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A collection of past news saved from the News & Information Page.

Please note that some links to external websites/organisations may no longer work as the related information may have been removed, moved or withdrawn as no longer relevant. Apologies for any inconvenience.



Open Meeting - Coldridge Village Hall AGM

Wednesday 6th March 2024, 7pm at Coldridge Village Hall

2023 was yet another exciting and busy year for our Village Hall, the Village Hall Committee and volunteers!

Our Annual General Meeting at 7pm on Weds 6th March will provide an opportunity to look back at the variety of the events and activities held in the hall during 2023, and to look-ahead at our plans and needs for 2024.


CVH AGM 6th March 2024 


The first part of the meeting will be open to all parishoners, and we especially welcome all of the new-comers to Coldridge to join us to find out more about the Village Hall Committee’s work and plans.

Following the AGM there will be a regular Village Hall Committee meeting.

Posted 20th February 2024; Withdrawn 27th March 2024




Village Hall Social Group Meeting - Wednesday 10th January, 7.30pm

Coldridge Village Hall Social Group Logo - Trial_01 Jan24

Our next Village Hall Social Group meeting will take place at the village hall on Wednesday 10th Jan at 7.30pm and everyone is welcome. This is where we discuss any future events we have coming up and try to come up with new ideas.

If you have any ideas of events we can put on in the up and coming year please come along, or if you would like to volunteer to help with events in some way please come and join us and find out more.

Posted 1st January 2024; withdrawn 28th January 2024



A brief message from our Parish Poppy Co-ordinator....

"Thank You to everyone in the parishes of Coldridge and Nymet Rowland who contributed so generously to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. £438.82 was collected and has been sent to the Royal British Legion for the continuance of their valuable support to the serving and retired members of our Armed Forces and their families.

Marion Born"

Posted 7th December 2023; Withdrawn 1st January 2024



An update following CPR and Defibrillator Training, 31st July 2023.


On behalf of Coldridge Parish Council may I thank all residents who joined us in the Village Hall on Monday 31st for a CPR/Defibrillator training session led by a representative of Jay’s AIM. As promised in the session I can now share a link to the Jays AIM overview video on YouTube which introduces the charity and the importance of having an awareness of both CPR techniques and use of a Defibrillator.

The Jays AIM website provides further valuable information including useful short training videos that could help you make a difference should circumstances arise.

We are fortunate to have 2 defibrillators located in Coldridge Parish – one in the Kitchen Yard at the Village Hall, the other in the Old Phone Box at Eastleigh. Further information about those installations which could be useful in case of an emergency can be found on the Coldridge Parish Website.

Thanks once again, IK.

Posted 9th August 2023; Withdrawn 1st January 2024


*** Open Meeting Notice to Discuss the Mobile Library Service & Coldridge***

Thursday 9th August, 16.30pm at Coldridge Village Hall

You will hopefully be aware that Devon County Council are planning to end the Mobile Library Service in Devon. This has implications for many of Devon's villages and rural communities, ours included.

An open meeting is now planned for Wednesday August 9th between 16:30pm to 17:30pm to allow residents to contribute and discuss ideas and suggestions for things which can be done to help our residents continue to access library books and services as and when the mobile library is closed.

Thank you in advance for your contributions.

Keyth Richardson

Posted 2nd August 2023; Withdrawn 1st January 2024


The December edition of the Coldridge Calendar is now available.

The November edition of the Coldridge Calendar is now available to read/download - click here for your PDF copy. 

Contributions for the next edition should be sent fao John Smith in MS Word format (and any images as JPEGs) no later than Sunday 17th December.

Posted 7th December 2023; Withdrawn 1st January 2024


St Matthew’s Coldridge Memorial Clock

On behalf of the Parish I recently launched a Crowdfunder Campaign in support of the St Matthew's Coldridge Memorial Clock. What follows is a description of the what and the why behind this campaign, and the how you can make a donation to preserve a piece of Coldridge's history.  IK, November 2023


Project Aim

To raise funds for the repair and restoration of the Coldridge Parish WWI Memorial Clock sited in St Matthew's Church Coldridge, Devon. The repair costs are estimated to be in the region of £3,500.

Crowdfunder St Matthews and Clock

Project Story

On 27th November 1919 the people of the Parish of Coldridge, Devon, unveiled a Memorial to the 6 men who gave their lives in the Great War  –  a Memorial Clock installed in the tower of the 13th Century Parish church of St Matthew’s.  This was a feat made possible through the generosity of public subscription by the parishioners of Coldridge who raised £270 to pay for the clock itself and its installation - that’s just over the sum of £17,000 in today’s money!

Some 103 years later, and despite regular maintenance and care over the years, the clock’s timekeeping has become erratic. On inspection it is now apparent that the time has come to undertake major restoration of the clock’s mechanism including the replacement of several of the original mechanical parts.    

Any monies raised over the eventual cost of this restoration work will be put to beneficial use and the upkeep of the Church through the St Matthew’s Church Fabric Fund.


Extract from The Western Times, Friday 28th November 1919

Coldridge Peace Memorial

The clock in the church tower was installed by present and former parishioners of Coldridge to commemorate those who, counting not their lives dear unto them, died for their country in the Great War, 1914 – 1919.

Private George Parker, 11th Devons

Corporal Herbert Richards, 3rd Devons

Private Sam Sloman (Phillips), Australian Imperial Force

Stoker John Vernon, HMS Indefatigable

Private Ernest George Wilson, 5th Dorsets

Private John Kelland Webber, 3rd Devons


Memorial Clock QR Code

To donate either scan the QR code above or visit our Crowdfunder page at  If you would like to contribute but would prefer not to use an on-line donation service, please contact Ivan Kriznik on 07711 146038 or via email at

Thank you for your support.

Posted 7th December 2023; Withdrawn 1st January 2024


Carols Round the Christmas Tree - Friday 22nd December, 6.15pm

"We are delighted to tell you that this year, for the very first time, the permanent Christmas Tree on the Village Green will be lit. It has now developed into a very attractive tree and it should look really good festooned in lights.

We are planning to sing carols round the tree on Friday, 22nd December at 6.15pm. Please come along and join us.

John W. Smith"

PS - For those living in the centre of Coldridge, Carols round the Christmas Tree will replace the traditional travelling Carol singers tour around the village centre. This will start after the Christmas Tree Carols, visiting the remainder of the Parish as per usual.

Posted 7th December 2023; Withdrawn 1st January 2024


Coldridge Fete & Vintage Rally, Flower Festival & Dog Show 2024 - Open Meeting Notice

15th November, 7.30pm, Coldridge Village Hall

I am pleased to confirm that the 2024 Coldridge Fete Committee will be hosting an Open Meeting for residents of the Parish on Wednesday 15th November - to present and discuss the latest progress on our fete preparations and some of the exciting attractions lined up for our 2024 Coldridge Fete and Vintage Rally.
Fete Open Meeting Notice for 15th November 2023

This is an ideal opportunity (especially if you are new to the Parish) to meet the team and get a heads-up on what is planned. It's also a chance for you to share your thoughts or ideas and to explore whether you may be able to help, either with advanced preparations, field set-up or as a Fete Volunteer on the day.

I look forward to meeting you all on the 15th!
Ivan Kriznik (Chairman 2024 Coldridge Fete & Village Rally)

Posted 8th November 2023; Withdrawn 1st January 2024


Coldridge Parish Waste Collections - 2023/24 Calendar Update Now Available

The new 'bin-it 123' 2023/24 Waste Collection Calendar has now been released by Mid-Devon District Council.

Click on the link below, enter your post-code, select house details to see, check & download your new 2023/2024 recycling bin collection dates. The new calendar runs from 2nd Oct 2023 to 23rd Sept 2024.

Posted 3rd October 2023; Withdrawn 1st January 2024


2023 - Time to Get Walking Again!

An article from John Harris, curator of the walking website

"With Spring on its way, we start to think about getting out to walk in the beautiful English countryside again, but where to find new and interesting walks?

Walking in Devon has loads of walks to download and print, free, it also has books of walks, details of all the walking groups in the county and much more. Whether you want to walk on your own or with a group all the information is there in one place.

John Harris (who maintains the website) said ‘There is so much walking information on the web but it is difficult to find. Walking in Devon (part of the Walking in England website) has brought it together in one place so whether you are walking from home, or away on holiday, you will be able to find a walk suitable for you’.

With walks from half a mile to twelve miles plus long, and a note of suitability for pushchairs and wheelchairs, everyone can find a walk to enjoy.

So, home or away, check out the websites and get walking!

John Harris

Posted 21st January 2023; Withdrawn 1st January 2024

Coldridge Remembers – Sunday 12th November 2023

Coldridge will be commemorating the memory of the fallen of the Parish at the Village Green War Memorial from 10.45am on Sunday 12th November 2023, followed by a service in St. Matthew’s after the Two-Minutes Silence at 11.00am.

Coldridge Remembers - Commemoration events Sunday 12th November

We hope you can spare a few moments with us on Sunday 12th to reflect on their sacrifice.

Posted 18th October 2023; withdrawn 6th December 2023


Notice of 'Drop-In' sessions concerning Openreach Fibre Broadband Roll-Out, Thursday 5th October.

Openreach Meeting Notice_5Oct23


In addition to a short introduction in the October edition of the Coldridge Calendar, a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) paper has been prepared by Phil Bridges - available to view online here.

Alternatively if you'd prefer a printed copy please contact Phil on the above details.

Posted 2nd October 2023; withdrawn 6th December 2023


***CANCELLED*** Coldridge Flower & Produce Show


Gardening Club Website banner

With regret, the Coldridge Gardening Club Committee have taken the decision to cancel the planned Fun Flower and Produce Show this coming Saturday 9th September - a consequence of the unseasonable weather which has led to an insufficient number of entries to support a quality show and display on the day. 

Keep gardening!

Posted 6th September 2023; withdrawn 24th September 2023


Happy Circle

**** Re-Launch Update Pending, 23rd July 2021 ****


Starting over 40 years ago our club has a core of regular members from Coldridge and surrounding areas. A chance to see friendly faces - we meet every 3rd Tuesday of each month at Coldridge's Village Hall, except during the summer months when we have various outings. We enjoy an early Christmas meal usually in November.

You don't have to be three score years young to qualify, if you'd like to come along we'd love to see you!

Interested in joining or in future visits and events, then please contact - Sylvia Sampson 01837 82361.

Next meeting - Meet 3rd Tuesday of each month - occasionally subject to change due to activities so please check the 'Coldridge Calendar', Noticeboard or contact Sylvia.


Posted 28th June 2017; Withdrawn from hidden, 2nd August 2023


King Charles III Coronation Commemorative Coins

Message from The Parish Clerk: -
"Coldridge Parish Council have decided to give all under 18-year-olds in the Parish a Coronation Commemorative Coin. This will be unique to Coldridge, as shown.
     King Charles III Coronation Coin for Coldridge
The Council plans to present these on May 7th at the Big Lunch in The Square (more details to follow on this).  Please can anyone who is the parent or guardian of an under 18, and who wishes them to have a coin, please let me know.
The Parish Council can also supply a coin to anyone who would like one for £4.00 as 150 have been ordered to ensure that there are enough to meet the demand.  Deadline for responses is April 16th.
Keyth Richardson, Church Cottage, Coldridge
Email: "


Posted 4th April 2023; Withdrawn 2nd August 2023


Table Tennis is back in 2023!

We are pleased to announce that our fortnightly Table Tennis sessions will re-start in the Village Hall on Wednesday 18th January, between 7 & 10pm. Thereafter, sessions will revert to every second Thursday (at the same time), with the next session being held on Thursday 2nd February. Check out the 'Whats On in Coldridge, Devon' Facebook page for the latest updates.
Further information concerning the re-starting of Sunday Family sessions will be advised in due course. 
Posted 9th January 2023; Withdrawn 24th July 2023

Pre-Loved Clothing Sale in Aid of Children's Hospice South West

Please come along and support our pre-loved clothing sale on Saturday 20th May in aid of Children's Hospice South West.
Pre-Loved Clothing Sale, Sat 20th May 10.30am to 2pm
There will be lots of nearly new clothes for sale and it always feels so good to recycle and your favourite Coldridge Bakers will be selling tea and cakes for this great charity! 
Please contact Kate Fitch if you would look to book a table.

Posted 12th May 2023; Withdrawn 18th June 2023


MDDC Waste and Recycling Collections in early May

Be advised, your waste & recycling collections will be later than usual due to the Early May and Coronation Bank Holidays. These date changes affect all collection types to a greater or lesser extent.
Check your revised dates on the MDDC Waste & Recycling pages here.
Early May and Coronation Bank Holiday Collection Schedule

Posted 28th April 2023; Withdrawn 18th June 2023



Annual Parish Meeting, Thursday 18th May

Message from J. Smith - Vice Chairman Coldridge Parish Council

"The Annual Parish Meeting will take place, in the Village Hall, on Thursday, 18th May at 7.30pm.  There will be progress reports from all of our parish groups and organisations, so it really should be of interest to everyone.  You will also be able to hear from your newly-elected Parish Council and pick up on lots of things which are planned or being worked on for our community, going forward.

Please come along...everyone is welcome".

Posted 27th April 2023; Withdrawn 18th June 2023


UK-Wide Emergency Alert Service - Testing on Sunday 23rd April 2023

Information from His Majesty's Government and Gov.UK

A UK-wide Emergency Alerts service launched by HM Government earlier in March will undergo a UK-wide test taking place on Sunday 23 April.  The system is intended to bolster the UK’s resilience and provides the capability to send alerts direct to mobile phones when there is a risk to life

Working with mobile broadcasting technology, the Emergency Alerts system will transform the UK’s warning and informing capability; providing a means to get urgent messages quickly to nearly 90 percent of mobile phones in a defined area, providing clear instructions about how best to respond.  The system is now ready to be tested across the country following successful tests in East Suffolk and Reading, as the Government continues to strengthen its resilience capability, making sure it offers the best possible protection against an ever-evolving range of threats.

A UK-wide alerts test is planned for the early evening of Sunday 23 April, during which people will receive a test message and 'siren alert' on their mobile phones. The alerts will only ever come from the Government or emergency services, and they will issue a warning, always include the details of the area impacted, and provide instructions about how best to respond - linking to where people can receive further information.
Emergency Alerts will be used very rarely - only being sent where there is an immediate risk to people’s lives - so people may not receive an alert for months, or even years.
The service has already been used successfully in a number of other countries, including the US, Canada, the Netherlands and Japan, where it has been widely credited with saving lives, for example, during severe weather events. In the UK, alerts could be used to tell residents of villages being encroached by wildfires, or of severe flooding.
Further the latest information please go to GOV.UK

Posted 4th April 2023; Withdrawn 18th June 2023


Coldridge Parish Council Elections - 4th May 2023

Message from Keyth Richardson, Clerk to Coldridge Parish Council.

"On May 4th there will be an election for all seven seats on Coldridge Parish Council.

If anyone is interested in standing then please contact me and I can give you more information on what the role entails and can let you have a nomination form. This needs to be submitted to Mid-Devon District Council at Phoenix House Tiverton by 4pm on Tuesday the 4thApril.

Most residents of the parish who are over 18 will be eligible to stand, and rather than list the details here I can speak to you on in individual basis to confirm your eligibility".

Keyth Richardson, Clerk to Coldridge Parish Council 01363 83251

Posted 2 March 2023; Withdrawn 18th June 2023


Changes to Voter ID Requirements in May 2023

Message from Keyth Richardson, Clerk to Coldridge Parish Council.
"There are local elections in May 2023 and for the first time you will need photo ID to vote in person.
Any of the following is accepted as photo ID...
  • a UK passport
  • a driving licence
  • an older persons bus pass
  • disabled persons bus pass
  • a blue badge
If you need to find out more visit"

Posted 2 March 2023; Withdrawn 18th June 2023



Message from Marion Born...

"Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Carol Singers who travelled around the Parish on 23rd December 2022. Your generous donations raised a fantastic £400.00, which has been sent to Children’s Hospice South West.  Thanks also for the hospitality provided before and after the event, and for the chocolates on the way around that kept us going! Well done and thanks to all those that took part!"                                                                            

Well done Coldridge!
Posted 21st January 2023; Withdrawn 2nd March 2023


"On the 29th October we held a Craft Fair at the Hall to raise money for the Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA).

The day was a great success with some amazing stalls and lots of visitors from far and wide who spent the day shopping and enjoyed the bacon rolls and homemade cakes on offer from the café.  The raffle and cake stall were well supported and helped with the overall total raised on day.

With this said, the total raised was an amazing £925.00 that has now been sent to MNDA today. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who had a stall, donated a cake and/or a raffle prize, and all donations that we have received on the day and since. 

