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Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting
held on Wednesday 10th May 2023
at 7.30pm at the Village Hall


Present: Cllr A Birmingham, Cllr S Luxton, Cllr R Tillett, Cllr N Vickers and Cllr E Hollingsworth

In Attendance: Tracy Watkins (Clerk), Cllr Jamie Kemp (EDDC), and 1 member of the public

1/23 Cllr A Birmingham was elected Chairman for the municipal year and duly signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office
(Proposed by Cllr Tillett and seconded by Cllr Hollingsworth)
2/23 Cllr S Luxton Stepped down as Vice Chairman and Cllr R Tillett was duly elected as Vice Chairman for the municipal year.
(Proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Cllr N Vickers)
3/23 Apologies:
Cllr B Hillson, Cllr S Randall Johnson (DCC) and Cllr H Gent (DCC)
4/23 Declarations of interest

5/23 Minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 8th March 2023
Were agreed as a true record and SIGNED by the Chairman
6/23 Public Question Time
There were no questions from members of the public present.
The Chairman raised a matter highlighted by some villagers to him regarding the pub car parking over the Coronation weekend. It was decided to not take this any further unless the public attended a meeting where it could be discussed appropriately.

7/23 Lead Councillor updates
The following updates were provided:
• Finance – Cllr Birmingham
End of Year accounts have been and audited. These will be published on the Council website in due course. SLCC membership for this year has been cancelled.

• BSVHT – Cllrs Tillett & Honan
Bookings have been getting busier since COVID. Trustees will be drawing on reserves.
The Chairman requested that copies of the meeting minutes be sent to the Parish Council via the Parish Clerk. The new roof is due to be started week commencing 29th May 2023.
Due to recent bad weather this has not be a possibility before now.
• Verges – Cllr Luxton
One cut was completed last year. Will keep an eye on growth rates but probably next cut in mid-June. There are reserves in the budget for 2 cuts this year.
• Trees & Natural Environment – Cllr Hollingsworth
Tree railings are doing well. All the WW1 trees are healthy.
Cllr Hollingsworth’s neighbours are happy for a Coronation tree to be situated on their land. This will be planted in the autumn, probably an Oak. There is no need to the Parish Council to fund.
The Queen’s Jubilee tree is also doing very well.
Thank you to Cllr Tillett for all the lovely daffodils.
• Highways and Traffic Management – Cllr Tillett
There have been problems half way up Burridge. Cllr Tillett has spoken to the landowner who will investigate in his field.
One pothole on Burridge which has been reported previously but will report again. Pyne Springs to be reported as road is breaking down.
• Planning – Cllr Honan
Three planning applications since March. Two councillors attended a site meeting at Lower Southmoor Farm last week. Application ratified by all councillors present.
Exe View site meeting is scheduled for 15th May 2023.
• Communications – Cllr Vickers
New people continue to request to be added to the email distribution list.
The returned BT router has been received with them and therefore no penalty charge will be applied to the account.
• Footpaths and Open Spaces – Cllr B Hillson
Cllr Hillson was not present but sent a report.
The path behind Stooks Path and Croft Cottages will need cutting back again this year.
The Council expressed their appreciation of the continued sterling efforts of Wynn Stait.
Cllr Tillett wrote to the Church Council about the Church Path. This was not discussed as the PCC annual meeting had to be suspended as not enough people were present. Deferred until the Summer.
8/23 Financial Items
To receive the account summary to 31st March 2023 (previously approved by Cllr A Birmingham)
To NOTE the following payments were approved remotely in accordance with Financial Regulations
2 x Payments to Tracy Watkins (March & April salary)
2 x Payments to HMRC (March & April)
2 x Payment to BT for Village Hall line rental only (paid by DD on 28.03.2023 - £11.73 & 28.04.2023 - £11.73)
1 x Payment Ed Rogers Landscape & Construction – Verges - £186.00 (07.03.2023)
1 x Payment to C Oliphant – Internal Audit - £40.00
1 x payment to DALC for annual membership - £96.75
Note: Payments approved by Councillors S Luxton, A Birmingham and R Tillett in accordance with the Financial Regulations
Council to NOTE that the following payments have been received:
3.04.2023 – EDDC – Precept - £4000
9/23 Certificate of Exemption – AGAR 2022-2023 – Part 2
Council RESOLVED to approve the Certificate of Exemption – AGAR 2022-2023 – Part 2
This was duly SIGNED by the Chairman
(Proposed by the Chairman)
10/23 Annual Internal Audit Report – 2022-2023
Council RESOLVED to approve the Annual Internal Report 2022-2023
(Proposed by the Chairman)
11/23 Annual Governance Statement – 2022-2023
Council RESOLVED to approve the Annual Governance Statement – 2022-2023
This was duly SIGNED by the Chairman
(Proposed by the Chairman)
12/23 Accounting Statements 2022-2023
Council RESOLVED to approve the Annual Accounting Statement 2022-2023
This was duly SIGNED by the Chairman
(Proposed by the Chairman)
13/23 EDDC Update
The Chairman congratulated Cllr J Kemp for his re-election. Cllr Kemp gave a brief update. Areas of responsibility at EDDC still to be decided for the coming year. Cllr Kemp will also advise on the possibility of installing additional refuse bins.
14/23 DCC Update
Cllrs S Randall Johnson and H Gent were not present and no reports were received. Cllr Gent had previously informed the Council of the suspension of the mobile library service. The consultation encourages members of the public to comment. Cllr Vickers will send the information out to the email distribution list and also post on the noticeboard. Cllr Tillett will post on the WhatsApp group. Cllr Kemp will ask for further details and report back to the Parish Council.
15/23 Other information/correspondence received/ discussion
• Kings Coronation Bench – two offers of funding have been received from members of the public. Public comments suggest that people would like to have this situated in the centre of the village. Cllrs Hollingsworth, Vickers and Tillett will take forward.
• Speke Up – Thank you to Cllr Tillett for his continued efforts. Will add requests for first responder volunteers and first aid training to the next edition.
• Dog bin – not taking this forward as Cllr Kemp reported an additional one would cost hundreds of pounds.
• Code of Conduct – was last adopted in July 2019. All Councillors present agreed to re-adopt now.
• Cold Callers – were spotted in the village last week. To post on the WhatsApp group and also to inform neighbours.
• Action points – The list has been updated and will be circulated by the Clerk with the minutes
• An update on the Community First Responder scheme was provided. A recent communication was sent out asking for residents from this area to volunteer as first responders. Let Cllr Kemp know if anyone interested. Clerk to send original information to Cllrs Vickers and Tillett.
• Defibrillator – Mary Greener is moving out of the area. May need to look for someone else to take over the responsibility of checking it. Cllr Luxton will speak to a resident.
16/23 Next Meeting
• Meeting closed at 9.08pm. Next Meeting on Wednesday 5th July 2022 – Village Hall