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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held on Wednesday 5th July 2023
at 7.30pm at the Village Hall

Present: Cllr A Birmingham, Cllr S Luxton, Cllr R Tillett, Cllr W Honan and Cllr E Hollingsworth
In Attendance: Tracy Watkins (Clerk), Cllr Sara Randall-Johnson (EDDC), and 3 members of the public

17/23 Apologies:
Cllr N Vickers, Cllr B Hillson, Cllr J Kemp (EDCC) and Cllr H Gent (DCC)
18/23 Declarations of interest
19/23 Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 10th May 2023
Were agreed as a true record and SIGNED by the Chair
20/23 Public Question Time
There were no questions from members of the public present.

21/23 Lead Councillor updates
The following updates were provided:
• Finance – Cllr Birmingham
A quiet time financially at the moment. Await the Village Hall roofing invoice to check all on track.
• Verges – Cllr Luxton
Cut completed today. Hedges also cut back. Have agreed two cuts this year at the same price as 2022.
• Trees & Natural Environment – Cllr Hollingsworth
Nothing to report. Some people have asked about the coronation trees. Cllr Hollingsworth will continue to look into.
• Highways and Traffic Management – Cllr Tillett
Pothole on Burridge has now been filled in. Culvert has been dug back to drain level.
• Planning – Cllr Honan
No new applications. Stipperstones due to be demolished before the end of the month.
• Communications – Cllr Vickers
Cllr Vickers was not present and has nothing to report.
• Footpaths and Open Spaces – Cllr B Hillson
Cllr Hillson was not present but sent a report.
The strimmer cut has been now completed. The Footpath Warden has raised a query with DCC in relation to FP4 (Red Rock Rd to Woodsleigh) which hasn't been cut but was cut at a later date by a mini tractor mower last year. We will report back once we hear further on this.
The bridge on FP10 is disintegrating and has been reported. Richard Spurway will survey and arrange repairs. We have had verbal confirmation from Ros Davies that the funds requested for P3 this year (£600 plus VAT) have been approved and should be remitted "soon".

22/23 Village Hall
Roof replacement works are well underway. No problems have been found so far under the old roofing sheets. The roof on top of the walkway is being replaced at the same time.

VAT from the invoice to be claimed back by the Clerk as soon as possible.

The Chair requested that the minutes of BSVHT meetings are shared with himself and the Clerk going forwards.

Cllr Tillett to forward minutes of the last meeting as soon as possible.

23/23 Financial Items
To receive the account summary to 31st May 2023 (previously approved by Cllr A Birmingham)
To NOTE the following payments were approved remotely in accordance with Financial Regulations
2 x Payments to Tracy Watkins (May and June)
2 x Payments to HMRC (May and June)
2 x Payments of £11.73 and £11.73to BT for Village Hall WiFi (28.05.23 & 28.06.23)
1 x payment of £93.60 to Moneysoft for the payroll software (31.05.23)
1 x payment of £96.75 to DALC for annual subscription (02.05.2023)
1 x payment of £25.00 to Cllr Hollingsworth for reimbursement of costs (31.05.2023)
Note: Payments approved by Councillors S Luxton, A Birmingham and R Tillett in accordance with the Financial Regulations

24/23 EDDC Update
Cllr Kemp was not present at the meeting and had not sent a report. Clerk to request a report. 
25/23 DCC Update
Cllr Gent was unable to attend the meeting. Cllr Randall Johnson gave the following update:
Biggest challenge now financially is adult and children’s social care. Most of the budget is used here. CQC will be carrying out an inspection.
Lack of Care homes capacity and recruitment and retention of staff is very demanding.
Special Educational Needs and Educational Health Care Plans within education continue to be a drain on resources.
There is a delay in processing Depravation of Liberty Orders.
A share of £6 million of funding has been awarded to DCC to accelerate the transition to Net Zero. DCC is one of 21 local authorities across the UK to receive the Fast Followers funding from Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). See and
DCC have been awarded a total of £300,000 over two years to attract more “green finance” into the county to help deliver actions identified in the Devon Carbon Plan. The funding will help harness new investment opportunities to support innovative activity which will enable Net Zero commitments to be delivered in the county.
Fully serviced, reconditioned bikes are on sale at many of Devon’s recycling centres from this week.
More than 200 people with disabilities have been helped into education, employment, training, or given one-to-one support through a project led by Learn Devon, see
Members of the Devon Work Hub network recently joined forces to host a co-working day for women.
For the past three years the Devon Business and IP Centre (BIPC) has run a Women in Business Course, see designed to help women to start and grow businesses. The free 12-week course is delivered by Devon-based businesswomen for Devon-based businesswomen and it’s possible to take the course online at a time to suit those taking it.

26/23 Other information/correspondence received/ discussion
• Action Points review (as circulated)
The Asset register needs to be completed. Cllr Birmingham will look at.
The Power of Competence will be lost until the Clerk completes the CILCA qualification.
• Continue to need someone to take over responsibility for the defibrillator. Cllr Luxton will speak to a resident. Cllr Vickers to send details via the distribution email.
• No news on first aid training locally and annual life support training. Clerk to contact Cllr Kemp for an update.
• Thank you to the benefactors and Councillors who have been involved in the Coronation Bench project. The plaque has been costed at around £50-60. It was suggested to have some planted flower pots either side if there is any funding left when everything else has been paid. To consider having some sort of ceremony when installed. Confirmed that the bench will be placed on the grass facing the church. It will be logged on the asset register. The bench has a 10-year guarantee.
• Church footpath – still no news from the PCC.
• Agricultural Inn
The Chair had been asked in writing by a member of the public to discuss problems with the pub, namely noise and parking, at this meeting. The Chair had invited the member of the public to attend the meeting but they declined. The Chair summarised the issues raised.
A member of the public present at the meeting raised the following points of concern:Car parking – inadequate and inconsiderate.
The pub is a listed building but no parking signs have been erected on the outside wall and the highways sign is currently obscured by the hedge.
Noise levels are consistently loud. Told only acoustic music to be played but this has not been the case.
Unpleasant cooking smells
When planning granted in July 2022 it allowed for 2 Tepees, now there are 3.

The Chair advised he has spoken to Planning and been told that with regards the roofing on the pergola a formal quotation has to be with planning by 15th July. He was also advised that under the conditions of the listing a third tepee is allowed. Councillors agreed that copies of the appropriate documentation should be sought from EDDC.

Cllr Randall Johnson and the Planning office advised members of the public to report any further instances of loud noise to the Environment Agency but to do this when it is happening rather than after the event.

It was proposed that the Clerk write to the owners of the pub advising them of the concerns that have been raised in this meeting and inviting them to respond in time for the next meeting.

• Speke Up submissions
A draft will be sent out in August.
27/23 Next Meeting
• Meeting closed at 8.44pm. Next Meeting on Wednesday 6th September – Village Hall