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Minutes of the of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 5th June 2019 at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.


Present: Cllr S Luxton (Chairman), Cllr A Birmingham, Cllr E Hollingsworth, Cllr R Tillett Cllr E Johns and Cllr L Fletcher Neal.

Apologies: none.

In Attendance: Jacqui Ward (Clerk), Cllr F King (EDDC), Cllrs S Randall-Johnson and R Bloxham (DCC) and 5 members of the public. Footpath Warden: Wynn Stait.

65/19 Apologies: none

The Chair welcomed the new Clerk, Jacqui Ward.

66/19 Declarations of interest

None at this stage of the meeting

67/19 Minutes of the AGM held on Wednesday 15th May 2019

The minutes of the Parish Council AGM of 15th May 2019 were adopted as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman

Minutes 15th May 2019

68/19 Democratic period

• The Parish Council asked the Clerk to write and thank the previous Clerk, Carole Oliphant, for her work on the Parish Council over the last 3 years.

69/19 Ongoing topics

1: Village Hall – the Chair will organise a survey with particular attention to the cladding. It was suggested that a sign be erected for the Village Hall on the roadside, however, this may require planning permission. It was suggested that the door be painted and to creosote the walls. The grit bin requires more salt as the present contents have hardened. There is a loose paving slab which needs to be repaired.

A Community Grant form is in the process of being completed to ask for funds to replace the Hall doors.

2: Footpaths & Verges- Wynn Stait has surveyed some areas of the path network and has identified a number of issues needing attention. He asked what the role involves and Cllr Ed Johns give him the footpath maps. The Parish Council will deal with some of these issues and will liaise with DCC about anything outstanding. It was suggested that if people wished to act as volunteers to please contact Wynn, the clerk or any of the councillors.

The Clerk will put Wynn in touch with Ros Davies at P3 DCC. He could the set up a meeting with her in due course.

Cllr Johns said the work on the verges had been completed.

3: Trees – No Update. Cllr Hollingsworth said all was well

4: Highways & Traffic Management- no update.

5: Chapel Street: Cllr Hollingsworth is to speak with residents and will feedback at the meeting in July.

6. Communications: it was proposed and seconded that the Clerk make enquiries as to the costings of setting up a Parish Council website and to obtain advice also from Mac Merrett.

7. Telephone Box: the Clerk has contacted BT who will re-paint the call box and replace the glass once photographs have been taken and sent to them. The Clerk said this was essential as it would speed up the process. Cllr Fletcher - Neal kindly said she would take the photos and send to the Clerk.

8. S106: this is ongoing: to discuss at the meeting in July.

9. Village Pub: the Chair said there was no update so far from EDDC planning. There are at present three potential trade buyers, two have offered close to the asking price. It was stated that a Working Group has been set up and they asked if the Parish Council would consider helping to fund the start-up costs. They have approached the Plunkett Trust. They make 3 points:

1. That the Parish Council keep this as a regular Agenda item: they will report progress to BSPC.
2. For BSPC to keep ‘an open mind’ regarding the registration of the pub as a Community Asset: they are not pressing for this at the present time.
3. Would BSPC be willing to fund a Start Up Grant to be granted outside of the usual Community Grant? £75 is required to join the Plunkett Fund. A sum of £400 was estimated and proof will be given that the funds will be spent appropriately. The Chair asked that this be an Agenda item for July under ‘Finance’ and that the Group to please provide a list of proposed expenditure before the next meeting.

Cllr Hollingsworth asked what were the advantages and disadvantages of the pub becoming a Community Asset. It was stated that in both cases it is run as a business; however, in the case of it becoming a Community Asset, volunteers would run the bar.

Cllr Tillett suggested crowd-funding to be considered for the Start-Up funding. To appeal to the Village community for funding.

Cllr Bloxham said that in his report there are three new DCC funding streams for various sums and one for up to £300 and crowd funding for larger amounts. He advised the Working Group to go to the DCC website and to ‘Making the Connection.’

The Chair asked for further comments. None given. They left the meeting at 8.05pm.

70/19 Certificate of Local Council Administration

CiLCA: the Parish Council proposed and seconded to share the cost of £250 with Upton Pyne and Cowley Parish Council. The Clerk to organise commencing the course with either DALC or SLCC.

71/19 Standing Orders

Standing Orders: the Parish Council want to look into the possibility of reducing these and also asked the Clerk to check the financial regulations. For discussion at the meeting in July.

72/19 Action Log

It was proposed and seconded to have an ongoing item on the Agenda entitled ‘Matters Arising’ in order to keep a record of all ongoing matters such as S106 and S137 funding with the initials or name of the Councillor who is dealing with it. Once an item has been completed it will be closed.

73/19 East Devon District Council

The Chair welcomed new EDDC Cllr Fabian King. Cllr King asked what the Parish Council will expect from him in his role. At present he has no official report. He gave an overview of the various political groups. He said he wanted to work on several points including:
1. Development: housing
2. Exclusion:
a) transport
b) broadband
c) Poverty
He spoke of the large amount of housing development in East Devon. He is to look into plans for this area, known as the’ North West Quadrant’ and asked that this be a two-way enterprise between himself and the Parish Council.

Cllr King will forward a funding list to the Clerk. It was suggested this be put onto the website.

74/19 Devon County Council

Cllrs Randall-Johnson and Bloxham had sent a general report which the Clerk forwarded to all Councillors. Nothing of local news to note.

75/19 Planning:
It was proposed and seconded to approve the minutes of the site meeting held at Milton Lodge and signed by those Councillors who were present. The Clerk notified EDDC planning with the Parish Council’s comments.

Land North of Nortons, Thorverton: a site meeting is required. This will take place on Monday 10th June at 7pm. Cllr Fletcher Neal, Luxton Johns and Birmingham to attend. The Clerk to post up notices and on the website.

76/19 Financial matters

• Account Summary for June 2019
• Expenses to approve and pay:
• 1 x to Jacqui Ward (May)
• 1x to Cllr Luxton
• 1x DALC
• 1x Carole Oliphant (May)
• 1x Cllr Hollingsworth (May)
• 1x Cllr Tillett (May)
It was proposed and seconded to approve all the above. The invoices were signed. Please Note: no invoice for Cllr Luxton: to bring to the meeting in July.

Accounting Statements May 2019

77/19 Other information:

Community Grant Fund: the Parish Council has received applications from St Peter's Church and the school and will be discussing these at our July meeting. The Clerk was asked to contact the above to ask for more details and costings and their contributions and to invite them to the next meeting in July.

New Councillor: the Chair welcomed Cllr Lucinda Fletcher Neal. The Clerk asked for the completion of the Acceptance of Office form, duly completed and signed by both Cllr Fletcher- Neal and the Clerk. The Register of Interest Form had also been completed and signed by Cllr Fletcher - Neal, the Clerk to send to EDDC.

July Agenda: to discuss WIFI in the Village Hall.

Village Pub: it was proposed and seconded to defer a decision until DCC £300 option had been explored and decided upon.

78/19 Next meeting
The meeting closed at 9.20pm.

The next meeting will be Wednesday 3rd July 2019 at 7.30pm, Village Hall.