Can we also thank everyone who made the day possible with setting up, helping on the day and all the support that made the day successful.

Many thanks"
Vickki Ridge and Margret Burrows

Posted 29th November 2022; Withdrawn 2nd March 2023


Macmillan Coffee Morning: RESULT!

Message from Helen Smith from the November Coldridge Calendar:
"A huge “Thank You!” to everyone who supported my recent MacMillan Coffee Morning, either by making a donation or by joining everyone here for cakes and coffee. The magnificent sum of £595.53 was raised and has already again next year!"
Helen Smith

Posted 31st October 2022; Withdrawn 20th January 2023


DCC Connect Me - Take care and help reduce risk of spreading bird flu

Published 4pm, 29th July 2022

Bird flu, or avian influenza to give it's correct name, is primarily a disease of birds and we are aware of some cases currently in Devon. The risk to public health is very low as it is not an airborne disease. However, it is really important that you do not touch or pick up any dead or visibly sick birds that you find.

If you find dead wild waterfowl (swans, geese or ducks) or other dead wild birds, such as gulls or birds of prey, you should report them to the Defra helpline on 03459 33 55 77.

Full guidance is available on the government website.

An Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) came into force across Great Britain last November. This means all bird keepers, regardless of whether they are pet birds, a commercial flock or just a few birds in a backyard, must keep their birds indoors, keep a close watch on them for signs of disease and maintain good biosecurity at all times.

Bird flu is a notifiable animal disease. If you suspect any type of avian influenza in poultry or captive birds, you must report it by calling the Defra Rural Services Helpline on 03000 200 301.

Posted 29th July 2022; Withdrawn 20th January 2023


Donate Whilst you Shop - Coldridge Village Hall & AMAZON

A message from Keyth Richardson, Coldridge Village Hall Treasurer

"I have registered Coldridge Village Hall with AmazonSmile.  This is a scheme funded by Amazon which gives us 0.5% of any purchases made through AmazonSmile at no extra cost to you, the purchaser. Amazon will pay this money each quarter within 28 days of the end of the quarter.
How do I do this?
In order to browse or shop through AmazonSmile you must first select Coldridge Village Hall at .  To shop at AmazonSmile simply return to or activate AmazonSmile on your Amazon Shopping app on your iOS or android phone (found under settings on your app once you have selected a charity for the first time via a web browser).

How simple is that - free money for the Village Hall every time you shop atAmazon

Any queries about the scheme, please give me a call 01363 83251 , but please no technical questions!
Keyth Richardson, Coldridge Village Hall Treasurer"

Posted 30th October 2021; Withdrawn 20th January 2023






Coldridge Remembers, Sunday 13th November 2022

Coldridge Remembers November 13th 2022

Posted 11th November 2022



            Passing of Queen Elizabeth II  11th September 2022


Queen Elizabeth II stories on BBC News website

For Coldridge residents and any visitors to the Parish a Book of Condolences has now been placed in St. Matthew's Church.

If anyone wants to lay any flowers please do so on the grass alongside the church noticeboard so all may see and enjoy.

Posted 11th September 2022; Withrawn 31st October 2022


Fete Open Feedback - Meeting Notes Now Available

Wednesday 17th August 2022 at 7.30pm

2022 Fete & Vintage Rally Logo_Aug22

Thank you to everyone who joined us (or provided feedback) at the 2022 Fete Feedback meeting on the 17th August. Despite the best of wind and rain the weather could throw at us during the afternoon, I am very pleased to report that the 2022 Coldridge Fete and Vintage Rally, Flower Festival & Dog Show raised in excess of £8,100 for local parish causes.

I'm now pleased to share the meeting notes from the evening's discussions - click here to read/download.

The all important 'lessons learned' captured will be fed into the initial planning for the 2024 fete.

Thank you.


Posted 27th August 2022; Withrawn 31st October 2022


Council Prepares for Waste Collection Changes

MDDC Logo for Bin-It 123 2020

Hopefully residents are now aware of changes planned by Mid-Devon District Council concerning changes to the cycle of kerbside rubbish and re-cycling collections from October 2022.  In addition to some recent 'through the letterbox' correspondence that all households should have received there are now a number of web-based resources hosted on the MDDC website, accessible here at Bin-it 123.

FYI: You can receive your own recycling alerts (e.g. like service updates) by subscribing to recycling via the MDDC 'email alert service'.

Posted 29th July 2022; Withrawn 31st October 2022


Devon County launches new website to help support Ukrainian refugees

Published by Mid-Devon District Council, 30th March 15:24pm GMT

Devon’s local authorities are supporting local residents who want to provide sanctuary to the Ukrainian refugees who have been forced to flee their homes.

A new website now hosts the latest guidance and information as it becomes available.  Team Devon, which includes Devon County Council, East Devon, Mid Devon, North Devon, South Hams, Teignbridge and Torridge District Councils, West Devon Borough Council and Exeter City Council, condemned Russia's actions when it first invaded Ukraine.  The local authorities are giving particular support to families in Devon whose relatives in Ukraine are fleeing the conflict, as well as to households who volunteer to accommodate refugees.  The councils’ support of Ukraine follows their previous commitment, alongside health and voluntary sector partners and local communities, to help Syrian families and those fleeing conflict in Afghanistan.  The county council is receiving the latest information from the government on the sponsors who have registered, and DBS checks on the sponsor families are being carried out and Devon’s district authorities are using a common approach to assess each sponsor’s accommodation, which will help better assess any potential safeguarding risks.

Chair of the Devon District’s Forum Councillor Bob Deed said:

“The fighting continues to have a devastating impact on civilians, and we have a moral duty to support families fleeing Ukraine to join their family members here in the UK.  There has been a huge groundswell of goodwill with many Devon residents registering to help with more registering every day, and now we are focused with ensuring that the refugees can join their families as quickly and safely as possible.  The safety and wellbeing of those we are welcoming is one of our main priorities we have already made good progress in that regard.
“As soon as we receive new information or guidance from Government, we will post it on the website.”

Posted 31st March 2022; Withrawn 31st October 2022



Fete Volunteers Meeting - Thursday 16th June

2022 Fete Volunteering Meeting 16th June

Posted 11th June 2022; Withdrawn 29th July 2022


Coldridge Fete  - Dog Show Announcements

I am pleased to announce a couple of exciting pieces of information regarding our Fete's Fun Family Dog Show.

Click here to find out more.

Posted 9th June 2022; Withdrawn 29th July 2022


Coldridge Parish Annual Meeting - 12th May, 7.30pm Village Hall.

"Please come along to this open meeting, which the Parish Council are hosting, at which all the parish organizations will be giving a report on their activities, and their plans for the future.  There is a lot going on in our community so I'm sure you will learn something from this meeting. All welcome, no need to book a place, just come along".
Keyth Richardson, Clerk to the Parish Council

Posted 1st May 2022; Withdrawn 9th June 2022


Coldridge 'Pop-Up Cafe' for DEC Ukranian Humanitarian Appeal, 24th March 2022

Great news, ...yesterday's #popupcafe raised a fantastic £510 for the DEC Ukranian Humanitarian Appeal.
                    Pop-Up Cafe 24Mar22_Room 
                    Pop-Up Cafe 24Mar22 - Food
A hugh thank you for all the hard work by all involved - to Suzanne for organising the event, the bakers and helpers for making it happen and, not least, all of you who came along to support it on a beautiful Spring day.  Well done!
Posted 26th March 2022; Withdrawn 1st May 2022

Would you like to try Tai Chi?

Have you ever fancied trying your hand at Tai Chi? 

Would you like to join in a free introductory Tai Chi 'Taster Class' in the Village Hall from 5.30pm on Monday 28th March to find out what it’s all about?

We are fortunate that one of our new Coldridge residents, Dr M. J. Fox, is a seasoned Tai Chi instructor. Mike has offered to run an initial class to provide an introduction in this form of Chinese martial arts exercise. The class will be open to all ages. No special equipment will be required - just wear loose clothes and comfortable flat shoes.

So if you’re interested in the ‘taster’ class then let me know by Friday 18th March either by adding a comment below or sending me an email at  I'll get back to you later in March with an update and confirmation of the session.

Who knows – if the introduction goes well this could become a regular new exercise class in the Village Hall.

Tai Chi - A Backgrounder for Monday 28th March 2022

Posted 3rd March 2022; Withdrawn 11th April 2022


Torrington Mobile Library Dates in 2022

"The mobile library will be in Coldridge Square from 14:15 to 15:00 on the following Thursdays:

     January 6th         February 3rd           March 3rd and 31st
     April 28th            May 26th                  June 23rd
     July 21st              August 18th             September 15th
     October 13th     November 10th       December 8th.

Please look us up on “Social Media”: and for the latest operational information concerning Mobile library vans.

Further information on Devon Libraries can be found on the Devon Libraries website at

Telephone: 0345 155 1001, or email

Thanks and See You On The Van".
Julie (Mobile Librarian)

Posted 28th November 2021; Withrawn 31st October 2022


Platinum Jubilee Commemorative Coins:

The Queens Platinum Jubilee 2022 Logo

A message from the Parish Clerk..

"Coldridge Parish Council have decided to give all under 18-year-olds in the Parish a Platinum Jubilee Commemoration Coin.  This will be unique to Coldridge, with a specific Coldridge inspired image on the reverse. The Parish Council plan to present these on June 5th at the Big Lunch in The Square (more details to follow on this).

Please can anyone who is the parent or guardian of an under 18, and who wishes them to have a coin, let me know. The Parish Council can also supply a coin to anyone who wants one at the cost price, likely to be around £3.50. Deadline for responses is March 16th".

Keyth Richardson, Church Cottage,

Posted 23rd February 2022; Withdrawn 11th April 2022



Coldridge Gardening Club - Coach Trip to 'The Garden House', Nr. Buckland Monochorum - Saturday 7th May 2022

Following a particularly low level of interest and take-up of seats for the proposed coach trip to 'The Garden House' on Saturday 7th May, the Gardening Club Commitee have taken the decision to cancel the event. Thank you to those who came forward.
An alternative Gardening Club group visit to RHS Rosemoor is now being considered.
Posted 15th March 2022; Withdrawn 11 April 2022

Parish Council: Twenty's Plenty Signs

Unfortunately, Council is still receiving regular complaints from parishioners about the excessive speeds of vehicles in our lanes. Sadly, it is not just ‘outsiders’ who are guilty, but quite a few residents are failing to follow the advice that 20mph is quite fast enough. It should be unnecessary to point out that there is an increasing number of children at play on the Green, or cycling and chasing balls down the roads. Children are not very ‘traffic-aware’ and can dash outunexpectedly. Conversely, older folk, who enjoy a stroll around the lanes, can’t jump out of the way as quickly as you might hope!

Therefore, the Council is going to erect 2 or 3 more Twenty’s Plenty signs. If you have some ideas for the most effective places to site them, please contact the Parish Clerk at

Posted 28th September 2021;  Withdrawn 11th April 2022


Asian Hornet Threat - Beekeepers and walkers be on the look-out

There have been a number of articles on BBC News and Radio 4 Today programme today alerting Beekeepers (and all of us) to be on the look-out for Asian Hornets in the English countryside. 

Asian Hornets are extreme invasive predator with an voracious appetite for bees and other pollinators, setting up their nests near to bee-hives.

Asian Hornet Watch Poster  - How to identify and report June 2020

Sightings have already been reported this year in the Channel Islands with fears that the UK may be next on their itinerary! FYI as I write there's no evidence of confirmed sightings in mainland England so far this year ( see last update DEFRA - last sightings 2019).

If you'd like to find out more click this link to watch a short video on the BBC News website.

If you suspect you've spotted one, details of how you can report are signposted in the poster above ( ...on-line, by email or via an iPhone or Android app).

Posted 3rd June 2020; Withdrawn 11th April 2022



Village Hall Notice of Annual General Meeting, 2022

Village Hall Notice of Annual General Meeting, 24th March 2022

Posted 15th March 2022; withdrawn 26th March 2022


Coldridge Gardening Club - Coach Trip to 'The Garden House', Nr. Buckland Monochorum - Saturday 7th May 2022

****UPDATE 15th March 2022***

Following a particularly low level of interest and take-up of seats for the proposed coach trip to 'The Garden House' on Saturday 7th May, the Gardening Club Commitee have taken the decision to cancel the event. Thank you to those who came forward.
An alternative Gardening Club group visit to RHS Rosemoor is now being considered.
Posted 15th March 2022
Please see a message from John Smith below...
"Hello, Everyone,
After all the misery, isolation and all the general nuisances and restrictions of the Covid pandemic, we can now look forward and outwards a bit more confidently at last (just so long as we all keep a sense of proportion and have consideration for others!)
To this end, the Coldridge Gardening Club Committee has arranged a luxury coach trip to The Garden House in South Devon and we would very much like to invite non-members to come along and join us for a 'Grand Day Out', so that as many of you as possible can benefit from our deal.
The date is Saturday, 7th May and we have received a very competitive price from Jimmy Powell for one of his very smart, comfortable 49-seater coaches, leaving from The Village Green (Time TBC).
We have also negotiated a Group Entry Price for The Garden House, so the all-in cost per person, for both coach travel and entry, will be just £20.00 (£15 for Club members). Believe me, this is quite a bargain and The Garden House is very well worth a visit, whether you are a keen gardener or not. It is often featured on TV for its lovely settings and scenery. Please look them up on Google. There really is something for everyone down there. It is not hilly or steep and there are plenty of facilities for the less mobile amongst us.
You can also enjoy the scenery as we travel along on the way down and back and hopefully, if Jimmy is our driver on the day, you will be treated to a wonderful running commentary, in a proper Devon dialect!
So, if you would like to join us, please let me know by Monday, 21st March at the latest. Please also tell me how many are in your party (with names) and whether or not you wish us to book you a seat in the Garden House Restaurant for Lunch. Don't forget to tell me if you are a paid-up member or not. Spaces are strictly limited, so please let me know as soon as possible and certainly before the 21st March deadline.
Depending on Government Guidelines at the time, please wear a mask on the coach and take and report a Lateral Flow Test that morning, before you leave your house.
Again, this will be a proper Grand Day Out and we will be very pleased if you decide to join us.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,

John W Smith
Coldridge Gardening Club"
Further information concerning The Garden House can be found via this link

Posted 16th February 2022, Withdrawn 16th March 2022


Coldridge Fete - Open Meeting Planned

 2022 Fete Open Meeting, 3rd March 2022 - Open Invitation

Posted 13th February 2022; Withdrawn 5th March 2022



2022 Coldridge Fete Flower Festival - Launch Meeting

Saturday 26th February 2022, 10:30am in St. Matthew's Church

Flower arrangers....... your Village Fete Needs You!!  Click here to find out more about a planned 2022 Flower Festival Launch Meeting being organised by Lyn Green.

Posted 29th January 2022, Withdrawn 5th March 2022


Save the Date!  2022 Fete Open Meeting, Thursday 3rd March

Coldridge 2022 Fete Logo

You are invited to join us for our next Open Meeting at 7:30pm on 3rd March in the village hall. This is a great opportunity for parishioners (old and new) to meet the Fete Committee and hear an update on the progress of the preparations for the 2022 Fete.

The success of our biennial fete depends upon the energy and support of members of the community providing their time and skills as fete volunteers. There are plenty of areas where your support would be appreciated, from helping to set-up in the field on the day before, to lending a hand to organise and run our various village stalls on the day. Further details will be provided at the meeting.

The 2022 Fete Committee looks forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Thursday 3rd March. If you’d like to help/keep in touch but cannot make the 3rd please feel free to contact me directly.
Ivan Kriznik, Chairman & Publicity Lead, 2022 Coldridge Fete Committee

Further news and information concerning our 2022 Village Fete is available on the Fete pages of the Parish website.

Posted 29th January 2022; Withdrawn 5th March 2022


Love is…Made in Devon

2nd Feb 2022
This is a notice from Melissa Irace who runs a buy-local business support scheme at Devon County Council.
                   Devon County Council Love is Made in Devon banner, Feb 4th 2022
"If you love the idea of shopping locally then check out these great gift ideas from our Made in Devon members  From chocs, melts and vanilla to heart-shaped cheese; locally made tipple and tea tours to cosy clothing and pottery throw-downs for couples. 
Made in Devon is the new buy-local scheme that is here to support Devon business and help spread the love, because love is  ..…not just for Valentine’s!"

Posted 4th Feb 2022, Withdrawn 23rd Feb 2022


Devon Communities Together:  Free on-line course to support people on low-incomes get through this winter

Citizens Advice Devon: Getting through the winter


COURSE DATES (10am - 1pm)
Choose from any of the below dates.
  • December: 14th, 20th.
  • January: 7th, 13th, 19th, 20th, 25th, 27th.
  • February: 2nd, 4th.


