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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on
Wednesday 6th July 2022
at 7.30pm at the Village Hall

Present: Cllr A Birmingham, Cllr S Luxton, Cllr R Tillett, Cllr Will Honan, Cllr B Hillson
In Attendance: Tracy Watkins (Clerk), 12 members of the public, Stuart Wass (Chair of CLT) and Julia Corbett (Director and Secretary of CLT)

17/22 Apologies
Cllr N Vickers, Cllr E Hollingsworth, Cllr J Kemp (EDDC), Cllr S Randall Johnson (DCC) and Cllr H Gent (DCC)

18/22 Declarations of interest

19/22 Minutes

The minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 4th May 2022 were agreed as a true record and SIGNED by the Chairman

20/22 Public Question Time

Cllr Tillett raised an issue with a drone flying over the village. Several reports. This is a breach of privacy and also anti-social behaviour. Apparently, no tight regulations but is an offence to fly a drone within 50 metres of a person, property or social gathering. Doubt this is an estate agent. Agreed to put in Speke Up in the first instance to see if anyone comes forward or can throw some light on who may be flying the drone. BSPC have no powers to do anything.

21/22 Community Land Trust

The Chair gave some background to the proposed scheme at Long View (Paws A While):
• There have been several attempts to set up an affordable housing scheme in the village which have spanned several years
• Now have an opportunity to look at the site at Lake Downs to see how scheme has evolved and apply any learnings from this project
• Housing Needs Survey (HNS) was commissioned in early 2021
• The outcomes of the HNS were discussed at a Council meeting in July 2021 and Councillors were of the view at that time that there was not enough support to progress a proposal
• Since then, the CLT have looked at various site options across Cowley, Upton Pyne and Brampford Speke, the Long View site now being seen as the most favourable
• Public consultation meetings were held in Upton Pyne on 6 June 2022 and in Brampford Speke on 15 June 2022 to discuss the concepts for the proposed scheme at Long View

