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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on
Wednesday 7th September 2022
at 7.30pm at the Village Hall

Present: Cllr A Birmingham (Chair), Cllr S Luxton, Cllr R Tillett, Cllr Will Honan, Cllr B Hillson and Cllr E Hollingsworth
In Attendance: Cllr J Kemp (EDDC), Tracy Watkins (Clerk), 16 members of the public and Stuart Wass (Chair of CLT).

29/22 Apologies
Cllr N Vickers, Cllr S Randall Johnson (DCC) and Cllr H Gent (DCC)

30/22 Declarations of interest

31/22 Minutes

The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 6th July 2022 were agreed as a true record and SIGNED by the Chairman

32/22 Public Question Time
No questions were asked by the public present.

33/22 Agricultural Inn

The Chair welcomed the owners of the pub to the meeting.
They have been invited to attend the meeting primarily to discuss the parking problems caused in the village on the Sunday of the August Bank Holiday. This was primarily due to a function being held at the pub and the number of people that attended. The Parish Council has received a number of complaints by residents regarding irresponsible parking, problems to traffic flow, safety concerns around emergency service vehicles not being able to access certain parts of the village, abusive behaviour by visitors to the village on that day and concerns about noise levels around the nearby neighbours. It was hoped that a way forward could be established.
The owners gave their sincere apologies for the problems caused and stressed that they had no idea the sheer volume of people that would attend. It is their intention that this should never happen again and are keen to find solutions. Due to spiralling costs, the pub needs to maximise the use of the garden area in the summer to contribute to its on-going viability. Following discussions in the meeting, the following ideas were discussed:
• Hiring a field for overflow parking. If this is some way outside of the village, they would look to ferry people backwards and forwards.
• Already ask their staff to car share, use public transport or walk
• With the garden closing this weekend, they will use the next 6 months to look at solutions
• Look to change the programme of events and also hold on different days rather than a Sunday when the pub is already busy
• Putting a sign on the side of the pub “No parking on bend”
• If really busy, staff to put cones out before the event and a staff member to manage traffic flow
• Better messaging to villagers around parking, proposed events and impacts
• Ticketing is unlikely to work because people will not want to pay for something upfront if there is a chance the weather will be bad
• Cllr Kemp said he had asked the Highways department about putting yellow lines on bends and pinch points – would people take any notice of these? Need to make sure these are not put everywhere in the village or where would residents park?
• Reported that some residents were being abusive to drivers too
• The event was well publicised so why didn’t anyone notice there could be a problem?
• There is a need to be supportive of the pub. First year of being open without COVID restrictions. The pub was empty for a long time before current owners took over
• Staff cars not to park in the car park and perhaps have access to residents parking areas on a Sunday, if there were people willing to accommodate this.

The Chair reiterated that we all want the pub to succeed and although the Parish Council does not have any power to directly intervene with problems like this, it can act as a conduit for feedback. A working/support group may be a solution and the Council would be willing to facilitate with a Councillor as part of the group. The pub was invited to explore this idea.

The pub was also invited to put a summary notice together for the Speke Up magazine and also for distribution through the village email list, Whatsapp group and notice boards. The deadline for Speke Up submissions is 15th September.

34/22 Long View Housing Development (Community Land Trust (CLT))

The Chair explained that Stuart Wass (SW), the Chair of the CLT had written to him withdrawing the proposal for an affordable housing scheme at the Long View site. SW had raised two issues:
1. The perceived level of support for the CLT from the Parish Council was not sufficient.
2. The amount of time it took for the Parish Council to come to a decision.
SW explained that the decision to withdraw the proposal was mainly due to the feedback given at the public meetings. Although many people are supportive of the principle of Affordable Housing, it was clear that the proposed site was not appropriate. SW advised he had spoken to a lot of people and decided from those discussions that the chances of the proposal moving forward were less than 50% and therefore it would be best to withdraw now before any more time was spent on the project.

The Chair gave the background to the proposal. He reiterated that the meetings held on 6th June, 15th June and 6th July were very well publicised and supported by the Council on behalf of the CLT. Two Councillors attended the public meeting held by the CLT on 15th June. It was following comments made at that meeting that a decision was made to bring the matter to the next Parish Meeting which was held on 6th July. At this meeting, it was further decided to canvas more public opinion and feedback and bring this to the next scheduled Parish Meeting this evening.

The Chair encouraged the CLT to continue their efforts and again invited the CLT to come forward with any other potential development sites for exploration, but confirmed that the Council would not support any sites that had previously been proposed in the village and subsequently withdrawn.

35/22 Lead Councillor Updates

Finance – (Cllr Birmingham)
Accounts for the period up to 31st August 2022 were approved. The donation of funds for the Village Hall roof were still being held in the bank. It was confirmed we have approximately one year’s precept money in reserve. The September Precept monies have just been received. The review of the Council’s Financial Regulations is due to be undertaken and needs to be completed before the end of September. Cllrs Tillett and Hillson agreed to review with the Chair. Clerk to circulate.