Rising prices and the removal of the Universal Credit £20 uplift mean this will be a tough winter for many people on low incomes.  They may end up even worse off as a result of loss of earnings due to Covid self-isolation rules. But various new types of financial support are available to help people over the coming months.  By taking part in this training you will be able to help people access financial support that will make a big difference.


It will cover:
  • The support available to those who need to self-isolate, including mandatory and discretionary grants and Statutory Sick Pay.
  • Changes to Universal Credit which mean some people in work should end up better off.
  • The new Household Support Fund intended to support those most in need this winter.
  • Other financial help to meet essential costs such as energy bills.
  • By taking part in this training, you will be able to help the people you support to access the financial support that will make a big difference to their lives this winter.


The course will enable participants to:
  • Identify the support available to people who need to self-isolate, including mandatory and discretionary grants and Statutory Sick Pay.
  • Recognise the changes to Universal Credit which mean some people in work should end up better off.
  • Assist their clients to access the new Household Support Fund intended to support those most in need this winter.
  • Identify other financial help to meet essential costs such as energy bills.



Devon Communities Together
Unit 73 & 74 Basepoint Business Centre,
Yeoford Way,
Exeter EX2 8LB

Posted 1 Dec 2021; Withdrawn 10 Feb 2022


Mid-Devon District Council release 2021/22 Christmas & New Year Collection Dates

Local Waste & Recycling collection dates have been updated for over the Christmas & New Year holidays :-
                    Mid-Devon District Council Christmas and New Year Collection Dates 2021/22
For more information on all planned revisions Christmas collections (including bulky item pick-ups and medicaclinical waste pick-ups) please visit
To download your postcode collection calendars for 2022 visit

Posted 16th December 2021; Withdrawn 25th January 2022


Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2021

Message from Marion Born

"Thank you to everyone in the parishes of Coldridge and Nymet Rowland who contributed so generously to the RBL Poppy Appeal. £370.56 was collected and has been sent to the Royal British Legion for the continuance of their valuable support to serving and retired members of our Armed Forces and their families".

Well done Coldridge!

Posted 28th November 2021; Withdrawn 19th January 2022


Coldridge Gardening Club - December Meeting Update

*** NOTE this planned Gardening Club event was postponed

"Our December meeting, on Monday, 13th, is our Christmas Social, this time with a Guest Speaker and complete with Bring-and-Share Christmas Refreshments.  Fine Wines will provided by the Club, as well as Tea and Coffee.  We hope to see lots of you there.  Please bring along your choice of nibbles, sausagy things, mince pies, etc., etc. to add to the shared feast.

Non-Members are very welcome to come along and join in the fun and you will only need to spend £1.00 to take part.

We will need to decide at this meeting whether we are going to risk having a ‘Covid-Secure’ Club Lunch at a nearby pub in the New Year.  Please give this some personal thought and be prepared to vote “Yay or Nay” on the night".

John Smith (Chairman)

Posted 28th November 2021; Withdrawn 15th December 2021


Coldridge 647 Friday Bus Service - Change of Operator

On 30th December, the Parish Council advised parishoners that going forwards, the Friday Coldridge 647 bus service between Hatherleigh and Exeter will be operated by MD Coaches. A copy of their correspondence (including details of the new phone number to use when pre-booking a seat) below:-

"Dear Mr Smith,

Thank you for your email.

I can confirm that Devon County Council Has awarded this service to us.

You can contact our office from 0700hrs until 1700hrs, Monday to Friday. Our number – 01363 82200.

You can use this number to pre-book a seat although, as this is a registered service, the bus will travel to Coldridge as per timetable whether any pre- bookings have been made or not.  Social distancing will be maintained when possible, Face coverings to be worn at all times, in line with other service bus travel.  Our vehicles undergo a full disinfectant fogging spray at the end of each day to minimise risk as much as possible. In addition, a Handheld spray is used throughout the day.

I hope this provides a little peace of mind for the residents of Coldridge that we will be doing our utmost to provide as safe as possible an environment to travel in.

I have provided a copy of the Full Timetable, attached to this email.

If you have any other queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards;

David Pocock,  Transport Manager

Linden Holdings (Devon) Ltd

Office 01363 82200"


The MD Coaches based Coldridge 647 service timetable is as follows:

          MD Coaches Coldridge 647 Bus Timetable, 30th December 2020


Posted 31st December 2020 ; Withdrawn 19th January 2022


2022 Coldridge Fete Open Meeting - Save The Date

As the committee now begin preparations for the 2022 fete, we are pleased to announce that we will be holding a ‘2022 Fete Open Meeting’ in the village Hall at 7:30pm on Wednesday 17th November.

This will be the first opportunity for the Committee to share progress and discuss our thoughts and ideas for the 2022 Village Fete & Vintage Rally, Flower Festival & Dog Show.

Coldridge Fete 2022 - Notice of Open Meeting, 17th November 2021

All are welcome to join us and we look forward to seeing as many as possible on the 17th. Thanks, IK.

Posted 30th October 2021;  Withdrawn 28th November 2021


Village Groups & Organisations

23rd July 2021

For the past 16 months, as we've endured periods of COVID-19 lockdown and restrictions on the numbers who can meet, all Coldridge's Village Groups and Organisations postponed their respective 2020 calendars and planned events in 2020/21.

With all being well, Friday 23rd July 2021 will mark the start of our re-awakening as we hold a Village Hall Open Evening and Barbeque in Coldridge Village Hall/The Green, from 6:30pm onwards.

                                        Village Hall Open Evening and BBQ, 23rd July 2021

In the coming days a refresh of information concerning our Village Groups and Organisations will be completed/published in the links on the right-hand-side of this page.  Hopefully this will also lead to a rejuvination of our rolling Village Events Calendar.

Meantime key information concerning Government restrictions and the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to be posted on our Coldridge Coronavirus Community Support page .

Take care & stay well.


Relaunch publication 23rd July 2021; Withdrawn 25th January 2022


UPDATE: Save the New Date for the Coldridge 2022 Village Fete & Vintage Rally, Flower Festival & Dog Show

Coldridge Fete 25th June 2022 Logo

In the light of the recent announcement that the 2022 Devon County Show will take place between Thursday 30th June and Saturday 2nd July 2022, the Coldridge Fete Committee has met to consider the date of our 2022 Village Fete.  (This was previously proposed as Saturday 2nd July, 2022).

Recognising that many in the Parish (and from our stallholder and rally participants) are regular attendees at the Devon County Show, the Coldridge Fete Committee has taken the decision to ‘tweak’ that original date for 2022.

The Committee are now pleased to confirm that the 2022 Coldridge Fete, Vintage Rally, Flower Festival and Dog Show will be held on Saturday 25th June 2022.

Please keep the date free and look out for more information through the coming months.

Posted 30th September 2021; Withdrawn 28th November 2021


Coldridge Parish Council & Devon Community Council Domestic Energy Efficiency Workshops

This autumn and winter Devon Communities Together is offering domestic energy efficiency workshops particularly for those for whom energy affordability is a major consideration and staying warm is difficult.

What is it about?

The workshop takes about one hour and will cover:

  • Warm Homes Discount eligibility
  • Home energy saving
  • Switching energy suppliers
  • Priority Services Register
  • Investment in home energy saving
  • The pros and cons of Smart Meters
  • Devon Oil Collective
  • Carbon Zero – new energy sources
  • Obtaining further help with energy affordability


Monday November 8th   at 14:00

Thursday November 11th  at 19:30


Coldridge Village Hall, EX17 6AX


Martin Rich, Devon Community Council

Any queries contact Keyth Richardson 01363 83251, or by email at

This service is supported by the Big Energy Saving Network and is operated in conjunction with the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureau.

Posted 30th October 2021; Withdrawn 28th November 2021


Coldridge Annual First Aid Update - CPR and Defibrillator Operation

Friday 29th October 2021

See below for details of our annual First Aid Update for residents who'd like to familiarise or refresh themselves on the use of our public defibrillators or CPR. All are welcome to join this free event.

                    Coldridge Annual First Aid Update - CPR and Defibrillator Operation, Friday 29th October 2021

Posted 28th September 2021; Withdrawn 30th October 2021




DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL hereby give NOTICE that from MONDAY 27 SEPTEMBER 2021 for a maximum of 5 days until WEDNESDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2021 (both dates inclusive)
Between the hours of 09:30 and 15:30
No person shall cause or permit any vehicle to proceed on the sections of Affected Roads.


This temporary restriction is considered necessary to enable - SAFETY FOR ENGINEER TO WORK ON OVERHEAD STRUCTURE

For additional information contact: SUNBELT RENTALS UK Telephone: 03700 500972
Meg Booth

Posted 30th August 2021; Withdrawn 30th October 2021


Mid Devon’s Green Credentials Highlighted Nationally

21st June 2021

          MidDevon Press Release - Climate Recycling Update_21st June 2021

Posted 1st July 2021; Withdrawn 30th October 2021


Update about the postponed 2020 Coldridge Fete

Coldridge Fete and Vintage Rally No-Date Logo

"The Fete Committee met recently via Zoom to discuss the possibility of going ahead with the postponed 2020 Coldridge Village Fete and Vintage Rally on 26th June 2021.

The Committee felt that there was too much uncertainty about whether all restrictions would be lifted by the end of June 2021, making it difficult to plan properly for a Fete this year. This was then reinforced by the announcement made by the Prime Minister on 22nd February 2021 about the lifting of lockdown rules in England. As a consequence, we have decided to cancel this year and look forward to putting all our energy into preparing for a fabulous Fete in 2022.

The date for the 2022 Coldridge Fete, Vintage Rally, Flower Festival and Dog Show is Saturday 2nd July 2022. Please keep the date free, more information will be available later in the year.

We are still hoping to put on a smaller Parish based event sometime this summer to mark the reopening of the Village Hall and giving us a chance to celebrate all our community-based activities. Further information will be available in due course.


Lisa Brock

Secretary, Coldridge Village Fete Committee"

Posted 28th March 2021; Withdrawn 30th October 2021


Coldridge walks for the Captain Tom Foundation, Sunday 2nd May

               Coldridge Walks for Captain Tom, Sunday 2nd May 2021

Posted 24th April 2021; Withdrawn 1st July 2021

Service Update: Torrington Mobile Library

Devon Libraries have announced that all being well they hope to be able to have the Mobile Library back on the road from 12th April.

Whilst Covid rules will apply, people can come on board the van in their household bubbles and choose your own books.  To make sure that there are enough books to go around we will be limiting borrowing to 5 books per person for the time being.  Books may also be returned to the van (including those borrowed before the last Lockdown; these will be quarantined for 72 hours before being available for others. Please wear a face mask, use the hand sanitiser and observe social distancing rules when using the mobile library.

The next visit to Coldridge will be on Thursday 15th April:  Coldridge Square 14.15 - 15.00 hrs.  The full timetable with all visit dates for 2021 is available on the Devon Libraries website -  If you have any queries, please contact us via email:

Please note that the return of the mobile library service is subject to the Government roadmap going forward as planned. If we go into another lockdown the level of service, we can offer may change again.
Note You can follow our Mobile Library service on Facebook: or on Twitter: @DevonMobileLibs

Posted 2nd April 2021; Withdrawn 1st July 2021


GOV.UK - Avian Influenza: Housing measures set to be lifted on 31 March

On 27th March, the Chief Veterinary Officers from England, Scotland and Wales announced that current compulsory housing measures for poultry and captive birds are set to be lifted at the end of this month. Measures put in place have been successful in helping to contain the disease and, provided that there are no new significant cases between now and the end of March, the current measures are due to be relaxed. The last confirmed case in poultry in Great Britain was over a month ago on 12 February in Scotland.

A copy of the full DEFRA release can be viewed at GOV.UK;  further indoemation and advice can be found on the DEFRA website.

Posted 28th March 2021; Withdrawn 1st July 2021


Elections are taking place across Mid-Devon on May 6th

Are you Registered to Vote?

Elections will be held across the district for the Police and Crime Commissioner, Devon County Council, district and parish by-elections and, for those in the catchment area, the Cullompton planning referendum. There are a number of ways to have your say in the elections in May - you can vote in a polling station, by post, or by a proxy vote.

You need to be registered to vote in order to have a say at the elections - the easiest way to register is online at Gov.UK;  alternatively you can register using the Electoral Commission website.

  • The deadline for applying for a postal vote is 5pm on Tuesday 20 April 2021
  • The deadline for applying for a proxy vote is 5pm on Tuesday 27 April 2021

For more details visit the Mid-Devon elections page which will be updated as soon as new information becomes available.  You can also email

Posted 23rd March 2021; Withdrawn 1st July 2021


Easter 2021 - Your waste and recycling collection dates will be different!

With the Good Friday and Easter Monday Bank holidays upon us our regular re-cycling dates across the parish will change for a couple of weeks. 

Hopefully all the information you need is available on the MDDC recycling pages in the 2020/21 calendar - the dates dependant on your postcode (see here).

Posted 1st April 2021; Withdrawn 23rd April

More NHS Volunteer Responders needed in areas across England

If you live in England there are important new opportunities to support your NHS and help to save lives as an NHS Volunteer Responder.

The national volunteer scheme was set up by the NHS in England in March this year to help win the battle against COVID-19. It is supported by Royal Voluntary Service and the GoodSAM app, and will continue until at least March 2021.

NHS Volunteer Responders help people who are vulnerable to the virus to stay well by staying at home. They also directly support the NHS by delivering equipment and supplies, providing patient transport, and directing patients at NHS sites. Further ways to support the NHS are due to be announced shortly.

The scheme is operated through a smartphone app which means volunteers can set convenient times to go ‘on duty', making it easy to fit around work, family or other volunteering commitments.

Volunteer safety is central to the scheme and NHS Volunteer Responders do not come into direct contact with COVID-19 patients.

If you'd like further information or to register your desire to support then please visit the NHS Volunteer Responders website.

Posted 4th December 2020; Withdrawn 23rd April


National Lockdown Update - Mobile Library Services suspended

Be advised that with immediate effect all Devon Library services, both Mobile and 'brick and mortar' branches, have been suspended for the duration of the current COVID-19 Lockdown.  To help Library users, the following temporary arrangements have been put in place: -
  • Existing loans have been extended to week to 29th March 2021;  you can review loans online or by contacting your library via email.
  • Reservation charges will be suspended through to 29th March 2021 as items may take longer than usual to become available.
  • Devon's digital library remains open - where you can search, download and stream free eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and e-newspapers from the collection.
For the latest information/updates on library services please visit the COVID-19 Information page on the Devon Libraries website.


Posted 6th January 2021; Withdrawn 1st April 2021


Mid-Devon Council - Check your waste and recycling collection dates online

For many years the Council created a waste and recycling calendar, in printed format, which was sent out to all households in the district. However, with mounting costs and a drive to reduce paper usage the calendar will now be available in an online format. 
You can access the announcement and view or download the 2020/21 calendar related to your postcode via this link.
Posted 4th October 2020; Withdrawn 1st April 2021

Update about the 2021 Coldridge Fete

Coldridge Fete and Vintage Rally Logo - No Date

The Fete Committee met recently to discuss the possibility of going ahead with the postponed 2020 Coldridge Village Fete and Vintage Rally on 26th June 2021.

It was felt that because the situation with Covid 19 remains unclear it was best not to try to decide as yet, but to wait until February 2021 when the outlook for the pandemic may be clearer. We plan to make a definite decision whether to go ahead or cancel by the middle of March 2021 at the latest.

If we decide not to go ahead with the Fete until 2022, it may be possible to put on a smaller Parish based event on 26th June 2021 instead, which will give us the opportunity to get together as a Community, following whatever Covid 19 rules are in place at the time.

If anyone has any views about holding the Fete in either 2021 or 2022 and would like to share them, please speak to any member of the Committee:

Margaret Burrows

Marion Born

Lisa Brock

Andrew Green

Keyth Richardson

Ivan Kriznik

Sally Cooke

Or email:

Posted 16th November 2020; Withdrawn 1 April 2021


Latest edition of the Neighbourhood Watch 'Ournews' e-newsletter is now available

Click here to read on-line or download a copy of the November e-newsletter.

November 2020 Neighbourhood Watch Ournews E-Newsletter announcement, 5th November 2020  

Posted 5th November 2020; Withdrawn 1 April 2021


Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) - Rolling Update

31st December

***DEFRA Update 30th December - First case now confirmed in Devon***

Birdkeepers be advised that an incidence of the H5N8 (highly pathogenic) avian influenza was confirmed in backyard poultry at a premises near Exmouth, West Devon, Devon on 29 December.

