
• The group discussed putting signs in the village of what to do with both antisocial behaviour and dog attacks. Cllr Bloxham pointed out that the procedure was available on the EDDC website and it was agreed that the details would be put onto the PC website. It was agreed to form a working party or to form dog owners group
from both councillors and parishioners that would discuss the issues and decide on a course of action. The group agreed that a village email would be sent out to contact Cllr Hollingsworth to be the lead contact.
• Council requested a representative from the police to attend a future meeting of the PC to discuss antisocial behaviour.

6: Community Engagement
• Cllr Gibson said she had an idea for the Newsletter and would work on it over the summer. Cllrs agreed to send Cllr Gibson photo’s and provide a short overview for inclusion. Cllr Gibson will provide a draft for discussion at the September Meeting. Cllr Gibson will also look at designing a logo for the Parish Council.

93/18 East Devon District Council

No update

94/18 Devon County Council

• Cllr Bloxham’s written report was NOTED. No questions were raised.

95/18 Planning


96/18 Financial matters

The Clerk’s financial reports were all noted with thanks (appendix 1)

Payments were approved for:
• The Clerk

The authorisations were signed by Cllr Luxton and Cllr Tillett.

Accounting Statements June 2018

97/18 Governance

• The group considered a verbal report from Cllr Merritt on the costs and procedures for adopting council emails for each Councillor to comply with GDPR regulations.
• Discussion took place regarding found a domain name with up to 10 users. Cost £118 pa 1st year, 2nd year £720 per year.
• He explained that Email addresses could be provided with the current website and provide an email for 10 people and the costs are lower. Or the PC could do the free option of gmail accounts which follow the same format.
• The PC agreed that the Clerk would set up gmail email addresses and send them to all councillors.
• Cllr Merrett advised that the PC could take over the website and would bring a report to the September meeting about costing.

98/18 Other information

• The group discussed the changes to street lighting in the village and Cllr Hollingsworth advised she had spoken to DCC and that new low energy lights would be installed but the post didn’t need to be changed. No further action required

99/18 Next meeting

The meeting closed at 9.10pm.

The next meeting would be Wednesday 5th September 2018 at 7.30pm, Village Hall