Highways & Traffic Management – (Cllr Tillett)
Devon County Council have been informed that Peter Stewart has taken over the role of Road Warden. Cllr Tillett and Mr Stewart will check the sandbags stocks and order more if required. Nothing more to report.
BSVHT – (Cllrs Tillett & Honan)
Nothing to report.
Planning – (Cllr Honan)
There are two outstanding planning applications on the portal. No new applications.
Cllr Luxton has spoken to Buildings Control and building regs are not required for the roof. Planning for village hall roof still not cleared - Cllr Kemp will chase Planning Department as works need to commence.
Verges – (Cllr Luxton)
Were cut in May and might need to be cut again at the end of September. Some debris was left outside the school but this was cleared by Cllr Tillett who also strimmed around the oak trees.
Communications – (Cllr Vickers)
Cllr Vickers absent from the meeting but had sent an email to Cllrs for consideration regarding the wifi contract. Cheaper options now available. The Village Hall Trustees committee to be asked to gauge the usefulness of the wifi when they meet in November. Clerk to approach BT to request outgoing calls to be blocked (except emergency numbers).
Trees and Natural Environment – (Cllr Hollingsworth)
The plaque has been mended with the help of some oak donated by a villager.
Cllr Hollingsworth is aware that Devon County Council are giving away 45 trees on the condition that they are planted in an area of over 400sqm. To be advertised in Speke Up to see if anyone locally can make use of this.
Footpaths (including items from the Footpath Warden) – (Cllr Hillson)
Lynch gate has been replaced and look very good. Nothing else to report
CLT (Cllr Tillett)
See discussions point 34/22. 

36/22 Financial Items

The account summary to August 31st 2022 (previously approved by Cllr A Birmingham) was NOTED.
It was NOTED that the following payments were approved remotely in accordance with Financial Regulations
2 x Payments to Tracy Watkins (July and August Salary)
2 x Payments to HMRC (July and August Salary)
2 x payments of £31.67 to BT for Village Hall Wifi (paid by DD 28.06.22 and 28.07.22)
1 x payment to Ed Rogers of £366.00 for footpath clearance at Station Hill
1 x payment to the ICO for the Data Controller Registration
1 x payment of £20 to Cllr Vickers for printer cartridge
Note: Payments approved by Councillors A Birmingham, S Luxton and R Tillett in accordance with the Financial Regulations.

37/22 ICO Registration

It was confirmed that the Parish Council has registered with the ICO as Data Controllers in accordance with GDPR obligations. The Parish Registration number is ZB34083.

38/22 Abandoned greenhouse FP15

Cllrs Hillson and Hollingsworth were thanked for their updates. The issue has been raised with the landowner and he is committed to ensuring the site is safe.

39/22 East Devon District Councillor update

EDDC have funds available to help support people in the cost-of-living crisis. Hardship funds can be applied for. Cllr Tillett will request this information is put in the next addition of Speke up and will make sure details are put on the village hall notice board and leaflets are distributed to areas of the village that are possibly in need. Cllr Kemp expressed a wish to be included in any plans for a local larder.
The idea of a community larder was discussed. Clerk to send details of local schemes to the Chair.
EDDC have problems with the reporting area on their website at the moment.
There has been an increase in fly tipping across the area. Please be vigilant and report any incidents.
EDDC will send out a press release about avian flu tomorrow. We are in a prevention zone and therefore people should be encouraged to report any sightings of sick or injured birds to the main switchboard at EDDC.
There have been reports of people falsely registering motorbikes for insurance purposes in the EX5 area. Open any mail that looks suspicious and report it immediately.

40/22 DCC Councillor update

Cllrs Gent and Randall Johnson were unable to attend the meeting. Cllr Luxton expressed disappointment that there was regularly no representation at meetings. The Chair advised he would contact them again.
Cllr Randall-Johnson submitted this update via email:
Avian influenza prevention zone declared in south-west England
The government has put Devon under avian flu restrictions, along with Cornwall and parts of Somerset.
A number of avian influenza cases in poultry and wild and captive birds has been detected across the region, and it is hoped that the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) will reduce the risk of further outbreaks of the disease occurring.
It is now a legal requirement for all bird keepers to follow strict biosecurity measures to help protect their flocks, of whatever type or size. Backyard owners with small numbers of poultry including chickens, ducks and geese must take steps to limit the risk of the disease spreading to their animals.
Additionally, keepers with more than 500 birds will need to restrict access for non-essential people on their sites, workers will need to change clothing and footwear before entering bird enclosures and site vehicles will need to be cleaned and disinfected regularly to limit the risk of the disease spreading.
A map of the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone is available on the government's website.
The risk to public health from the virus is very low and properly cooked poultry and poultry products, including eggs, are safe to eat.
Please do not touch or pick up any dead or visibly sick birds that you find, but report them to Defra on 03459 33 55 77
Devon County Council Chief Executive of 17 years, Phil Norrey has retired at the end of August. During the recruitment process Jan Spicer (nee Shadbolt) has been appointed at interim Chief Executive.
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41/22 Other information/correspondence received for possible action/ discussion/attendance /action items pending or carried forward
• The Council’s outstanding action points list to date was reviewed
• Speke Up submissions – to include discussions from this evening’s meeting and updates from EDDC. Cllr Tillett asked Councillors if there were any volunteers to help him with this role. Cllr Hollingsworth volunteered.
• A local resident has come forward to offer their services as a Councillor. As there are no positions available at the moment, she has kindly agreed to consider joining the Village Hall Trustees Committee.

42/22 Next Meeting
Meeting closed at 9.15 pm. Next Meeting on Wednesday 9th November 2022 – Village Hall