In line with their operating procedures, DEFRA has acted quickly to cull affected birds and to introduce movement restrictions to limit the risk of the disease spreading.

Updates on the latest situation along with key links on related Avian Flu topics are maintained via the DEFRA News pages on GOV.UK.

Posted 31st December 2020 


4th December

New housing measures will come into force in England, Scotland and Wales on 14 December

The Chief Veterinary Officers for England, Scotland and Wales have agreed to bring in new measures to help protect poultry and captive birds, following a number of cases of avian influenza in both wild and captive birds in the UK. 

A full copy of their announcement is available here on the GOV.UK website.

Government Chief Veterinary Officers are encouraging bird keepers to use the next 11 days to prepare for new housing measures, including taking steps to safeguard animal welfare, consult their vet and where necessary put up additional housing.

Whether you keep just a few birds as pets or thousands, from 14 December onwards you will be legally required to keep your birds indoors, or take appropriate steps to keep them separate from wild birds. We have not taken this decision lightly, but it is the best way to protect your birds from this highly infectious disease.

Poultry and captive bird keepers are advised to be vigilant for any signs of disease in their birds and any wild birds, and seek prompt advice from their vet if they have any concerns. They can help prevent avian flu by maintaining good biosecurity on their premises, including:

  • housing or netting all poultry and captive birds
  • cleansing and disinfecting clothing, footwear, equipment and vehicles before and after contact with poultry and captive birds – if practical, use disposable protective clothing
  • reducing the movement of people, vehicles or equipment to and from areas where poultry and captive birds are kept, to minimise contamination from manure, slurry and other products, and using effective vermin control
  • thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting housing at the end of a production cycle
  • keeping fresh disinfectant at the right concentration at all points where people should use it, such as farm entrances and before entering poultry and captive bird housing or enclosures
  • minimising direct and indirect contact between poultry and captive birds and wild birds, including making sure all feed and water is not accessible to wild birds


Register your birds

We encourage all keepers to register their birds with us so we can contact you quickly if there is a disease outbreak in your area and you need to take action.  If you have more than 50 birds, you are legally required to register your flock within one month of their arrival at your premises. If you have less than 50 birds, including pet birds, you are still strongly encouraged to register.

Find out how to register your birds.

Poultry and captive bird keepers and members of the public should report dead wild birds to the Defra helpline on 03459 33 55 77 (option 7), and keepers should report suspicion of disease to APHA on 03000 200 301. Keepers should familiarise themselves with our avian flu advice.

Public Health England advise the risk to public health from the H5N8 and H5N2 strains of bird flu is very low.

The Food Standards Agency has said that on the basis of the current scientific evidence, avian influenza poses a very low food safety risk for UK consumers. Properly cooked poultry and poultry products, including eggs, are safe to eat.

Posted 4th December; Updated 31st December 2020; withdrawn 28th March 2021




St Matthew's Church Service Update for Sunday 17th January

Be advised there will be no service at St Matthew's this coming Sunday, 17th January. However, the Church will be open for private prayer and reflection on Sunday morning between10.30am and 12.00 noon. If you visit St Matthew's, please observe the prevailing COVID-19 social distancing, sanitisation and contact details.

Posted 15th January 2021; Withdrawn 31st December 2021


Mobile Library Service - 2021 Calendar dates for the diary

*** NOTE: Library services have been suspended until further notice from 2nd January 2021 during Lockdown 3.0 ***


The 2021 mobile library calendar for Coldridge is now available (copy below)

Mobile Library Dates for Coldridge, 2021


Current COVID-19 conditions mean that the mobile library continues to operate under the 'Choose and Collect' service which requires advanced notice of your choice or preferences for books.  You can make your reading requests to Julie (our Mobile Librarian) by email at;  books will be supplied bagged and ready for you to collect at the next visit.

Further information can be found on the Devon Libraries website.

Posted 27th November 2020; Withdrawn 31st January 2021


Free Parking to Support Local Shopping this Christmas

Announced earlier this month, Mid-Devon District Council has introduced free parking in its main towns as it continues to support local businesses during the Christmas and New Year period.  The following car parks will be free to park in on Saturdays and Sundays throughout December:-

     St Saviours, Crediton

     Station Road, Cullompton

     Phoenix Lane multi storey, Tiverton

     Westexe South, Tiverton

The same car parks will also offer free parking throughout January on Saturdays only.

The full press release from MDDC is available to view here.

Posted 9th December; Withdrawn 31st December 2020


Christmas Trees delivered to your door for 2020

Pixton Woodlands Advertisement for Christmas Trees Delivered to your door in 2020 - September Calendar

Posted 30th September; Withdrawn 31st December 2020


Helen's Macmillan Coffee Morning... The results so far

A message from Helen Smith, organiser of the annual Macmillan Coffee Morning in Coldridge :-

"A HUGE ‘Thank You’ to everyone who has given me a donation for MacMillan Cancer Support.

Macmillan Coffee Morning Logo for 2020

Since I was unable to hold a Coffee Morning during the present pandemic, the money raised has come as a big surprise……£257.50.   Thank You, Thank You, to all of you!!

Hopefully, next year we will be able to have the social gathering we have become used to?                                                            


Posted 30th September; Withdrawn 31st December 2020


Mid-Devon District Council - "Your waste, your responsibility"

Posted 23-11-2020

In a recent Press Release concerning environmental matters, Mid Devon District Council is reminding residents that it is the resident's responsibility to dispose of waste correctly, even if they have paid someone else to take away the material. 

A full copy of the release along with some additional guidance and validation questions to ask before you is available to read by clicking here.

Posted 27th November; Withdrawn 31st December 2020 


Advanced Notice - Village Road Closure

15th - 17th December 2020

A quick roads update on behalf of the Parish Council...

Devon Highways Traffic Restriction Notice TTRO2037931 - Part 1, 20th November

Devon Highways Traffic Restriction Notice TTRO2037931 - Part 2 (map), 20th November

Posted 20th November; Withdrawn 31st December 2020


Parish Council Update:  Coronavirus - Coldridge Parish Council Receives Support Grant

The Parish Council has applied for, and been given, a few hundred pounds to help deal with any extra costs or expenses due to COVID-19. Some of this is being spent on printing hard copies for the Daily COVID Bulletin for those not on the internet. It is possible for the Parish Council to reimburse petrol costs for anyone who has done special trips to help vulnerable people in the parish, such as shopping or collecting medicine.
As John Smith is the SPOC and publicises all the requests for help can I ask that all requests for this go through him, with the date of the trip, who the trip was for and its purpose and where you went. Many thanks,
Keyth Richardson (Clerk to Coldridge Parish Council.)


Posted 17th April; Withdrawn 31st December 2020


**URGENT UPDATE** DEFRA Guidance on Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

SITUATION UPDATE - 11th November 2020

Affecting all Poultry and other captive birds

In summary from GOV.UK's DEFRA website Avian Flu page:-

An Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) has been declared across the whole of England effective from 5pm on 11 November 2020.

The decision to implement this AIPZ follows a risk assessment containing the latest scientific and ornithological evidence and veterinary advice.  All poultry keepers in England (whether they have commercial flocks or just a few birds in a backyard flock) are required by law to take a range of biosecurity precautions. The AIPZ means extra biosecurity measures must be done by all bird keepers (including game birds and pet birds) to protect them from the risk of avian influenza from wild birds.

If you keep poultry (including gamebirds or pet birds) or other captive birds, you must act now to reduce the risk of disease in your flock by following the relevant biosecurity measures required within the AIPZ. All bird gatherings within the AIPZ are prohibited therefore the general licence that had permitted bird gatherings has been revoked.

For the latest information please refer to the DEFRA Avian Flu pages.

Posted 11th November 2020; Withdrawn & Replaced 19th December



Remembrance Sunday - 8th November 2020


Remembrance Poppies for 2020


Dear Parishioners;

It is with enormous regret that we have to announce the cancellation of our Act of Remembrance on Sunday, 8th November. This is in line with the most recent directive, received from HM Government and the Diocese of Exeter, via the Archdeacon.

However, the Names of The Fallen, from Coldridge and Nymet Rowland, will be read, the Wreath will be laid and the Dedication spoken. This will be done in order that the occasion is properly marked and our record of Remembrance is unbroken.

Please observe the 2 Minutes’ Silence at 11.00am, preferably from home or at a very considerable distance from the memorial, ensuring that the new public and personal Lockdown regulations are strictly observed.

Alternatively, you might wish to observe the Act of Remembrance online from Exeter at:  Alternatively, we are sure that there will be something on the BBC on Sunday morning (and again on the 11th).

We are truly dismayed that we have had to take this decision to cancel, bearing in mind how important the annual Act of Remembrance is to so many in the parish and beyond.

Thank you and with sympathy;

St Matthew’s Church PCC

Coldridge Parish Council


A message from our Churchwarden, Sue Lawrence :-

"Our village's Act of Remembrance for 2020 will be held on Sunday, 8th November at the Village Green War Memorial, starting at 10.45am.  Please maintain social distancing at all times. Unfortunately this year we will be unable to provide chairs and we will not be holding a subsequent Church service afterwards. Sue."


2020 Poppy Appeal

A message from Marion Born, our Authorised Poppy Seller:-

"There will be another opportunity to donate to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal on Monday 2nd November on the Village Green between 3pm and 4pm. If you wish to get in touch please contact me on 01363 83482". 

Posted 31st October 2020; Withdrawn 14th November 2020


Sunday Service at St. Matthew's - 15th November at 10.45am.

A message from our Churchwarden, Sue Lawrence :-

"There will be our usual, monthly service on Sunday, 15th November at 10.45am. This will be followed by a short PCC meeting. 

All the COVID precautions will still be in place. So please remember to maintain social distancing, use the hand sanitiser on arrival and, again, as you leave. Track and trace regulations require us to ask for your name and contact details so please bring these with you on a slip of paper and again these will be kept secure for 21 days and then destroyed. Alternatively, please scan the NHS Covid-19 QR code on the church gate as you enter. 

We look forward to seeing you there. 


Posted 31st October 2020; Withdrawn 14th November 2020


**UPDATE** DEFRA Guidance on Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

SITUATION UPDATE - 31st October 2020:

Current Status

The UK declared itself free from avian influenza on 13 June 2020. This is in line with World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) rules.

DEFRA have confirmed that the UK does not currently have any notified outbreaks of bird flu. However, outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N8) have been found in poultry and wild birds in several countries across Europe. The current risk of bird flu occurring in the UK is "medium" in wild birds and “low” in poultry (provided there’s a good standard of biosecurity). All keepers are encouraged to be aware of the appropriate bio-security guidelines and measures - Click here to view or download the latest version.


General Information and Links

Despite the current 'uninfected' status across the UK, continued vigilence by all poultry keepers is therefore recommended. If you keep poultry, even including game birds or as pet birds, you should refer to the DEFRA Avian Flu website for information, and follow recommendations on biosecurity best practice advice. This is especially relevant if your birds are located in a Higher Risk Area (HRA) - whether you manage a commercial flock or just a few birds in your backyard. 

Despite the current infection-free status Bird Flu remains a notifiable disease. Anyone who finds dead wild birds (e.g. wild waterfowl [swans, geese or ducks] or other dead wild birds, such as gulls or birds of prey) should report them to the Defra helpline on 03459 335577.

The latest information and guidance is maintained and available via pages on the DEFRA website which includes regularly updated data on reported wild bird deaths across English counties.

Updated 12th November; 13th December 2019; 4th January, 13th January, 12th & 28th February, 18th March 2020, 2nd April, 29th May, 2 June; 1 July; 21 August; 30 September; 31 October

Withdrawn 11th November 2020


Sunday Service at St. Matthew's - 18th October at 10.45am.

A message from our Churchwarden, Sue Lawrence :-

"There will be a service on Sunday Service, 18th October at 10.45am, led by the Rev. Tony Connell.

All the COVID precautions will still be in place, so please remember to maintain social distancing whilst in the Church and use the hand sanitiser on arrival and again, as you leave. Track and trace regulations require us to ask for your name and contact details so please bring these with you on a slip of paper; these will be kept secure for 21 days and then destroyed

We look forward to seeing you there.


Posted 30th September 2020


The Mobile Library Service Returns with a new service on 13th July

Devon Mobile Libraries have announced they will be back on the road bringing books to you from July 13th 2020. To make sure that customers and staff are safe, we will only be offering a new type of contactless service for the time being. It’s called Choose & Collect.

What is Choose and Collect?

• a free delivery of up to 5 books or audiobooks per person
• selected by staff based on your reading preferences
• you collect from your usual mobile library stop
• selections available for adults and children.

How do I make sure I get a Choose and Collect delivery?

• Even if we rang you to offer you your first delivery, we regret we can’t do this every month. You must contact us to order again.
• Order at least 1 week before the mobile library visits your village or stop.
• You can check Torrington Mobile Library timetable on our website:
• Order a delivery by emailing or calling 01805 622107 during normal opening hours: Tue 10-6, Thu 10-5, Fri 10-1, Sat 10-1
• Remember to tell staff you are a mobile library customer.
• New customers are welcome, just mention you wish to join the mobile library.

What else do I need to know?

• If you are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms please don’t come to the library.
• We will bag up your books ready for collection, they will have already been issued to your library card to reduce contact.
• Please use our hand sanitiser station and follow social distancing rules when you collect and return items. All returned items will be quarantined for 72 hours.
• We can only deliver pre-ordered selections for now, and regret that staff can’t check the shelves for items while you wait during this phase of reopening.
• Items will be collected and returned at the entrance of the mobile library. You won’t be able to enter the vehicle to browse or choose for yourself.
• We look forward to seeing you again, please be patient while we get used to this new way of working.


Mobile Library Visiting Times in Coldridge (Village Green)

Dates: Thursdays on July 23rd; August 20th; September 17th; October 15th; November 12th and December 10th

Time: 2.15pm until 3.00pm

Click here to access a full copy of the Torrington Mobile Library Timetable for 2020.

Note - Current loan(s) have now been extended to 31st August 2020, and no fines will apply for loans during the period of closure.

Posted 4th July; withdrawn 31st December 2020


Mid-Devon Council - Electoral Review Draft Recommendations consultation extended

In light of the current COVID-19 lockdown situation Mid-Devon Council have announced an extension to the open consultation period for election boundary changes in Mid-Devon, extending the closure date to 20th July. The council's announcement along with further information of the boundary review and how you can have your say is available on the Mid-Devon Council website.

Posted 18th June 2020; Withdrawn 30th September 2020


Notice of a Burial at St. Matthew's Coldridge, Thursday 27th August

A message from our Churchwarden, Sue Lawrence :-
"There is to be a burial in the Churchyard at 2pm on Thursday 27th.  In addition to the permitted number of mourners in the Churchyard it is possible that there will be a number of mourners around the village green. It would be very helpful if the access and surrounding area to the Church gates is kept well clear.

Posted 21st August 2020; Withdrawn 3rd September 2020


Happy Devon Day - 4th June 2020

Happy 'Devon Day' Coldridge!   How are you planning to celebrate today?  If you use Facebook you can post any pictures and comments on the 'What's on in Coldridge, Devon' located there.

Devon Day 2020 Bunting

Stay safe, keep well and don't forget.... cream on first!!

Posted 4th June 2020; Withdrawn 10th June


VE Day 8th May 2020

VE Day Logo

The 8th May 2020 marks 75 years since VE (Victory in Europe) Day when the Second World War came to an end in Europe. 

The long anticipated news resulted in spontaneous celebrations breaking out across the nation. Whilst the prevailing Coronavirus Lockdown has severely curtailed commemoration celebrations there are still lots of  ways that you can get involved and show your support in marking the day on social media and via your digital channels.

  • The government has published a toolkit of resources, which amongst other items includes bunting and posters that you can print, colour and display at home in your windows along with ideas for music and appropriate period recipes.  The site includes a creative challenge from TV Historian Dan Snow to help school children research the VE Day story.
  • English Heritage have prepared a special website of resources to help you mark the anniversary - click here to visit their website.
  • You can share your family's Second World War stories and messages of remembrance on social media, using #VEDay75 to join the conversation.

Throughout the day there will be national coverage of the event on the BBC, ITV etc including a 2 minute silence at 11.00am and a special broadcast from The Queen.

Whatever you plan to do to mark the occasion have a good and safe commemoration on Friday 8th May.

(Note: The war in the East did not end until 15 August 1945, when Japan surrendered, and the ‘Victory over Japan’ or VJ celebrations took place across the world).

Posted 29th April 2020; Withdrawn 2nd June 2020


The Coldridge Alternative to the 2020 London Marathon!

