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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on
Wednesday 8th March 2023
at 7.30pm at the Village Hall

Present: Cllr A Birmingham, Cllr S Luxton, Cllr R Tillett, Cllr E Hollingsworth, Cllr N Vickers, Cllr W Honan, Cllr S Randall Johnson (DCC)
In Attendance: Tracy Watkins (Clerk) and one member of the public

16/23 Apologies:

Cllr B Hillson, Cllr H Gent (DCC).

17/23 Declarations of interest


18/23 Mr Norman Guppy

There was a moment of reflection to remember Mr Guppy, a former Councillor of the Parish, who passed away recently. It was agreed that Cllr Hollingsworth would organise a bouquet of flowers from the Council.

19/23 Minutes

The minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 11th January 2023 were agreed as a true record and SIGNED by the Chair.

20/23 Public Question Time

No questions were raised.

21/23 To receive an update from Lead Councillors on the following:

Chair/Finance – Cllr Birmingham – At the year end the forecast is the Council should hold £8000 in net funds. The policy will continue to be to build up the reserves to cover one year’s annual operating costs budget. We have a substantial amount held for any election costs which may not be needed. From April the reserves schedule will be revamped. The roof repair monies have been kept separate in the accounts. Landline charges will now drop to approximately £11 per month. Operating loss for this financial year is likely to be around £1200.

Verges – Cllr Luxton – Road flooding in the middle of Burridge Hill persists because a drain needs clearing. This is the landowner’s responsibility as the problem lies in the field. DCC Highways will come back to look at it when the outlet in the field has been cleared. Cllr Luxton to speak to the tenant again to see if this can be progressed.

Trees & Natural Environment – Cllr Hollingsworth – Nothing to report

Highways and Traffic Management – Cllr Tillett -Bottom of Burridge is flooding due to blocked gully. Cllr Luxton will see if he can clear. Only 1 of the potholes was looked at by DCC the other was not. Cllr Randall Johnson advised to report the remaining one to DCC again

Planning and Development– Cllr Honan – Cllr Honan not present at the meeting but no new applications have come through. Slipperstones has now been approved. Brampford House is pending, Conifers did not need planning permission.

Communications – Cllr Vickers – Wifi contract has been cancelled. Pack to send router back to BT to save paying a fee has arrived. Cllr Vickers to return as soon as possible. Welcome Pack has been completed and the Chair expressed thanks to Councillor Vickers, Jan Birmingham and Sue Satchell for their hard work in delivering this. Clerk to publish on the website. 27 packs to go out to new residents over the next couple of weeks. Cllr Vickers had completed an audit on the Parish laptop and it was confirmed that it is backing up to the OneDrive and the Clerk is also doing monthly backups to an external hard drive for extra security.

Footpaths and Open Spaces – Update from the Footpath Warden/Cllr Hillson – Cllr Hillson was not present so nothing to report. It was noted that the gardening equipment was being serviced. Cllr Hillson to speak to the footpath warden to ascertain if the church footpath still needs to be cleared. Cllr Tillett will write to PCC to advise we have noticed a deterioration of their path by the Church itself.

22/23 Village Hall

Not much to report. The next meeting of the Trustees is next week. Cllr Luxton to check with roofing contractors if they could commence works during the school Easter break which starts on 4th April. Cllr Tillett will report this in the next Speke Up edition.

23/23 Financial Items

The accounts summary to 28th February 2023 (previously approved by Cllr A Birmingham) was NOTED

It was NOTED that the following payments were approved remotely in accordance with Financial Regulations.
2 x Payments to Tracy Watkins (January and February)
2 x Payments to HMRC (January and February)
2 x Payments of £31.67 and £40.77 to BT for Village Hall WiFi (28.01.23 & 28.02.23)
Note: Payments approved by Councillors S Luxton, A Birmingham and R Tillett in accordance with the Financial Regulations.
Council to approve the use of internal auditor Mrs C Oliphant for the municipal year 2022-2023 at a cost of £40. This motion was PROPOSED by Cllr E Hollingsworth and SECONDED by Cllr R Tillett.

24/23 Standing Orders

Many thanks to Cllr Tillett for taking this project on. The Standing orders have been pared down and are now ready to publish. To be reviewed every 3 years. The standing orders were unanimously approved by the Council. Clerk to publish on the website.

25/23 EDDC

Cllr Kemp was not present at the meeting. Clerk to email Cllr Kemp for an update.

26/23 County Councillor update

Cllr Randall Johnson was present at the meeting and a summary of her update is below:
Bus Fares £2 scheme extended
The Government’s fare cap scheme, encouraging passengers to ‘Get Around for £2 has now been extended to the end of June 2023!
DCC (Devon County Council) is pleased that all bus companies operating commercial and supported bus services in Devon have agreed to participate in the scheme. Full details of all eligible services can be found on the DFT website at
Be prepared for the unexpected
Communities in Devon are being invited to apply for funding to help them be better prepared for emergencies or unexpected events.
Fairtrade – directly supporting food producers
Devon has successfully renewed it Fairtrade status for each of the last 14 years, by promoting and encouraging people where they can to choose Fairtrade goods to support food producers across the world.
Retaining and recruiting staff
DCC has teamed up with Devon & Plymouth Chamber of Commerce to host the New Ways to Recruit and Retain Staff in 2023 event, see .

27/23 2023 Election

It was confirmed that, as yet, the Council has not received any external nominations. All present Councillors are happy to stand for another term and in their current roles.
Cllr Tillett has offered to take the nomination papers to the Council Offices by 4pm on 4th April. Councillors to ensure their completed paperwork is with Cllr Tillet by 20th March.

28/23 Other information/correspondence received for possible action/ discussion/attendance /action items pending or carried forward

• Annual Parish Meeting format and topics – to remain the same as last 2 years – brief updates from Councillors and the Chair’s report. No refreshments will be provided.
• Kings Coronation – Rees Jenkins is leading a group to co-ordinate the celebrations. Council agreed to look into a bench with a commemorative plaque to site outside the village hall. Cllr Tillett will put an item in Speke Up asking for public donations towards the bench. Will also put on the agenda for the meeting of village hall Trustees next week.
• Action Points review (as circulated) – reviewed. Clerk to distribute amended version with Minutes.
• Speke Up Submissions – village hall roof works dates, coronation bench, Station Hill clearance, church path, election details, new Parish handbook.
• Raddon Hills meeting – it was noted that in the minutes of this meeting it is mentioned that a new CLT is being explored in Thorverton.

29/23 Next Meeting

Meeting closed at 8.45 pm. Next Meeting on Wednesday 10th May – Village Hall – Annual Parish Council Meeting (7.30pm) and Annual Parish Meeting (8.00pm)