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Past items concerning Coldridge Village Hall.

Notice of the Coldridge Village Hall Committee's Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 29th March 2023

2023 Coldridge Village Hall AGM

Posted 2 March 2023; Withdrawn 4th April 2023


Important information from Coldridge Village Hall Social Committee

Dear all,

In light of the present Coronavirus emergency and in line with current Government guidance the Village Hall Social Committee have decided that with immediate effect all social events planned to be held in the Village Hall are cancelled for the foreseeable future.

In addition the Charity Clay shoot planned for Saturday May 2nd has been postponed.

Thank you all for your understanding.

Keep safe and stay well.

Ivan Kriznik (on behalf of Coldridge Village Hall Social Committee)

18th March 2020

Posted 18th March 2020; Withdrawn 28th September 2021


Village Hall News & Fundraising Events




At last, a great chance to buy your very own copy of these two historic, “Millennium” films on a single DVD!

Coldridge Millenium Celebration Night DVD Cover

These films were originally made by Coldridge people and they feature many familiar local ‘faces and places’ around the parish of Coldridge; you never know: YOU MIGHT BE ON IT! Buy a copy and check it out!

The original VHS recordings have lain neglected, but not completely forgotten, in a few cupboards around here, since 2000. Dusted off and freshly re-mastered by John Dike onto a single DVD for a recent Gardening Club meeting, it was suddenly realised how important these two films are as a piece of local, social history…and all very funny too!  Thanks to John Dike and Ivan Kriznik, we have now found a way to reproduce multiple copies for sale to you, at a bargain price and all in aid of the Village Hall upgrades.

So: If you still live in the parish and would like to catch up with scenes and friends past (or sadly passed) and present, or if you used to live here and would like to re-visit your old haunts from the comfort of your distant armchair, or even if you have recently moved here and would like to see the funnier side of some of your new neighbours and friends, then please look no further.

COPIES ARE JUST £5.00 each (+ £1.50 p&p per copy if outside the parish), available to buy and collect at various local functions from 15th March, or by calling John Smith (83436), Ivan Kriznik (884233) or John Dike (83329).  Alternatively you can email an order using this 'on-line' order form - click here

All profits will go to Coldridge Village Hall.

Thanks for your support. IvanK.

Posted 17th March 2019; Withdrawn 28th September 2021


Important information from Coldridge Village Hall Social Committee

Dear all,

In light of the present Coronavirus emergency and in line with current Government guidance the Village Hall Social Committee have decided that with immediate effect all social events planned to be held in the Village Hall are cancelled for the foreseeable future.

In addition the Charity Clay shoot planned for Saturday May 2nd has been postponed.

Thank you all for your understanding.

Keep safe and stay well.

Ivan Kriznik (on behalf of Coldridge Village Hall Social Committee)

18th March 2020


Posted 18th March 2020; Withdrawn 23rd July 2021


Coldridge Village Hall AGM - Wednesday 24th April 2019, 7:30pm

Time flies!

Posted 29th March 2019; Withdrawn 15th January 2020


Village Hall Update

The village hall is a valuable asset to our rural community. It provides a meeting place for our various groups, as well as space for entertainment and fun with our neighbours. It is available for hire at very reasonable rates and is well equipped for many uses. The upkeep of the hall is overseen by the Village Hall Committee and the cost of maintaining it is around £2000 a year. This money is raised through fund raising events and the biennual village fete.

This year we have been granted planning consent for a small extension to accommodate an improved serving area.  Although we can and do, apply for grants they will at best, match our contribution, so we do need to raise money to make these improvements possible. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Posted 29th August 2017; Updated 2nd December 2017. On behalf of Coldridge Village Hall Committee. Withdrawn 15th January 2020.