Message from Jayne Webber, 25th April 2020.
"I thought we would share with you/ the parish. Many of our supporters will realise that it should have been the London Marathon tomorrow. 
Ian has decided today that he is still going to run tomorrow, so he'll be taking on "London Marathon's 2.6 Challenge" to raise awareness and funds for the charities that would have benefitted from the London Marathon. 
Depending on how it goes, he'll be running an off-road half- or full-marathon. 
I've created a Facebook event page, if people would like to follow and see how it goes. 
We're still raising money for the wonderful work of Hospice UK
Thank you"!
Jayne (and Ian)


Posted 26th April 2020; Withdrawn 2nd June 2020


Coldridge Parish Council update during the COVID-19 outbreak

Extracted from the Coldridge 'Daily Bulletin', 8th April 2020.
"The Parish Council met on March 19th just before the main control measures were introduced and two Councillors wisely sent apologies following government advice at the time. The Council spread itself around the village hall to prevent any possible spread of COVID-19, although no Councillors had any symptoms.

Following legal advice, and to ensure the Council activities could continue, the council agreed to delegate decision-making powers to the Clerk, who is required to discuss any decisions with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman before making them. All payments still need the signatures of two Councillors, and all payments are made by cheque. Normally the next meeting would be in late May, followed by July, September and November. It is hoped the COVID-19 outbreak will be under control by the autumn so the Council can resume its normal activities. Records will be kept of any decisions made and all the Councillors kept informed.

Following publication of new legislation (The Coronavirus Act 2020), the Parish Council is not required to hold an annual meeting this year, so will not do so, and has been granted the authority to hold meetings remotely, although how this could be done in our case is unclear. There will also be revised regulation regarding the auditing and publication of the accounts for 2019/20 but as we do not know what these are.

The Council will not proceed with co-opting a Councillor to replace the late John Daw until the COVID-19 restrictions on public gatherings are eased or abolished to allow the Council to meet in one place".

Posted 8th April; Withdrawn 31st December 2020


Stay Connected to our Coldridge Parish Website - Your action required before 1st April 2020

Mid-Devon District Council have informed me that our Parish Website domain name has now been changed from to

This change is now live, however to assist users (especially those who have set-up links to this site on 3rd party websites) the former domain name will remain in service until 1st April 2020. 

Your action:  In order to remain connected to the parish website please take a few minutes to update your internet browser's favourites bookmark with this new Coldridge website domain name before 1st April.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need a little help to implement these changes. 

Kind regards, Ivan.

Posted 10th March 2020; Withdrawn 10th June 2020




At last, a great chance to buy your very own copy of these two historic, “Millennium” films on a single DVD!

Coldridge Millenium Celebration Night - Picture of DVD Cover

These films were originally made by Coldridge people and they feature many familiar local ‘faces and places’ around the parish of Coldridge; you never know: YOU MIGHT BE ON IT! Buy a copy and check it out!

The original VHS recordings have lain neglected, but not completely forgotten, in a few cupboards around here, since 2000. Dusted off and freshly re-mastered by John Dike onto a single DVD for a recent Gardening Club meeting, it was suddenly realised how important these two films are as a piece of local, social history…and all very funny too!

So: If you still live in the parish and would like to catch up with scenes and friends past (or sadly passed) and present, or if you used to live here and would like to re-visit your old haunts from the comfort of your distant armchair, or even if you have recently moved here and would like to see the funnier side of some of your new neighbours and friends, then please look no further.

COPIES ARE JUST £5.00 each (+ £1.50 p&p per copy if outside the parish), available to buy and collect at various local functions from 15th March, or by calling John Smith (83436), Ivan Kriznik (884233) or John Dike (83329). 

All profits will go to Coldridge Village Hall.

Thanks for your support. Ivan K.

Posted 17th March 2019; withdrawn 10th June 2020



A message on behalf of Coldridge Parish Council.....

"John was always a “larger than life” figure in our community. A Devon farmer, a noted and respected show steward and judge and a doyen of Young Farmers, of the NFU, of agricultural shows and of Crediton rugby; a Coldridge parish councillor for over 40 years and a District Councillor of considerable note, value and experience.  He was a man with whom to have a friendly yet highly informative discussion on any topic, from ‘Butterfat to Brexit’. John was absolutely without equal.

Despite his wider interests and responsibilities, he still made plenty of time for the ‘grass roots’ issues in Coldridge.    At meetings, he would hold us all enthralled with his local and technical knowledge and with his political fluency. John’s wry and instant sense of humour always tempered the serious nature of any meeting or discussion that he was involved in, at whatever level or on whatever subject. His (sometimes convoluted) arguments would often test the mettle of those of us with simpler or slower minds as we struggled to keep up! However, John was always very respectful of the opinions of others.

His recent views on Farming’s active and long-term facility for reducing our carbon footprint was a case in point and an exciting revelation to many of us.  John was a real ‘tour-de-force’ in this and in so many aspects of his life. His untimely death leaves an enormous hole in our parish council and in our community. He was truly instrumental in keeping Coldridge ‘on the map’.

The Council and community of Coldridge wish to extend our deepest sympathies to Marilyn, to Richard and to all their family".


Parish Council Meeting, Thursday 16th January, 7:30pm, Coldridge Village Hall
Be advised that this coming Thursday's Parish Council Meeting will open with 1 minute's silence in memory of John Daw, who served the community as a parish councillor for over 40 years right up until his sudden death last Thursday.
The Parish Council would be very grateful for a good public attendance in view of the poignant nature of the occasion.


Posted 14th January 2020.  Withdrawn 18th March 2020


Volunteering Opportunities at Home Start Exeter & East Devon

On behalf of our Parish Council....

Could you make a difference to families in our local community?  Home Start Exeter & East Devon are looking for volunteers to support their community initiatives. 

Further details in the 'poster' below.

Home Start Exeter and East Devon poster seeking Volunteers to support their work across the local community.

Posted 10th January 2020. Withdrawn 18th March 2020



Funding available to homeowners and landlords for home improvements


Mid Devon District Council would like to make residents aware of funding that is available to make improvements to homes across the district.  Homeowners and landlords can apply for a loan to make improvements to their homes. Essential home repairs such as a replacement boiler, new windows and doors, roof repairs (including thatch), plumbing, heating or electrical works and even structural repairs are included under the scheme.  Everyone receives the same interest rate, whether you borrow £1,000 or £15,000 and no matter what your circumstances or credit score. You can choose your own contractor and there are a variety of loan products available to suit individual needs*.

The scheme is delivered through Wessex Resolutions CIC, a not-for-profit lender that works in close partnership with the council. Established in 2003, Wessex Resolutions has helped many homeowners throughout the South West, lending almost £13.6 million.

A recent client said "I had no idea the scheme existed until I contacted the Council.  When my adviser visited me and explained everything perfectly it was a huge burden lifted from me – loan repayments that I can afford and the efficiency with which it was all arranged. I am truly grateful to all concerned.”

For more information, call Wessex Resolutions on 01823 461099, or visit or email

(*subject to eligibility)

NOTE:  Loans have a fixed interest rate and typical 4.2% APR.  Missing payments could affect your credit rating and ability to obtain credit in the future.  Loans are typically protected by a Title Restriction and are subject to status.

Posted 3rd July 2019.  Withdrawn 18th March 2020


***CANCELLED***   Save the Date!  Next 2020 Fete Open Meeting, Thursday 12th March

Update 11th March:  "Be advised we have now received a significant number of apologies for tomorrow night’s Coldridge Fete Open meeting, and as such we feel it would be best to cancel the meeting.

We will put together a brief newsletter explaining how far we have got with preparing for this year’s fete, and any areas we need your support with.

Thank you for your understanding".  Lisa Brock, Hon. Secretary

Poster for 2020 Fete Open Meeting, 12th March 202, 7:30pm, Coldridge Village Hall

Posted 29th February 2020; updated 11th March 2020. Withdrawn 18th March 2020


Minutes of latest 2020 Fete Open Meeting (Thursday 10th October 2019) are now available.

A hugh thank-you to all who attended our second 2020 Village Fete open meeting.  We had a very productive and supportive discussion and the Committee appreciate the many ideas raised on the night.  The Committee will be following up on these items as part of ongoing work and preparations for 2020. 

Minutes of the meeting are now approved and may be accessed to read/download here.

Our next Open Meeting is planned for Thursday March 12th 2020. We look forward to seeing you there.

Thanks again.

Posted 14th November 2019. Withdrawn 18th March 2020


Schedule of Christmas/December 2019 Services at St Matthew's Coldridge

The schedule of services for this Christmas is now avaiable to view on the St Matthew's page.

Posted 13th November 2019; Withdrawn 4th January 2020


Coldridge Christmas Tree Festival, 2019 - St Matthew's Church

Once again we are holding a Christmas Tree Festival in Church this year and invite everyone in the Parish to join in.  Quite a few village organisations have already said that they will decorate a tree but there is room for more groups and individuals.  What about a children’s tree, a farmer’s tree, or even a tree for all pets? You just need to say yes by 30th November. 

Here are all the details you need to know:-

     > Setting up Thursday and Friday 12th and 13th December.

        o  The Church will be open between 9.30 am and 6.00 pm

        o  Trees and power sockets will be provided and available for decorating.

The trees will then on show to visitors to St Matthew's from 14th December until after Christmas. Details of Christmas services are available on the St Matthew's page.


If you would like to join in please contact Jo Dike (01363 83329) for further information by 30th November.

Posted 13th November 2019; Withdrawn 4th January 2020


A Village Hall Fit For The Community's Needs - Crowdfunder Initiative

Coldridge Village Hall is a hub for the local community, providing much needed facilities that support the activities of local groups along with the hosting of special village events/entertainments. One of the targets of our ongoing Village Hall refurbishment project is to raise £8,000 to enable the upgrade of the Audio Video facilities in the hall - making it easier to enable and widen access to film and tv offerings available.

Many avenues of funding are being pursed - including one known as Crowd Funding which involves raising money from a large number of people who each contribute a relatively small amount via a crowdfunding site.

Information regarding our hall's project and how to make your pledge are avaiable on Crowdfunder Project Page A Village Hall fit for the Community's Needs

The link will be open until December 7th 2019.

Posted 12th November 2019; Withdrawn 4th January 2020


Free Christmas Parking Dates in Crediton

Mid Devon Council have recently announced that 24 hour free parking will be available in Mid-Devon Council long-stay car parks in the run up to Christmas.

Parking will be available as in previous years on the following Saturday’s as follows:

   Crediton – St Saviour’s Way Car Park

         Saturday 23 November (Christmas light switch-on)
         Saturday 7 December
         Saturday 14 December
         Saturday 21 December

Additional information covering arrangements for Cullompton and Tiverton is available via the MDDC website.

Posted 12th November 2019; Withdrawn 4th January 2020


Have your say on Mid Devon’s next budget - 10 mins is all you need.

Mid Devon District Council have announced the launch of their 2020/2021 'Budget Setting Survey/Consultation' and are now inviting all residents and businesses to have their say on the services that are important to them. The survey (which should take no more than ten minutes to complete) is designed to help Council Officers ensure public money is spent in accordance with the priorities of our communities. It will remain open until Friday, December 6, 2019.

Click here to complete the survey on-line.

Hard copies of the survey are available from reception at Phoenix House, Tiverton.  Anyone who wishes to receive a copy of the questionnaire and is unable to access it online, or from our main office, can contact Customer First on 01884 255255.

Posted 5th November; Withdrawn 13th December 2019


2020  Coldridge Village Fete & Vintage Rally Open Meeting, Thursday 10th October.

Coldridge 2020 Fete, Vintage Rally, Flower Festival and Dog Show Logo
Dear all,
You are invited to join the 2020 Coldridge Village Fete, Vintage Rally, Flower Festival and Dog Show Committee at an Open Meeting on Thursday 10th October 7:30pm, Coldridge Village Hall (EX17 6AX). 
It'll be an ideal opportunity to learn about progress with plans for next year, to join in the discussions and to find out how you could get involved to help make our 2020 Village Fete, Vintage Rally, Flower Festival and Dog Show the best yet!  All offers of help gratefully received, however if you are unable to join us but would like to be kept in touch please contact me on 01363 884233.
We look forward to seeing you on the 10th.
Thanks in advance,
Ivan Kriznik
PS - By way of a quick refresher you can access the notes from our last Open Meeting on 6th March 2019 via our Fete pages and this link.


Posted 7th October 2019; Withdrawn 12th November 2019


Mid-Devon Election Boundary Changes Consultation

Our Parish Council have been advised of an election boundary review/consultation currently in progress. The Mid Devon DC poster (below) outlines the purpose and requests elector/resident feedback on any of the proposed changes. Whilst is appears that Coldridge would remain in Taw Ward the shape and size of the ward would be changed slightly.

If you wish to provide any feedback the consultation closes on 4th November 2019. Contact details are in the poster. Paper copies of the poster can be seen on the parish notice boards or can be viewed and downloaded from the Parish website via this link.

Posted 27th September 2019; Withdrawn 12th November 2019


Channel 4 - 'Call the Cops' TV series to feature Devon & Cornwall Police

On Monday 19th, 9pm, Channel 4 will start a new series of 'Call the Cops' which will feature Devon & Cornwall Police service 'shouts', operations and challenges.   I've included below a copy of the associated Press Release (shared earlier this week by our local Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator, John Dike) which provides an outline of the series.

 Channel 4 'Call the Cops' Announcement


Posted 15th August 2019; Withdrawn 12th November 2019


DEFRA Guidance on Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

SITUATION UPDATE - July 2019:  According to the latest DEFRA updates 'The current risk of avian influenza occurring in the UK in wild birds and poultry is “low” '.

That said, continued vigilence is the recommendation of the day, so iIf you keep poultry, even including game birds or as pet birds, you should follow our biosecurity best practice advice. This is especially relevant if your birds are located in a Higher Risk Area (HRA) - whether you manage a commercial flock or just a few birds in your backyard. 

Despite the current infection-free status since June 2017 Bird Flu remains a notifiable disease. Anyone who finds dead wild birds (e.g. wild waterfowl [swans, geese or ducks] or other dead wild birds, such as gulls or birds of prey) should report them to the Defra helpline on 03459 335577.

The latest information and guidance is maintained and available via pages on the DEFRA website which includes regularly updated data on reported wild bird deaths across English counties.

Posted 11th December 2017;  Updated 17th January 2018; 20th June 2018; 20th January; 3rd July 2019; ithdrawn 12th November 2019


'Useful Information'  - New Page now available on the Coldridge Parish Website

A new page has been posted on the Parish website today intended to provide an additional resource for parishioners on a range of local services, information and emergency contacts.

The page is accessible from the Parish Website's front page (see the footer bar) or via this link.  Suggestions for additional content are always welcome - please contact Ivan Kriznik to discuss.

Posted 26th May 2017; Withdrawn 12th May 2019


Parish Council Notice - Dog Fouling & Handling

Please can we remind all dog-owners in the parish that it is The Law that you must use the dog bins or the Green Refuse Bins to dispose of Dog Poo.  Please do not leave it on the ground, especially around your neighbours’ properties.  The bins are placed conveniently around the parish for your use, so there is absolutely no excuse for leaving the poo on the ground.

Also, please remember that IT IS AN OFFENCE to let a dog roam free in a public place. (That is anywhere around the village/parish). It is within everyone’s individual right to report an unaccompanied dog or a dog off a lead to the Council Dog Warden. A fine is the very least consequence of this.

Sorry…this is a bit ‘heavy’, but it is a matter that upsets many people in the parish and all dog owners need to be aware of their responsibilities. Your co-operation will be very much appreciated by us all. Just remember that our open spaces are used by your children for their outside play, especially now that Spring and Summer are with us, when our children want and need to play outdoors. We all need to be sure of their health and safety.

Please pass this message on to anyone who does not receive ‘The Coldridge Calendar’.  At the same time, the Parish council really appreciates the efforts of the majority of local dog owners who act responsibly for the benefit of their pets, themselves and their neighbours.

Thank You!

John W Smith, Vice Chairman, Coldridge Parish Council

Posted 26th April 2019


It’s Official!

Logo for the Coldridge Fete, Vintage Rally, Flower Festival and Dog Show Sat 27th June 2020

Thanks to everyone who attended the March Fete Open Meeting – as ever a great discussion and generation of ideas and suggestions to consider in 2020 planning.

Now the date is agreed, long range planning is underway in the background and further news will be shared in the coming months via the Coldridge Calendar & Coldridge Village Social Media (e.g. Parish Website 2020 Fete page & via our village Facebook Group ‘What’s on in Coldridge’).

Minutes from 6th March Open Meeting are available to view here.

Posted 26th April 2019; updated 10th March 2020 (logo). Withdrawn 18th March 2020


Welcome to the new 'Parish Borders & Beyond'  page

If you'd like to see what events are planned (or services available) in some of the surrounding villages, then please visit the new 'Parish Borders & Beyond' page by clicking this link.

