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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 4th September 2019 at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.

Present: Cllr S Luxton (Chairman), Cllr R Tillett, Cllr E Hollingsworth and Cllr E Johns.

Apologies: Cllr A Birmingham.

In Attendance: Jacqui Ward (Clerk), EDDC Cllr F King and Mr. Will Honan.

95/19 Apologies:

Cllr A Birmingham.

96/19 Declarations of interest

None at this stage of the meeting.

97/19 Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 3rd July 2019

The minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 3rd July 2019 were adopted as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman.

Minutes 3rd July 2019

98/19 Democratic period

1. Flooding: Cllr Hollingsworth said that the heavy rain had flooded the access to the pub which borders Daisy cottage. The water has accumulated in the road opposite Daisy Cottage. It was agreed to dig out part of the verge in order to allow the water into the soak away ditch behind. Cllr Luxton said he would attend to this.

2. EDDC email: Invite to event on October 24th 2019: improving communications between the voluntary and statutory sectors at Ottery St Mary. This was read out and the Clerk passed around to the Councillors.

99/19 Co-option:

Will Honan who has applied to become a Councillor on the Parish Council after the Parish Council had previously advertised for this post. It was proposed and seconded to co-opt Will onto the Parish Council. The Clerk gave him two forms to complete: The Declaration of Acceptance of Office which was completed and signed by Will and the Clerk and the Register of Interest form to be completed and returned to EDDC in due course. The Clerk to inform EDDC. The Clerk to send the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations and the Code of Conduct to Will.

100/19 East Devon District Council

Report from Cllr F King:

• Climate Change: this is at the top of the EDDC Agenda.
• Community Grant Panel: a new facility for crowd funding application is now being used and workshops are to be conducted. Check this under ED grants on their website.
• Traffic Volumes on the A377: Exeter/Cowley/Crediton road: there is concern about this caused by Mid Devon Housing Development. Cllr King has asked EDDC to help with the cross-boundary complications to see if traffic volumes are expected to increase on this route and if so, what source is considered in the forecast.
• Burridge Road: Cllr Tillett said that the police have assessed the abandoned car on this road and have concluded it should be removed. Cllr Tillett asked if Cllr King would be able to help. Cllr King said he would look into getting the car moved.
Cllr King left at 7.45pm.

101/19 Ongoing topics:

1: Village Hall – the outside has been re-painted by volunteers.
WIFI: Cllr Tillett said that the Village Hall Trust said this was too expensive for them to take on but have no objections to the Parish Council doing so. There is concern about using a heavy screen with regard to damage and other problems. This would become a Parish Council asset if taken on and would need to be insured and maintained. The Clerk to obtain funding information from DCC and EDDC. The Clerk pointed out the following areas for funding: DCC have funds for WI FI. DCC Locality funding also. EDDC have a specific grant of up to £5,000.

Cllr Johns said the Parish Council to set this up and explore the installation of WIFI and regarding the screen: to closely look into the mounting of this and storing. It was agreed to send a written proposal to the Village Hall Trust when the Parish Council receives more news on WIFI.

Grit Box: waiting for response from DCC.

2: Footpaths & Verges- Thanks were given to our Footpath Warden, Wynn Stait, for all his hard work on the footpaths. The Clerk said a grant had been paid into the Parish Council Footpath Account for £1,300 for works to be carried out. The Chair asked the Clerk to chase this up in due course.
Verges: Cllr Johns said that the cutting had not been done since the Spring but that the verges look well and not gone to seed. It was agreed that the cutting should go ahead in the next couple of days. Cllr Tillett referred to the email from Cllr Bloxham of DCC regarding wildflower verges and asked if there were grants for this from DCC. The Chair and Cllr Johns to look into this. To also discuss with Cllr Bloxham at the meeting in October.

3: Trees – the World War One trees by the river footbridge are in good condition and one more cut is required around these trees.

4: Highways & Traffic Management- Cllr Tillett said that Pynes Hill has been re-surfaced.

5: Chapel Road: Cllr Hollinsworth said that 21 households were approached and that 11 had replied. They were from people who park here and 10 were in favour and one not in favour. It was suggested that a survey be conducted of the whole Village. The Clerk drew attention to the fact Cllr Hollingsworth has an interest to declare here, which she accordingly did. It was suggested that she has another ‘lead’ for this project to help her. The Parish Council is supportive in principal; however, they cannot lead on this and Cllr Tillett said he would place a piece in the Speke-Up magazine. To look at the Sandford Model. To discuss at the meeting in October.

6. Communications: this is ongoing and the Clerk is still making enquiries into costs and ISPs. EDDC do not host Parish Council websites. To report back at the meeting in October.

7. S106: The Clerk reiterated how the funds should be spent as outlined previously by the Planning Obligation Officer at EDDC. The Parish Council asked that the Clerk speak again to the Officer and obtain up to date information.

8. Community Grant Application Form: section asking for information on any other fund-raising activities: The Clerk reported that the original form does contain a section asking for this information, therefore, no amendment is required.

102/19 Standing Orders

Cllrs Birmingham and Tillett have reviewed these and the Financial Regulations, (now updated version sent by the Clerk for August 2019), and the Code of Conduct. The Clerk was asked to update the 2015 edition of the Standing Orders as set by the Parish Council where it differs from the 2018 edition. The same applies to the Financial Regulations from the 2016 to the 2019 edition. The Clerk to meet with the Chair to create a draft to be checked at the October meeting.

103/19 Neighbourhood Watch

It was agreed that the Clerk forward emails only and not to take on extra work. It was suggested that other volunteers be found to assist the people who are currently giving their time on this project. Cllr Hollingsworth to speak with them and for a piece to go into Speke-Up to ask for volunteers. To discuss at the meeting in October.

104/19 Devon County Council

Cllr Ray Bloxham had sent various emails which the Clerk forwarded to all Councillors regarding grants and crowd funding and wildflower verges, (as discussed under Item 101/19 2). The Clerk forwarded one on funds specifically related to village halls to the Village Hall representatives.

105/19 Planning:

19/1845/TCA: 3, The Orchard, Brampford Speke: regarding reducing the height and size of trees. Cllr Hollingsworth advised contacting the Tree Officer at EDDC. The Clerk to do this.

Any other planning applications since posting the Agenda: none received.

106/19 Financial matters

• Expenses to approve and pay:
• 1 x to Jacqui Ward (July & August Salary)
• 1 x Jacqui Ward Extra hours.
• 1x to Jacqui Ward (Travel Expenses)
• 1x to BSVH: Grant for 2019 – 20.
• 1x to PCC of St Peter’s Church: Grant awarded by the Parish Council.

The authorisations were signed by Cllr Luxton and Cllr Tillett.

Accounting Statement August 2019

107/19 Other information/correspondence received for possible action/discussion/attendance

None received.

108/19 Matters Arising:
• Telephone Box
• Village Hall WIFI

109/19 Visit to the Church Tower

It was agreed to visit this Saturday the 7th September at 9am. The Clerk to inform Fern.

110/19 Next meeting:

The meeting closed at 9.15pm.

The next meeting will be Wednesday 2nd October 2019 at 7.30pm, Village Hall