The Chair summarised the key points raised at the meeting on 15 June 2022:
• The biggest number of concerns were about general access, road and safety issues
• Flooding at the top end of the road near to Paws A While
• Increase in traffic; 9 affordable and 3 open properties with average of 1.4 cars per household
• Parking concerns outside the school gates but possible offset with more children registering on the school roll
• Viability of the infrastructure to support; limited transport and buses, no GP practice, no village shop or post office
• Footpath availability
• Access issues – possible hedge removal to allow access
• Light pollution concerns
• Design concepts, how this was put together. CLT representatives confirmed this is just a concept at the moment
• Questions raised as to how the community site area will be used and managed/owned in the future
• Building site traffic and works vehicles – narrow lanes and five blind bends and significant levels of distribution within the village during building phases
• What criteria was used for deciding on the 5 other sites that were dismissed
• Questions around the criteria of how the housing is applied for, distributed and the definition applied to ‘Affordable’-there is lack of clarity on these issues
• Possibly 3 to 4 years to complete the scheme
It is the feeling of the Parish Council that there are some challenges with the scheme that need to be worked through.
Julia Corbett (JC) gave the following update:
• The information provided in the CLT’s proposal displays the benefits of affordable housing
• 3 families in Brampford Speke were identified as in need of affordable housing
• Consideration also needs to focus on other areas affected and not just transport and infrastructure, e.g. possible loss of children from the local school if the families have to move elsewhere, leading to potential school closure
• JC asked if the Parish Council had spoken to the school about issues with parking? - yes on several occasions
Stuart Wass (SW) added:
• This is the third Housing Needs Survey completed and 79% responders who answered were in favour of a small development of affordable housing in the area
• The proposed layout of the scheme was discussed
• Doesn’t believe transport problems will be as bad as people think. People will choose to use the better routes in the area, i.e. via Upton Pyne, Starved Oak Cross. It is anticipated that 3 or 4 families may use the routes to and from school; they may already live in the village
• An entrance and access road could be built by the allotments to encourage residents to use the northern route
Questions and comments from Councillors
• Cllr Honan asked if the number of residences are set. Could they be apartments instead of houses? As this is still a concept- yes- the type of dwellings can be changed. Is this a carbon zero project? SW advised he didn’t know but it would be as close as they could get, with high insulation and solar power for heating and the site also offers a good opportunity to put new hedging in
• Cllr Hillson said feelings about the scheme gave polarizing views. Is there a party that can take the middle ground and lay out a non-biased view? SW felt EDDC Planning would be this middle ground as they have very strict regulations to abide by
• Cllr Tillett declared he has been a member of CLT since its inception. He is not a committee member or Director. He would broadly support the scheme as the village needs it. He would encourage the Parish Council to support it
• Cllr Luxton felt a scheme that is located half a mile outside of the village is not going to integrate the residents into the village. There is also no service infrastructure on the site, including telecoms, sewage, electric or transport. Has this been costed? SW advised not costed yet as still in concept stages and cannot go ahead with costing until the Parish Council has given support to the scheme. The CLT would then go to the Housing Association to get costings prepared as it is the Housing Association funds being invested. JC reiterated the CLT could not go ahead without the Parish Council’s support
• The current ratio of affordable to open market housing used is 5:1
• Cllr Vickers is broadly supportive of the scheme but also has concerns around road safety issues, especially for walkers
• Cllr Hollingsworth is in favour of affordable housing. It has to be balanced with the needs of current residents. She wanted to know if DCC Highways would be consulted. Current infrastructure won’t be able to support this scheme. What is happening with the kennel site? Could this not be used?
Public comments and questions to CLT:
• What guarantee is there that people in the village will get one of the homes? JC confirmed Section 106 criteria applies and takes priority and 3 families have been identified in Brampford Speke that qualify
• Transport is already a nightmare with narrow country lanes, walkers and children playing. CLT claims that 79% in favour of scheme on survey but there was only a 29% uptake so this makes CLT figure not valid
• You can’t compare this site with Lakes Down as it is a completely different site. The argument about bringing new children to the school does not hold water as the families are already in the village and their children go to the school. There has been a big influx of families recently so the problem is not pupil numbers at the school. This argument should not be used
• Owner of a house with historic railings concerned these will get damaged again and have to be rebuilt with delivery lorries going up and down the Sandy Lane
In summary, the Chair noted that the decision being sought now is whether Council are able to support the proposal or not. It is apparent that Councillors generally support the concept of affordable housing, but there appear to be significant concerns around the site that has been proposed. At the present time, Councillors also do not have a broad enough picture of local views or opinion to make a fair and reasonable decision. The Council therefore is not at a stage to decide tonight. The Chair proposed that as there are many evolving issues still to be discussed, and as the broader opinions of residents are yet to be sought, that Councillors take the comments away from this meeting and seek the further opinions needed over the coming weeks, in readiness for the next Council meeting in September. At the next meeting the Council will need to decide whether to support the proposal or not. Cllr Luxton and Cllr Hillson supported this proposal.
SW (CLT) – It would be good for more residents from Brampford Speke to join the CLT.
Cllr Tillett – no matter what happens this will come back as a planning application and it will have to be decided then. Cllr Tillett disagreed with decision to wait until September meeting.
The Chair encouraged members of the public to feed back any comments and views on the proposed development.
The Chair invited the CLT to come forward with any other potential development sites for exploration, but noted that the Council would not support any sites that had previously been proposed in the village and subsequently withdrawn.