Contact me via the Website Enquiries page if you have any further suggestions. Thanks in advance. IK

Posted 7th February 2019


Proposed Playground for Coldridge - Post Meeting Update from Parish Clerk.

Coldridge Parish Council thanks all who came to the Open Forum on Thursday, 20th September and those who contacted the Clerk or Councillors with their thoughts on the proposed Amenity land. The meeting was well-attended and a variety of viewpoints expressed, leading to a wide-ranging discussion and suggestions of alternative locations, which the Council will pursue.

The meeting did agree by majority to support the Parish Council in its aim to secure amenity land, which may involve borrowing some money to help with the initial purchase. It is planned that this land would include a Children’s Playground, some open space and amenities for adults such as a ‘Green Gym’ and a Petanque Court, as well as a possible extension to St. Matthew’s churchyard.

The Parish Council will keep you all informed as to progress made and it looks forward to working with parishioners to set up a Management Committee to oversee the project, including parents and some of the older children.
Keyth Richardson (Clerk) 01363 83251

Posted 29th September 2018

Proposed Playground for Coldridge - Have your say.

On Friday 8th September, Coldridge Parish Council issued an Open Letter to all parishioners and friends of Coldridge concerning the latest of our Parish Council attempts to provide a long-awaited playground for the children of the parish.  A copy of this document is available by clicking this link

After many years of trying to realise a plan, the current view is that this is by far the most promising attempt yet; the opinions of Parishioners on this matter is very important to the Parish Council Membership and therefore all are invited to come to the next Parish Council meeting in the Village Hall on the 20th September at 7.00pm to share your thoughts and opinions on this matter.

The Parish Council really needs a very strong mandate from you all if we are to get anywhere with this long-cherished project.  Please help by coming to the meeting or (if you're unable to attend) by providing your points of view either by contacting the Clerk or any Coldridge Parish Councillor (contact details in the document link above).

Posted 8th September 2018

Withdrawn 15th August 2019


Neighbourhood Watch - Recent Alerts For Information

Our local Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator, John Dike, has recently alerted parishoners to a couple of new 'scams' concerning Courier services & eBay to be aware of around the SW region:-

  • Courier Fraud Alert For South Wales And Surrounding Regions
  • Online Marketplace Fraud Advice For Sellers

If you are not currently receiving John's emails concerning Neighbourhood watch topics then please drop me a line with your contact details via the Village Website Enquiries page.

Posted 6th April 2018; Withdrawn 15th August 2019


Village Events - Editors Update

A quick update to advise that you can now navigate access the Village Events and Events Calendar on a single page - Village Events & Calendar. 

I hope helps to simplify usability for site users. Thanks.

Posted 20th March 2018


A Hall Fit For The 21st Century

Thanks to all who registered and gave our Village Hall project their support and votes.  The jury is out now;  hopefully we'll be in receipt of some good news from Keyth in the coming days!

IK 3rd July 2019

A Hall Fit For The 21st Century - Please Use your Votes by 17th June

Your Village Hall needs you! 

Keyth Richardson (Village Hall Treasurer) has recently applied to the Calor Gas Rural Community Fund for funding to support the upgrade of our Village Hall projection and audio facilities to make it easier to set-up and run our Live Stream and Movie Night events. The voting is NOW OPEN. 

Calor Rural Community Fund May 2019 Poster


To have a chance of success we need EVERYONE to vote for this to maximise our chances of getting some of this money.  You will need to set up a voting account with Calor Gas, a requirement to prevent multiple voting from one person which could distort the true support for the project.  This though should not take you long;  a few minutes on the keyboard could help bring in thousands for the Village Hall.

You can view further information on this project and voting progress at  If you have difficulties with this link please go to and search for our project A Hall Fit For The 21st Century.

Once there you should be able to register and, after confirming your email, you can vote.  You will each be given 10 votes which you can apply in full to our Village Hall's project request!

Voting closes on the 17th June, so don't hold back - cast your 10 votes today! 

CLICK HERE: Register and vote

Thanks in Advance.

Posted 29th May 2019; Updated 3rd July 2019; Withdrawn 26th July 2019


Coldridge Car Pool - Revised Prices April 2019

A list of revised trip charges for this not-for-profit service has been announced in the April Coldridge Calendar and updated on the Car Pool page here.

Posted 26th April 2019


Marie Curie Helper Service Notice - February 2019

The attached press release (click link here) regarding local care services provided via Marie Curie is shared via Coldridge Parish Council. There's also an opportunity to consider supporting this initiative as a volunteer.

Posted 29th March 2019; Withdrawn 26th July 2019


DEFRA Guidance on Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

SITUATION UPDATE - January 2019:  As winter approaches there will be an increasing risk from avian influenza in the UK from migrating wild birds (which might infect domestic poultry).  If you keep poultry, even including game birds or as pet birds, you should follow our biosecurity best practice advice. This is especially relevant if your birds are located in a Higher Risk Area (HRA) - whether you manage a commercial flock or just a few birds in your backyard. 

Despite the current infection-free status Bird Flu remains a notifiable disease. Anyone who finds dead wild birds (e.g. wild waterfowl [swans, geese or ducks] or other dead wild birds, such as gulls or birds of prey) should report them to the Defra helpline on 03459 335577.

The latest information and guidance is maintained and available via pages on the DEFRA website which includes regularly updated data on reported wild bird deaths across English counties.

Posted 11th December 2017;  Updated 17th January 2018; 20th June 2018; 20th January 2019; Copy Withdrawn 3rd July 2019


Parish Council Update

Extract from the June Coldridge Calendar, provided by John  Smith, Vice Chairman, Coldridge Parish Council, 28th May 2019.

"All councillors and prospective councillors would like to formally thank everyone in the parish who turned out to vote at the recent Election. Your support for our parish and its future is very much appreciated. Appreciation must be expressed of all those who stood for election. We need a lively and active Council to take our community forward and new candidates are always welcome to stand.

The final result, whilst closely contested, means that there are no changes to the existing Council this time and, following our recent Annual Parish Meeting, the Principal Officers were re-elected as follows:

Chairman: Andrew Green

Vice-Chairman: John Smith

Keyth Richardson continues as our salaried Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer, with the full and whole-hearted support of the newly-elected Council.

Representatives of most of our parish organisations stood and presented annual reports at the APM and it is really encouraging to learn of the vibrancy, enthusiasm and growth of these diverse community clubs and activities.

Herein lies the future of our community. Well done and thanks to all of you who turn out to support them. Let no-one say that nothing ever happens in Coldridge! Nothing could be further from the truth. A lot of people work very hard to make things happen here and it is really appreciated by all those of us who look forward to the future success of this parish.

Thank you!"


PS - Information on Parish Council matters and how to contact your Parish Councillors is managed by the Parish Clerk and available on the Coldridge Parish Website - click here.

Posted 29th May 2019; Withdrawn 3rd July 2019


Do you live in a "Haunted House"?

This one's a bit 'out of the ordinary' - I'm sharing a publicity flyer which recently came to my attention via Coldridge Parish Council.

 Back2Back Haunted TV Request for Input Poster

Back2back TV Productions (based in Brighton) are making a new paranormal TV series for UKTV. They are looking for people with haunted houses and interesting stories to take part. If you have a story about your house and would like to share it and be willing to have it investigated then contact the b2b team c/o

Something new every day!!

Posted 17th March 2019;  Withdrawn 3rd July 2019



Mobile Library Timetable for Coldridge 2019

FYI, the latest timetable for Mid-Devon Mobile Library visits to Coldridge is now available on the Useful Information page of the Parish website.

Note: The 2019 schedule is presently only available until end June due to the ongoing Devon Mobile Library and Outreach Service Consultation 2018/19.

Posted 4th January 2019; Withdrawn 13th June 2019


Annual Defibrillator Training Session, Thursday 30th May, 7pm Coldridge Village Hall


Our annual parish CPR and defibrillator refresher training will take place later this week, led by Richard Oaten of The South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust.


 Annual Defibrillator Training - Information Poster, 2019


Posted 28th May 2019; Withdrawn 4th June 2019


Equine Flu Outbreak - Latest

Wednesday 1st May: There are now at 72 reported outbreaks across England as reported by the Animal Health Trust. Thankfully to date Devonremains clear of reported cases. Previously advised guidelines and best practice continue to apply.

Friday 8th March: As of yesterday the Animal Health Trust outbreak watch-list includes 43 reported outbreaks of Equine Flu. Devon continues to be clear of any confirmed cases.

Sunday 24th February: As of 23rd February the Animal Health Trust outbreak watch-list includes 37 reported outbreaks of Equine Flu. The latest case was confirmed on 22nd February, in Cornwall. To date there are no confirmed cases in Devon.

Monday 11th February:  The British Horseracing Authority have anounced a 'controlled & risk managed' restart of racing starting across the country from Wednesday 13th February, when four meetings are planned. In the meantime during this outbreak a continued adherence to BHA & AHT guidelines concerning animal welfare & appropriate bio-security measures is recommended.  Note that to date there have been no reported cases in Devon.

Equine Flu Outbreak

If you've been following the news in recent days you'll be aware there have been multiple outbreaks of equine influenza in the UK & Europe - affecting both vaccinated and unvaccinated horses. 

As a direct consequence, the British Horseracing Authority have taken steps to cancel ALL planned horse racing events for the coming days as monitoring of the severity of the outbreak continues. Obviously though this outbreak isn't restricted to thoroughbreds so some diligence and extra care is recommended for all horse owners at this time. 

Further information concerning this outbreak including with guidance for horse owners and a map recording reported outbreaks can be found via the Animal Health Trust website.

Posted 7th February 2019; Updated 12th & 24th February, 8th & 17th March; 1st May Withdrawn 4th June 2019


Coldridge Parish Council Elections - The Results

On Friday evening, Mid-Devon District Council published the results of local Parish Council Elections for Coldridge: -

Coldridge Parish Council Election Results 2019

Congratulations to the successful candidates on their re-election last week.

Posted 5th May 2019; Withdrawn 29th May 2019



Parish & Local District Council Elections will be held this week - Thursday 2nd May 7am to 10pm at Coldridge Village Hall, EX17 6AX.


Electoral Register and Postal/Proxy Vote Deadlines

The Parish Council wish to advise residents of Coldridge of a short list of deadline dates Please note the following deadlines:

  • Applications to be added to the Electoral register:  Midnight Friday 12th April 2019

Further information concerning Postal or Proxy Voting is available c/o Mid Devon District Council Website  Register to Vote pages

  • Applications to apply for a Postal Vote (or make changes to an existing one):  5.00pm, Monday 15th April 2019
  • Applications to apply for a Proxy Vote:  5.00pm, Wednesday 24th April 2019

Further information concerning Postal or Proxy Voting is available c/o Mid Devon District Council Website Voting & Election pages.

Posted 24th February 2019; updated 1st May 2019; withdrawn 5th May 2019


Notification of Village Road Closure in Coldridge: 11th to 12th & 15th to 18th April 2019

Be advised we can expect road closure/delays on the approach to Coldridge Village Green from Hobbymoor Cross (that's from the B3220 junction by the SWW treatment plant) each weekday between 11th and 18th April 2019.

Diversions will be in operation - effectively moving to/from traffic to approach the village from Frogbury Cross.  These closures are associated with surface dressing and patching repairs of the lane's carriageway.

More information on this work and other roadworks in our area is available at


Posted 5th April 2019; withdrawn 5th May 2019


St. Matthew's Church – Winter 2018 Service Changes

The pattern of our regular Sunday services will change between 1st November and Easter 2019. Click here for details.

Posted 30th October 2018; Withdrawn 5th May 2019



Coldridge Fete & Vintage Rally 2020 Open Meeting

Coldridge 2020 Fete - Pre fix date logo

Believe it or not,- the time is fast approaching when planning for our next biennial Village Fete & Vintage Rally needs to start!!
In order to launch preparations for 2020 there will be an Open Meeting on Wednesday 6th March 7:30pm, in Coldridge Village Hall. Everyone is welcome to join us to catch-up and contribute to discussions on the night.
PS: If you are unable to join us on the 6th March but would like to contribute/be kept in touch please contact Margaret Burrows on 01363 83680

Reposted 6th March 2019; withdrawn 1st May 2019



Village Hall AGM Invitation, 24th April 2019

Posted 29th March 2019; Withdrawn 26th April 2019


NEW - 2019 Mothering Sunday Service

St Matthew's Mothering Sunday 31st March 2019

Posted 23rd March 2019; Withdrawn 5th April 2019


Roadworks in the Village

16th January: Diversion signs have appeared this morning indicating that a previously advised road closure (due December 2018) for drainage works behind Grange Farm on the lane between Coldridge Village & Holm Cross is now in force! 

Not a major issue (I trust). Work (on behalf of by Devon County Council) is due to be completed by Friday 18th January.

More information available at

Posted 16th January 2019; Withdrawn 20th January 2019



The Coldridge Toddler Group is back!

Coldridge Toddler Group Restart Poster Photo

Posted 29th September 2018; Withdrawn 20th January 2019 (see Village Groups/Organisations)


2018 Fete Report

Click here to read the 2018 Fete Report from our Fete Chairman, Margaret Burrows.

Posted 1st September 2018; Withdrawn 20th January 2019


DEFRA Guidance on Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

SITUATION UPDATE:  From 25 May 2018 the previously defined Avian Flu Prevention Zone is stated as no longer applying in England.  That means if you keep poultry or birds, you no longer need to follow DEFRA's detailed requirements on strict biosecurity BUT ARE ENCOURAGED to continue to follow their Biosecurity Best Practice advice - whether you manage a commercial flock or just a few birds in your backyard. 

Despite the relaxations announced on May 25th, Bird Flu remains a notifiable disease and anyone who finds dead wild birds (e.g. wild waterfowl [swans, geese or ducks] or other dead wild birds, such as gulls or birds of prey) should report them to the Defra helpline on 03459 33 55 77.

The latest information and guidance is maintained and available via pages on the DEFRA website which includes regularly updated data on reported wild bird deaths across English counties.

Posted 11th December 2017;  Updated 17th January 2018; 20th June 2018; Withdrawn 20th January 2019



**One more Road Closure signposted before year end**

Devon County Council have advised of a local road closure of up to 5 days, from 19th December for Drainage Works affecting the lane from Coldridge (Village) to Holm Cross.  A copy of the Council's notice is available to view here.

Posted 12th December 2018; Withdrawn 2nd January 2019


Seasons Greetings

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year in 2019

Posted 20th December 2018; Withdrawn 2nd January 2019



A huge ‘Thank You’ to everyone who turned out on a dreadfully wet morning to support my Coffee Morning. Thank you, also, to those who provided cakes and raffle prizes (including Tesco!) and for help on the day (especially Jean). Numbers attending were down on last year but, even so, we have still managed to raise £185.50 at time of writing, with more donations still coming in.

Hopefully the weather will be kinder next year! Thank you all, again, for helping to raise a very useful sum of money and enjoying yourselves in the process.

Helen Smith

Posted 29th September 2018; Withdrawn  2nd January 2019


**Church Lane, Coldridge has re-opened**

Thursday 22nd November:  Recent roadworks appear to have been completed,;  the diversion signs have gone and the road is now open once again!!

Thanks, IK

Emergency Road Closure - Church Lane, Coldridge

Please note that from today (Wed 31st October) an Emergency Road Closure is in place on the length of Church Lane, Coldridge. This urgent (and unannounced) closure has been necessary to enable South West Water & their contractors Kier to carry out essential sewerage and water service remediation; the closure could last for up to 10 days. Please watch out for the Closure and Diversion signs.

For the foreseeable, primary access in and out of the village from the B3220 will be from the Frogbury Cross junction via Burrowplot Cross & Frost Lane.  Note - this is a narrow lane with very few passing places so care is advised - remember '20's Plenty' in our village lanes. School Bus providers along with Carmel Coaches (who run our Friday Bus to Exeter) have been notified.

Will keep you posted.



Posted 31st October 2018; Updated 22nd November 2018; withdrawn 12th December 2018


NEWS FROM ST MATTHEW’S CHURCH - Compline Services Cancelled

Please note that as a result of falling attendance numbers, from the beginning of September there will be no further Services of Compline held on Wednesday evenings.
St Matthew's Church Team

Posted 1st September 2018; Withdrawn 30th October 2018


Summer Garden Party - CHANGE OF DATE

Please note that the “Summer Garden Party”, previously advertised for 15th September at Frogbury, has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. An alternative event is now being planned for Friday, 26th October. Please watch this space for further details. The committee are very sorry for this postponement but hope to see all of you on the 26th October.



Web-Editor's note:  This rescheduled event was eventually cancelled.

