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Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting
held on Wednesday 8th May 2024
at 7.00pm at the Village Hall

Present: Cllr A Birmingham, Cllr S Luxton, Cllr R Tillett, Cllr N Vickers, Cllr Honan, Cllr Hillson and Cllr E Hollingsworth
In Attendance: Tracy Watkins (Clerk) and 8 members of the public

27/24 Cllr A Birmingham was elected Chairman for the municipal year and duly signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office
(Proposed by Cllr Hillson and seconded by Cllr Hollingsworth)

28/24 Cllr R Tillett was duly elected as Vice Chairman for the municipal year.
(Proposed by the Cllr Hollingsworth and seconded by Cllr N Vickers)
29/24 Apologies:
None received

30/24 Declarations of interest
Cllr Luxton duly recorded that he has an interest in agenda item 34/24. This being the case he can sit as a member of the public when this is discussed at the meeting. Cllr Luxton will not be included in any correspondence the Council have about this item.

31/24 Parish Policies
The Code of Conduct was reviewed and signed.
32/24 Minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 6th March 2024
Were agreed as a true record and SIGNED by the Chairman
33/24 Public Question Time
The Church footpath was raised. The Footpath Warden has spoken to the landowner who has agreed to some remedial works to be carried out but no firm dates yet agreed. The landowner would like to see quotes for a handrail before proceeding further.
There was speculation that one of the directors of the Community Land Trust lives in Brampford Speke. The Council is not aware of this information so people would need to ask the Trust for that information.

34/24 Affordable Housing
At the meeting on 6th March 2024 Cllrs Luxton and Birmingham stood aside for the item discussing Stonilands. We will not be discussing this matter at this meeting.
It was agreed at the March meeting that a small working group from the village would work with the Community Land Trust (CLT). The Council have since received two updates from the working group. We have been advised that this working group has been suspended for the time-being.
A Director from CLT gave an update for this meeting in his absence stating the CLT were looking at options for the site. This was after comments made in the March meeting. This includes size of development and access. As there is a hold on moving forward currently, he did not feel he needed to attend tonight’s meeting.
The Council have been made aware that the landowners of Templers Field are working with a land agent to investigate the possibility of a housing development there. This is currently in the hands of solicitors and in the early stages of developments. The Council have no further information than that.
Cllr Luxton is a tenant on the field and was unaware of this information.
Cllr Birmingham has made contact with the land agent and awaits more news.
Until the Council has any meaningful information, we cannot make any decisions about how to respond.
Cllr Tillett will add this to Speke Up.

A member of the public advised that the CLT have been looking at another option for Stonilands field.
Public opinion was that the working group should be known as the “Community Working Group” and not “Action Group”.
35/24 Lead Councillor updates
The following updates were provided:
Finance – Cllr Birmingham
The Budget for the coming year has been produced. The end of year accounts have been audited and reconciled. P3 monies have been received and have been added to the reserves. We have managed with careful spending to come under budget for most things this year.

BSVHT – Cllrs Tillett & Honan
The end of year accounts have been produced. The Council asked for these to be sent to the Clerk for record keeping purposes. The accounts are in a healthy state. A locality budget of £1000 will be applied for from DCC to help towards much needed repairs to the porch. The day to day running costs are covered by bookings which are holding up.

Verges – Cllr Luxton
On-going maintenance this year. Hopefully manage with just one more cut this year which will be better environmentally and from a cost point of view. It was proposed we keep the same contractor for the coming year and all Councillors agreed to this. They could be asked to include the oaks verge as well. Cllr Luxton agreed to tidying the hedge around the school as it needs cutting back by the road. At Lakes bridge the accumulated soil needs to be picked up.
Trees & Natural Environment – Cllr Hollingsworth
Happy trees. WW1 grass under the trees there are a lot of voles and mice in the grass. Lots of wildlife which is good to see.

Highways and Traffic Management – Cllr Tillett
Nothing to report has been very quiet.

Planning – Cllr Honan
Eight applications in the last year. None were objected to.

Communications – Cllr Vickers
Nothing new to add.

Footpaths and Open Spaces – Cllr B Hillson
A very warm welcome back to Cllr Hillson.
The Council expressed their appreciation of the continued sterling efforts of Wynn Stait.
Regular clearing of Station Hill is scheduled for 2024/25.

36/24 Village Hall
See update in agenda item 35/24
37/24 Financial Items
To receive the account summary to 31st March 2023 (previously approved by Cllr A Birmingham)
To NOTE the following payments were approved remotely in accordance with Financial Regulations
2 x Payments to Tracy Watkins (March & April salary)
2 x Payments to HMRC (March & April and end of year catch up)
2 x Payments to BT for Village Hall line rental only (paid by DD on 28.03.2024 - £12.19 & 28.04.2024 - £13.47)
1 x Payment Ed Rogers Landscape & Construction – Verges - £198.00 (22.03.2024)
1 x Payment to Sowdens Farm- Footpaths - £386.40 (12.03.24)
Note: Payments approved by Councillors S Luxton, A Birmingham and R Tillett in accordance with the Financial Regulations
Council to NOTE that the following payments have been received:
02.04.2024 – EDDC – Precept - £4250.00
02.04.2024 – DCC – P3 Monies - £730.00
38/24 Certificate of Exemption – AGAR 2023-2024 – Part 2
Council RESOLVED to approve the Certificate of Exemption – AGAR 2023-2024 – Part 2
This was duly SIGNED by the Chairman

39/24 Annual Internal Audit Report – 2023-2024
Council RESOLVED to approve the Annual Internal Report 2023-2024 

This was duly SIGNED by the Chairman
40/24 Annual Governance Statement – 2023-2024
Council RESOLVED to approve the Annual Governance Statement – 2023-2024
This was duly SIGNED by the Chairman
41/24 Accounting Statements 2023-2024
Council RESOLVED to approve the Annual Accounting Statement 2023-2024
This was duly SIGNED by the Chairman
42/24 EDDC Update
Cllr Kemp was not present and no update was provided.

43/24 DCC Update
Cllrs S Randall Johnson and H Gent were not present. Cllr Randall Johnson provided her May update which has been published on the Parish Council website.

44/24 Other information/correspondence received/ discussion
• Action points – The list has been updated and will be circulated by the Clerk with the minutes.
• Coronation bench – one layer of oil has been applied. Need 3 layers before plaque is fitted.
• Gypsy Lane fly tipping – has been reported last Tuesday. EDDC supposed to come out and remove. Cllr Birmingham will chase.
• Cllr Vickers has decided to step down as a Councillor but has kindly agreed to stay until after the July meeting. Many thanks for all her hard work. This will also be announced in Speke Up where we will try and encourage other people to come forward with in interest in taking on a Councillors role.
• Speke Up – Cllr Tillett will put something together and circulate.

45/24 Next Meeting
• Meeting closed at 8pm. Next Meeting on Wednesday 3rd July 2024 – Village Hall