22/22 Lead Councillor Updates

Highways & Traffic Management – (Cllr Tillett)
Not much to report. Mr Peter Stewart has kindly agreed to take over as Road/Snow Warden. This has been formerly handed over to Devon Highways. There is plenty of grit stock left. Suggestion that Mr Stewart attends PC meetings when available
BSVHT – (Cllrs Tillett & Honan)
Thanks to Cllr Honan for pursuing the Village Hall planning application process. The Bat Survey found no evidence of bats but some of nesting birds. Wait to see what EDDC Planning Department says about this before proceeding with any other formal reports. If insulation lagging in roof is insufficient, then Building Regulations would need to be applied for and this could cost between £500 - £1000. Cllr Luxton will call a contact in Building Control to find out more information. Cllr Honan will ask Cllr Jamie Kemp (EDDC) to chase where application is. Cllr Hillson offered to go into roof space and check lagging. It was confirmed that one quote was obtained and used for the purposes of the bat survey. This was due to a number of reasons, including time constraints, plus the contractors were very flexible in allowing volunteers to help with the survey and therefore reducing costs. Having reviewed this, the Council have deemed it necessary for all future works to obtain 3 quotes in order to guarantee best value for money. The contractors work would not be able to commence until September after the nesting season
Planning – (Cllr Honan)
No new applications. No news on the application outcome for the pub. Still showing as ‘waiting decision’ on the planning portal. Cllr Honan will contact Cllr Jamie Kemp and ask him to enquire about the pub planning application.
Verges – (Cllr Luxton)
Need to be cut back. Cllr Luxton will contact the contractors. Proposal from Cllr Tillett to include an area under an oak tree. Highways still hasn’t completed all the visibility work. Cllr Tillett will contact them
Communications – (Cllr Vickers)
Carried forward as Cllr Vickers is not attending this meeting
Trees and Natural Environment – (Cllr Hollingsworth)
Nothing to report.
Footpaths (including items from the Footpath Warden) – (Cllr B Hillson)
Behind schedule with cutting which will commence again at the end of the week. Station Hill has been cleared. Stoke Canon footpath is on-going, Cllr Hillson will consult with Cllr Gent (DCC) and also access specialists for advice regarding disabled access to the footpath. Station Hill drainage channel improvement will not happen at the moment due to strain on finances
Finance – Cllr A Birmingham
Due to BSVH re-roofing costs we are having to draw on reserves to cover the extra amounts. Chair proposed that Councillors look at their projects to ensure efficiencies
See discussions point 21/22.

East Devon District Councillor update
Nothing to report to the Council. A member of the public asked if the Parish Council could pass on thanks for finding a placement for a child locally when the family couldn’t obtain help from DCC.

County Councillor update
Cllr Gent had nothing to report but requested he be kept informed about the Stoke Canon footpath. Thanks to Cllr Randall Johnson for her update which the Chair read out as she was unable to attend the meeting.

Financial Items
The account summary to June 30th 2022 (previously approved by Cllr A Birmingham) was NOTED.
It was NOTED that the following payments were approved remotely in accordance with Financial Regulations
To note the following payments were approved remotely in accordance with Financial Regulations:

2 x Payments to Tracy Watkins (May and June Salary)
2 x Payments to HMRC (May and June Salary)
2 x payments to BT for Village Hall Wifi (paid by DD 30.5.22 -£31.22 & 28.06.22 - £31.67)
1 x payment to DALC for Parish Council membership - £82.52 (10.05.22)
1 x payment to Clerk for IT equipment- £82.99 (26.04.22)
1 x payment to Moneysoft for Payroll Software - £90.00 (7.6.22)
1 x payment to SLCC for annual membership - £106.00 (10.05.22)
1 x payment to N Vickers as reimbursement for flowers for retiring Clerk – £30.00 (7.6.22)
3 x payments to EDDC for Planning application fee and site plan for Village Hall roof repairs- £149.20 (25.06.22), £33.46 (24.05.22) and £40 (13.05.22)
1 x payment to SLCC for CILCA qualification course for Clerk - £410 (1.6.22)

Village Hall
Refer to update given in point 22/22 above.

Other information/correspondence received for possible action/ discussion/attendance /action items pending or carried forward
• Abandoned greenhouse, entrance to FP15 – safety and hazard concerns raised. Members of the public have asked what the PC can do. Need to speak to EDDC to report a dangerous building. Parish Clerk to action
• New road/snow warden – discussed in point 6 above
• Speke Up submissions – to include problems with drones, CLT update, encourage residents to express their views on affordable housing proposals and register Peter Stewart as new Snow/Road Warden

Next Meeting
• Meeting closed at 9.15 pm. Next Meeting on Wednesday 7th September 2022 – Village Hall