Posted 1st September 2018; Withdrawn 30th October 2018


Notes from Parish Council Meeting, 19th July 2018

FYI - A short communique from the Parish Council's Vice Chairman following yesterday evening's bi-monthly Coldridge Parish Council Meeting:-
"Dear all
Just a few brief notes for your information, at the conclusion of this evening's Parish Council Meeting:
1. Bonfires: Whilst it is very tempting to burn up rubbish and garden trimmings, etc. whilst the weather is so dry, we suggest that bonfires are not a very good or sociable activity whilst the vegetation is so tinder-dry as it is at present.  BBQs are OK , but please make sure that you have the wherewithal to contain the fire and make sure that it is out before you go indoors. Gas BBQs are generally OK.
2. Hot Weather: Please do all that you can to conserve water. Recycle washing-up water for watering veggies and flowers (let it cool down first, of course!).  It's now beginning to look a lot like 1976 (ie, Brown!), but we don't want to end up with hosepipe bans and standpipes like we had back then. Spare a thought for our farmers who are struggling with grass to feed their stock and who are having to spread slurry (a bit pongy at times) in an attempt to get some growth into the pastures.
3. Sunday November 11th 2018: 100 years since the Armistice at the end of World War One. The Parish Council are planning to mark this historic occasion on that day. Look out for notices, posters, etc. giving the details of the day's events. This will include the Remembrance Service on the Green and in Church in the morning and various, appropriate acts of remembrance, commemoration and celebration in the evening.
4. Roads:  The Council has, yet again, noted the appalling condition of many of our local lanes and roads and representation has been made to the relevant authority.  We are advised that certain works are due to be carried out in our area and further remedial work on other roads is to be investigated by the Parish and County Council during the next week or so.
Can we also take this opportunity to remind everyone of the need to drive very carefully in our lanes, especially whilst the A377 diversions are in place. 20mph is perfectly adequate over the short distances involved round here. We have met one or two just lately, on blind corners, who were obviously travelling much too fast and who caused some heavy braking and avoiding actions and, in one recent case, a head-on collision. This is silly, anti-social, unnecessary and just plain bad driving! Watch out, because you are being watched! Better to be late in this world than early in the next!
5. Rural Policing:  The Council is endeavouring to arrange a visit from a senior officer from Devon & Cornwall Constabulary or from the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner to visit the parish to talk about how they plan to deal with rural crime prevention. The Council has made contact but has, so far, received only a vague response. Cllr Margaret Squires (Devon County Council) will take this initiative forward in order to prompt a rather more positive response. We hope that this will result in a public, Open Meeting to which you will all be invited to attend and raise any issues of concern to you.
We hope that this is of interest and help to you.  If you have any questions, then please contact me or any of your parish councillors.  If you do not know who they are, please let me know and I can furnish you with a list.
Kind regards
John W Smith, Vice Chairman, Coldridge Parish Council"
Information concerning our Parish Council, meetings, membership and operating matters can be found via this link.


Posted 20 July 2018; Withdrawn 30th October 2018


"OPEN GARDEN” AT FROGBURY on behalf of The British Red Cross- Sunday 2nd September

There will be a wonderful ‘Open Garden’ event on your doorstep on Sunday, 2nd September between 1.30pm and 5.30pm. The gardens at Frogbury are very well worth visiting to see some wonderful, traditional planting across a wide range of species, all carried out with huge enthusiasm by Mr Jeremy Lee. There are opportunities to see all manner of plant species, together with diverse wild-life, including Ducks, Bees and Owls!

Red Cross Open Garden Event at Frogbury, Coldridge Poster

Entry is only £5.00 per head (Children under 12 are Free). All proceeds to the British Red Cross. 

Posted 1st September 2018; Withdrawn 29th September 2018


Coldridge Toddler Group - Time to re-Group?

How many would be interested if the Coldridge Toddler Group was to be re-started?  This Friday group ran for many years in the Village Hall until we ran out of Toddlers! It now looks as though there might be sufficient small children in the parish and surrounding area to make a re-start a viable option.

If you are interested, please contact Vikki Ridge on 07889 023382 or email

Posted 2 July 2018; Withdrawn 29th September 2018



Please note that, with effect from the first Wednesday in May (the 2nd), Compline returns to its WEEKLY (Summer) pattern. Starts, as usual, at 7.00pm. Everyone welcome.
Sue Lawrence

Posted 29th April 2018; withdrawn 1st September 2018


Devon Library Outreach Services Consultation - Your Opinion is important!!

Devon County Council and its partner Libraries Unlimited have announced a consultation with Devon residents on how best to deliver mobile library and outreach services to rural and isolated communities in the future.  The consultation aims to seek public views on the existing mobile library/outreach services, discover what matters most to users (or potential users) of the service and to take onboard respondee views on a range of alternatives and potential improvements in current services that may help make them even more accessible to even more people.

The consultation period is now open - the closing date for responses is 28th July 2018.  You can access the on-line consultation document and questionnaire from the Devon County Council 'Have your Say' website, and respond on-line or by sending back a printed copy (details on the site). 


Giving this a local spin - In case you're not aware already, Coldridge is visited by the Mobile Library  once a month, and we have the grand sum of 14 local residents registered to borrow from the services available. The van provides books covering a wide range of topics and gendres, with something suitable for all ages (including a childrens section); some large print and audio items are also available and the on-hand service provided is always polite and eager to help if there's something you specifically would like to find. 


Regardless of whether you use the monthly service we all now have an opportunity to voice our suggestions, needs (and possible concerns) to help shape the future of our library outreach services and get the best result for Coldridge residents today, and tomorrow.  

So go grab a cuppa, access the survey & take a little time to provide your responses by 28th July.

Posted 20th June 2018; Withdrawn 1st September 2018


Coldridge War Memorial - Repairs Completed

From John Smith "Our thanks must go to 3 Parish Councillors and the Parish Clerk for their time and efforts in resetting the granite posts around our WarMemorial.

Generations of children sitting and swinging on the chains had pulled them over to all angles. They are now lovely and upright!

Please can we ask that you don’t sit or swing on the chains, otherwise it will all have to be done again".

Posted 2 July 2018; Withdrawn 1st September 2018


With 10 days to go...

Logo for Coldridge Village Fete 30th June 2018

Can you.....?

Village Fete - Can you Help Composite Poster


Our success is founded on the ever present support and donations from the Parish.

Further updates available on the 2018 Fete page.

20th June 2018; Withdrawn 19th July 2018


Annual First Aid/Defibrillator update for Coldridge Parish


On Thursday May 3rd at 7.30 in the Village Hall, Richard Oaten of the South West Ambulance Service Trust will be offering our free annual update and training.

This will include some basic first aid and CPR [Cardiopulmonary resuscitation].  The Parish Council have purchased a second defibrillator which Chris Burrows has installed in the old phone box at East Leigh, so more of you have access to one and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.

On behalf of Keyth Richardson, Clerk to Coldridge Parish Council


PS:  Further information regarding the range of emergency and urgent care services provided by SWAST can be found on their website South West Ambulance Service Trust

Posted 4th April 2018; withdrawn 20th June 2018


UPDATE - Second Parish Defibrillator Installed

In case you've not heard on the parish grapevine, thanks to the work of our Parish Council a second defibrillator is now available in the parish, located in the 'Old Phone Box' in East Leigh.

Coldridge Defibrillator - East Leigh Setting

If you are interested in learning more about using a defibrillator along with some basic first aid guidance (including CPR) then there's an opportunity available on Thursday 3rd May at 7:30pm in the Village Hall when a representative of NHS South Western Ambulance Service will be running a free first aid update for the community. All are welcome.

Posted 29th April 2018. Withdrawn 18th March 2020


Village Hall Bookings

A request please - could the lead organisers/chairpersons of parish organisations who use the Village Hall please contact Shirley King on 01363 83543 to provide details of planned dates and times when they you wish to use the Hall. As much notice as possible in advance is appreciated. Thank you!

Posted 24th December 2017. Withdrawn 18th March 2020


Defibrillator Update

Our Defibrillator is now operational, and is located in the Village Hall kitchen courtyard (see below).

Coldridge Defibrillator in Village Hall Courtyard                                       
A training session was held in the Village Hall on April 27th at 7:00pm but you do not need to be trained or certified to use this style of defibrillator immediately - the device provides audible guidance through the steps required once activated.

Keyth Richardson has prepared a simple one-page guide for information . Please share this with anyone who might need to use the defibrillator.

Posted 7th April 2017; Updated 11 April 2017, 27th June 2017. Withdrawn 18th March 2020



Coldridge Toddler Group - (Temporary) Closure

It is with great sadness that we report the (hopefully) temporary closure of this much-loved group, due to reduced numbers in recent months. The group has been running on Friday mornings for many years, and has been a great asset to the community.

While the group is currently down, we hope it will not be out forever, and, with this in mind, we have put the toys and equipment into storage and set aside a sum of money for future use.

If you, or anyone you know, are interested in resurrecting the group please do get in touch with Lyn Green on 01363 83791.

It has always been a relaxed and friendly way for parents and carers in Coldridge and the surrounding areas to get together for a couple of hours and let their children burn off steam!

On behalf of Linda Clayton.

Posted 30th May 2017; withdrawn 9th August 2018



Parish Council News (December 2017)


i) Parish Council Meetings – 2018 Dates

The Parish Council has provisionally set the following dates for Council Meetings during 2018. These are: January 18th, March 15th, May 10th (Annual Meeting), July 19th September 20th & November 22nd. Dates are maintained in the Events Calendar, and any changes will be notified in advance along with meeting agenda.

Meetings start at 7.30pm, in the Hall, with an Open Forum when members of the public are invited to attend and raise any matters of concern.


ii) Defibrillator Notices

By now all homes in the parish should have received a laminated A4 sheet on initial actions to take if someone collapses and how to access and use the defibrillator. It is very simple to use, and remember you cannot harm anyone by using the defibrillator, so if in doubt use it.

The Parish Council has now ordered a further defibrillator to be placed in the old phone box in East Leigh, which was purchased for just this reason. Once this is installed we will let everyone know.


iii) Recyling

In order to reduce the amount of paper and plastic rubbish blowing about the parish, when putting out your black and green recycling boxes for collection every fortnight, would everyone please make sure that lids are securely fitted to their black boxes and that the black boxes are on top of the cardboard in the green boxes. No loose rubbish should ever be put out for collection. Please do not put out any rubbish for collection before last thing at night before your local collection.

If you have lost or broken the black box lid, please contact Mid Devon District Council (01884 255255) and ask them for a replacement. These replacements are Free-of-Charge and will be delivered to you by the Re-Cycling lorry!

Your attention to this will be very much appreciated. Thank you.


iv) Help keep our village lanes safe for all

The Council is aware, as we are sure that you are, that some drivers using the lanes in the parish are more than careless about their speed. Please note that, whilst no ‘official’ speed limit exists on our lanes, we do advise a ‘common-sense’ speed of 20mph.  Please remember that there are children playing and cycling in the parish and pedestrians have no refuges to jump into as you come charging by at 30 to 40mph!

Please remember: “20’s Plenty!”


v) Looking Ahead and Remembering

November 11th 2018 marks the 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day at the end of the First World War. The Council is planning to mark this in the parish by arranging a Beacon-lighting and other activities to enhance our Remembrance of this event. Look out for further details next year.

Your Council has some other, exciting plans and proposals in hand to enhance the life and vibrancy of our parish community. To find out more, please feel free to come along to any of our Council Meetings!


Keyth Richardson & John Smith, on behalf of Coldridge Parish Council. Posted 2nd December 2017


COMPLINE at St Matthew's - Amended Service Calendar over the 2017/18 Winter period

Between November and February, the service of Compline, in St Matthew’s Church will take place on the first Wednesday of each month only. This is due to the dark evenings and the higher risk of inclement weather.

On behalf of Sue.  Posted 26th October 2017


Devon Trading Standards Alert - Watch out for delivery card scam

Can I draw your attention to a 'scam alert' from the October edition of Devon's Trading Standards Connect

“Royal Mail are warning about a scam involving 'missed delivery' cards.

The scam cards look similar to the ‘Something for You’ cards you get from Royal Mail when you have missed a delivery. They use the same colours, headings and layout. The only clear difference is the fake cards do not have the Royal Mail logo on them.

The cards ask you to call an 0208 number to re-book a free delivery, then you are put through to an automated message and asked to leave your details and ‘consignment number’. Victims have claimed that calling the number – which isn’t registered to Royal Mail – has cost over £45.

The following advice is offered to protect yourself :-

  • Look for the Royal Mail logo on the card
  • Check the address and contact information on the card – does it match your local Post Office branch?
  • If you don’t recognise the name or address on the card or are not expecting a parcel from this address, ignore it
  • Never call a number you don't recognise”

Posted 20th October 2017; Withdrawn 9th August 2018


DEFRA Guidance on Avian Influenza - Winter 2017/18

SITUATION UPDATE:  Following confirmation last week of a number of cases of Avian Influenza found in a number of dead wild-fowl in South Dorset, DEFRA are implementing prevention zone measures in that area. This does not obviously impact our local Parish at this time, but once again the authorities call for continued vigilance with bio-security & in the handling/checking flocks by the keeper's community, along with the prompt reporting of any potential cases.  As ever the latest information and guidance is maintained and available via pages on the DEFRA website.


With the winter migration of wild birds now well underway and the UK presently free of reported cases of Bird Flu, DEFRA is keen to ensure that the potential risk for any infection outbreaks in UK flocks is actively managed & minimised during this winter season.

The links below from DEFRA Website are intended to provide local poultry owners/flock keepers with ongoing situation updates and guidance to assist in this goal.

     DEFRA advice and guidance on Avian Influenza for Poultry/Bird Keepers

     DEFRA guidance notes on Biosecurity_September 2017

Posted 11th December 2017;  Updated 17th January 2018; this version withdrawn 20th June 2018



March Message from the 2018 Fete Committee

Coldridge Village Fete Logo - 30th June 2018

We can’t believe how the year is moving on – despite the weather - arrangements are in hand for a splendid day out and as we are rapidly moving towards our biennial event we would love to hear from anyone who is willing to give up a few hours to man a stall for the Fete funds or help on the Day before or on the day itself in some capacity.

There are lots of options and your committee would welcome hearing from anyone, especially if you are new to the Parish and would enjoy being part of a lively and fun day. We would also like to know of anyone who has a gazebo or tent that they would be willing to lend us on the day to help protect fete stallholders on the field.

Please look on the Parish website: for updates and a taste of this great fund raising day.

If you can help, just message us (details here) and we will be in touch. Thank you.

Marilyn Daw

Posted 4th April 2018; withdrawn 20th June 2018


Coldridge WI Banner - Have you seen it recently?

The Coldridge W.I. Banner has been mislaid! It is in a poster tube with ‘Coldridge WI’ written on it. It has a wooden pole, top and bottom. Upon the banner is written “Jerusalem” (the WI anthem). It is quite old so, if anyone has been in the Hall, perhaps moving things around, and can shed any light on its whereabouts that would be very good. The WI needs it for the end of April!

Please contact Shirley King on 01363 83543 if you have any information.

Thank you!

Posted 28th March 2018; withdrawn 20th June 2018


 NEW DATE - Are you preparing for the 2018 London Marathon?

London Marathon Logo for Local Sponsorship 2018 

Ian Webber is, and to help drive his fundraising for HOSPICE UK this year there will be a Coffee Morning & Silent Auction at North Tawton Town Hall on Saturday 7th March, 10:00am to 11:45. Book the date.


On behalf of Ian & Jayne Webber.

Posted 28th January 2018; Updated 2nd March, 29th March 2018; Withdrawn 29th April 2018


Domestic Waste  - Weather update from MDDC

Taken from Mid-Devon Waste/Re-Cycling website, 20th March:  "Both domestic and commercial waste and recycling collections were suspended Monday, 19 March due to the weather conditions. We’ll attempt to catch up with collections this week.

If you’ve been affected, leave your waste out and we’ll return to collect as soon as possible, although there may be a delay while we catch up. Weather permitting, we plan to collect Tuesday’s collection, 20 March as scheduled. Thank you for your patience and understanding".

Posted 20th March 2018; withdrawn 29th March 2018


Calling all Fete Flower Arrangers !!  

Plans for this year’s Vintage Rally, Fete and Flower Festival on 30 June are taking shape, and we need a team of enthusiastic flower arrangers for a planning meeting on Saturday 17 March in Church at 10.30 am (just in time for coffee!) 

All comers will be most welcome, and there will be opportunities for displays large and small, so please don’t be shy.  We need to decide this year’s theme, so please bring along your ideas and we will choose the most popular together.

Any questions/further information - contact Jo Dike.

Posted 21st February 2018; withdrawn 29th March 2018


Coldridge Carol Singing - The Results are in!

On the 22nd December, a small group of residents from West Leigh and East Leigh, with family and friends, together raised £245 for the Devon Air Ambulance Trust by door-to-door Carol Singing around the parish. We would like to thank everyone for their very generous donations.
On behalf of Marion Born.

Posted 28th January 2018; Withdrawn 2nd March 2018


Village Fete Open Meeting - Thursday 1st February 2018

 Coldridge Village Fete Logo - 30th June 2018

Just to advise that our next 2018 Fete Open meeting (to discuss this year's event on 30th June) will take place in the Village Hall on Thursday 1st February. All parishioners are welcome to attend and join in. We look forward to seeing as many as can at this update meeting.

Posted 26th January 2018; Withdrawn 2nd March 2018


COMPLINE at St Matthew's - Amended Service Calendar over the 2017/18 Winter period

Please note that, during the months of November, December, January and February, the service of Compline, in St Matthew’s Church, will take place on the first Wednesday of each month only. This is due to the dark evenings and the higher risk of inclement weather. 

On behalf of Sue.  Posted 26th October 2017; Withdrawn 28th February 2018




A Big Thank-You:  Craft Fair for Exeter Leukaemia Fund (ELF)

ELF Logo to signpost local charity event

Karen and Margaret would like to thank all stall holders and everyone who helped and supported the recent Craft Fair held in the Village Hall on 11th November 2017, when £633.33p was raised for the Exeter Leukaemia Fund.

Posted 8th December 2017; Withdrawn 27th January 2018


Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2017 - Thank You!

Thank you to everyone in the parishes of Coldridge and Nymet Rowland who contributed to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. £357.63 was collected and has been sent to the Royal British Legion for the continuance of their valuable support to the serving and retired members of our Armed Forces and their families.

On behalf of Marion Born. Posted 29th November 2017; Withdrawn 27th January 2018


Reminder: Deadline 15th January - Review for Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way in Coldridge Parish

In connection with this ongoing review Devon County Council recently issued a Public Notice seeking views on current proposals to modify the Definitive map affecting the Public Rights of Way (Footpaths, Bridleways, B.O.A.T.s, etc.) that exist within Coldridge Parish.  Feedback is sought by 15th January 2018.  If you have any comments and/or wish to see any of these rights of way on a map, then please contact the Parish Clerk (Keyth Richardson) on 01363 83251 to make an appointment.

On behalf of John Smith. Posted 2nd December 2017; Updated 4th January 2018; Withdrawn 17th January 2018


Coldridge Christmas Tree Festival, 2017

Our 2017 Coldridge Christmas Tree Festival at St Matthew's Church is here!  Details of preparations and display times can be found here.  Please contact Sue Lawrence 83398 or Jo Dike 83329 for any further information.

Posted 26th October 2017; Updated 2nd, 7th December 2017; Withdrawn 4th January 2018


December 2017: Free-Parking Arrangements in Crediton (St Saviour's Way Car Park)

I'm advised that the Parish Council have received the following cheery news concerning parking charges in the run-up to Christmas.

"To enhance trade in the market towns in the run up to Christmas, and to support local Christmas programmes, 24 hour free car parking will be available in our long-stay car parks as follows:

Crediton – St Saviour’s Way Car Park

  • Saturday 9 December
  • Saturday 16 December
  • Saturday 23 December

Posted 2nd December 2017;  Withdrawn 4th January 2018


Coldridge Car Pool

I am delighted to welcome a new, additional driver to our Coldridge Car Pool scheme - John Procter who has very generously volunteered to join us.

He is usually available on Thursdays and Fridays, which can sometimes be difficult to cover by our existing team due to other commitments. Thank you, John!

Posted on behalf of John Smith, Coldridge Cat Pool Coordinator, 27th September 2017; Withdrawn 4th January 2018


Coldridge Pilates Classes - Tuesday Evening Classes are changing from 5th September

Read the latest information on Pilates Classes from Kate Fitch (Class Leader/Instructor) along with information on how to sign-up by clicking here.

Updated 29th August 2017; Withdrawn 4th January 2018


Village Hall Update

The village hall is a valuable asset to our rural community. It provides a meeting place for our various groups, as well as space for entertainment and fun with our neighbours. It is available for hire at very reasonable rates and is well equipped for many uses. The upkeep of the hall is overseen by the Village Hall Committee and the cost of maintaining it is around £2000 a year. This money is raised through fund raising events and the biannual village fete.

This year we have been granted planning consent for a small extension to accommodate an improved serving area. Although we can and do, apply for grants they will at best, match our contribution, so we do need to raise money to make these improvements possible.  Thank you for your continued support.

Posted 29th August 2017; Updated 2nd December. On behalf of Coldridge Village Hall Social Committee'; Withdrawn 4th January 2018


Village Fete 2018 - News Update/Open Meeting Thursday 12th October

I've posted a short update from the Fete Committee on the 2018 Village Fete page here

Also, an Open Meeting is now planned starting at 7:30pm on Thursday 12th October in Coldridge Village Hall, chaired by the Fete Committee.  All parishoners are welcome to attend.

Posted 2nd October 2017; Withdrawn 4th January 2018


 Neighbourhood Watch Update - Scam News

The Village Neighbourhood Watch have been alerted to two new/recent scamming schemes targeted the general public.  Details of the alert notifications from Action Fraud (National Fraud and Cyber-Crime Reporting Centre) are provided below:-

  • Microsoft Tech-Support Scammers (Callers proporting to be from Microsoft Tech Support using WannaCry attack to lure victims)
  • Smishing Fraud Alert (Using text/SMS to open a conversation aimed at you divulging security details of your credit/debit card)

Be cautious & vigilant, ....and if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is a scam!

On behalf of John Dike, Coldridge Neighbourhood Watch (

Posted 27th May 2017; Withdrawn 4th January 2018


Harvest Festival Service (16th September) - Church Flowers

If you were unable to get to St Matthew's for this year's Harvest Festival service a photographic record of this year's flower arrangements is available here.

Posted 18th September 2017; Withdrawn 2nd December 2017


Parish Council News (August)

i) Coldridge Defibrillator - Laminated Instruction Sheets

Please be aware that parish councillors will be visiting every household in the parish, over the next few weeks, in order to deliver a laminated instruction / information sheet about the Defribrillator which has been installed outside the Village Hall.

Please keep this sheet for future reference. You never know when it might be needed!

Posted 26th July 2017


ii) Cosy Devon

Cosy Devon 'Hug your Home' Logo

CosyDevon is a council backed scheme offering a range of free and subsidised energy saving measures that can help you save energy and money. The package measures and benefits available through Cosy Devon are typically time limited and therefore vary from time to time.

Currently, if a resident is a Devon homeowner, private landlord (or their tenant) they can apply today for:

  • Subsidised external wall insulation (they don’t have to be on benefits to qualify for this offer).

If a resident is on income related benefits they could also be eligible for:

  • Free loft insulation
  • Free cavity wall insulation
  • A replacement ‘A’ rated boiler if the current boiler is broken or isn’t working properly and was installed before 2010.  (There is a contribution required to the cost of replacement boilers through this offer).

More information on Cosy Devon is available at

Posted 26th July 2017



The Parish Council has received a request to put forward names of anyone who would be interested in holding an ‘Open Garden’ event, in aid of CHSW.  If you are interested in helping to support this wonderful charity, please contact either the Parish Clerk (Keyth Richardson) on 83251 or John Smith on 83436.

More information regarding the acticities of CHSW can be found by browsing their website.

Posted 26th July 2017


Finally...the next Parish Council Meeting will take place on Thursday 21st September, from 7:30pm in Coldridge Village Hall. Details of the agenda will be published nearer the time.

Withdrawn 2nd December 2017


DEFRA Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) Update May 2017

Calls for continued vigilance concerning Avian influenza (Bird Flu) have been made by DEFRA following their announcement and declaration of a Prevention Zone affecting parts of Lancashire, Cumbria and Merseyside on 15th May (link to announcement here).

To quote the DEFRA website: -

"Keepers in the rest of England, outside the new Prevention Zone, are no longer under a legal requirement to apply extra biosecurity. However, we strongly encourage them to continue to follow industry standard best practice on biosecurity. This includes minimising movement in and out of bird enclosures, cleaning footwear, keeping areas where birds live clean and tidy, and feeding birds indoors or undercover. All keepers of small flocks of poultry or captive birds, including those outside the Prevention Zone, have an important role in preventing further disease outbreaks".

In conjunction with their Prevention Zone announcement DEFRA have published an updated guidance note for "Back-yard keepers" (e.g. owners of small flocks of poultry or other captive birds).

Fuller information & guidance is provided via the DEFRA website and DEFRA Avian Flu information page.

Original Posting 11th April 2017;  Updated 30th May 2017; Withdrawn 2nd December 2017


MacMillan Coffee Morning:

Thank you to everyone who supported this year's MacMillan Coffee Morning at Rockfield to raise funds for this very worthwhile charity. A grand total of £224.00 was raised which is an increase on last year. Thank You all!  

On behalf of Helen Smith.  Posted 25th October 2017; Withdrawn 29th November 2017


Mid Devon District Council – Annual State of the District Debate

MDDC Post 5 October 2017

Mid Devon District Council’s annual State of the District Debate will be held on Monday 6 November, commencing at 5.30pm in the Phoenix Chamber, Phoenix House, Tiverton.

The subject of this year’s debate is the future of policing in Mid Devon. The Police & Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall, Alison Hernandez, will be attending, together with Superintendent Sam de Reya and Inspector Keith Bradford. This will be an opportunity for anyone who has an interest in the subject to come along and listen to what the Police have to say and to ask any questions. The debate is open to any member of the public and you are all welcome to attend what will hopefully be a lively and interesting evening.

For more information please contact Sylvia Holme, Executive Assistant, on 01884 234201 / email

Posted 20th October 2017; Withdrawn 29th November 2017


'big butterfly count' 2017 - The results are nearly all in...

Since its launch in 2010, the big butterfly count  has become THE nationwide survey aimed at helping to assess the health of our environment and our native species of butterflys and moths. Over 36,000 people took part in 2016, counting almost 400,000 individual butterflies and day-flying moths across the UK.  This year's big butterfly count 2017 is now over and the country-wide participation is strong at over 61,000 counts updated to date, and 2 days to go to end August!

If you'd like to learn more about results & local sightings then visit the results page and search/use their interactive map.A summary of the 2017 count is expected to be available later in the year.  Meantime, further information, tips and ideas on how to help with British butterfly/moth conservation can be found at the Butterfly Conservation homepage.

Posted 29th August 2017; Withdrawn 29th November 2017


Biennial Coldridge Fete, Vintage Rally and Flower Festival 2018 - Save the Date!

Coldridge Village Fete Logo - 30th June 2018

Following the first Officer's Meeting for the Coldridge Fete Committee, the date of the 2018 Fete will be Saturday 30th June, from 12:00 noon to 17:00 p.m. The event will be held in the Fete field at Coldridge with the kind permission of the Keast Family.  

We anticipate a great day out for everyone with many of the usual attractions.   Please keep watching the 2018 Fete page for further information and updates as detailed plans develop during the months ahead.

If you would like to take part in anyway please contact the Hon. Secretary:  Mrs Marilyn Daw [Tel: 01363 877238, Mobile:  07803 966 585, email:].

Posted 4th April 2017


COLDRIDGE CAR POOL – Interested in Volunteering to support?

The Car Pool service has been working very well with over 30 bookings carried out so far.  I would like to thank my colleagues Ken Bragg, Tony Connell and Keyth Richardson for volunteering to help with the service. Your efforts are very much appreciated by all who use the Car Pool.

However, it would be really good if we could have just one or two more drivers who would be happy to join us. This is especially important for Thursday and Friday doctor and hospital appointments when I am not available myself.

If you would be interested in joining our team, please get in touch with me on 01363 83436 or by email on

Our ‘customers’ really appreciate the service because paying just for the mileage is vastly cheaper than a taxi and it also removes the embarrassment of having to ‘cadge a favour’ from a neighbour who may or may not be available.  On a general point; the Car Pool service is there for everyone who needs to get to a medical appointment, regardless of whether you have a car or not.

On behalf of John Smith, Car Pool Co-ordinator

Posted 28th June 2017; Withdrawn 27th September 2017


Take part in the 'big butterfly count' 2017 - 14th July thru 6th August

Since its launch in 2010, the big butterfly count  has become THE nationwide survey aimed at helping to assess the health of our environment and our native species of butterflys and moths. Over 36,000 people took part in 2016, counting almost 400,000 individual butterflies and day-flying moths across the UK.  This year's big butterfly count 2017 is now 'open', taking place from Friday 14 July to Sunday 6 August.

Big Butterfly Count 2017 -  Butterfly Spotting Chart

The ask is for 15 minutes on a (preferably) sunny day to capture what you see - in the garden, in a park or whilst walking.

Further information regarding the survey, how to get involved along with identification charts and links to mobile apps to help capture sightings are available via the Butterfly Conservation's big butterfly count website.

Posted 15th July 2017; Withdrawn 29th August 2017


MISSING CAT ALERT - Frogbury/West Leigh area

Please note that Jeremy Lee's cat 'Kitty', a large beige male, went missing from Frogbury on 27th June.  If anyone finds him, please contact Jeremy on 01363 83484 as Kitty is in need of an urgent visit to the vet.
On behalf of John W Smith

Posted 28th June 2017;  Withdrawn 25th July 2017


Road Closure Notice - Mon 26th June/B3220

You may have seen the advanced road closure notice signs that have recently appeared on the B3220 by the AllerBridge Chapel carpark & Frogbury Cross.

'On the day' local access to/from Coldridge from the B3220 is expected to be possible via the Frogbury Cross junction.

Posted 22nd June 2017; Withdrawn 27th June 2017


Higher Chilverton Charity Clay Shoot (1st May): A big THANK YOU to all!!

Despite the heavy overnight rainfall, the weather fortunately cleared out just in time for our annual Clay Shoot and another successful day was had by all. We are pleased to report that approximately £1000 has been raised for the village hall funds. None of this would be possible without the support of the competitors and the fantastic commitment of our helpers who turn up year after year to help set up and put this event on. It takes at least 25 people to run this event, putting up the tents, manning the BBQ, tea tent and raffle, taking the money on the reception desk and supervising the traps.  Then, taking down all the tents the next day, tidying up and picking up all the clays that have been missed ready to use for next year.  A big THANK YOU to all.  What a team they make!

On behalf of Andrew & Lyn Green

Posted 30th May 2017; Withdrawn 27 June 2017


Definitive Map Review of Coldridge Parish [April - June 2017]

Devon County Council has a long term programme to review the Definitive Map for all parishes over a period of time.  Now it's Coldridge's turn, starting with the Open Parish meeting held on April 13th at which Tania Weeks from DCC outlined the history of paths and bridleways in Coldridge and she left copies of the map showing the paths and bridleways as DCC understands it to be.  [NOTE: A copy of this map is posted on the village hall wall showing the current situation as Devon County Council understands it.  Copies are also held by John Smith, Andrew Green, Marion Born and Keyth Richardson].

  • If anyone thinks there are errors in the map which need to be corrected then evidence needs to be produced to prove the errors, and this evidence needs to be documentary.  For example if anyone thought a path was missing from the map evidence, usually both of use by the public ‘as of right’ (that is without permission, secrecy or force) and documentary sources would be required before a route could be added to or upgraded on the definitive map and some evidence is required for a route to be initially included as a proposal. Evidence would be fully researched during the consultation map stage. User evidence forms can be downloaded from the DCC - Public Rights of Way (PROW) website and all completed forms should be accompanied by maps, signed and dated by the user.
  • If it is proposed that a path is to be extinguished as no longer used or considered useful, the extinguishment of a public right of way is different to the deletion of a right of way. An extinguishment is undertaken by way of a Public Path Order (as are path diversion orders) and recognises the legal existence of a public right of way. An extinguishment would usually be requested and paid for by the landowner, cost currently about £1,500. If someone advised that they used the path or wanted to use it, it could not be said to be not required or no longer used and it is unlikely the extinguishment would be confirmed.

A couple of historical notes concerning past requests which will be revisited in the 2017 review:

  • A Schedule 14 application was made by the Trail Riders Fellowship in 2005 for the addition of a Byway Open to All Traffic (BOAT) along Milsome and Titterton Lanes in Coldridge and continuing into Bondleigh parish along Half Farthing Lane. This was amongst a number of similar applications made for routes across the county due to the forthcoming legislation that would severely restrict the creation of new routes for motorised vehicles in the countryside. The application was not in time to ‘save’ any motorised rights and depending on the evidence discovered, the route could only be recorded at the highest status of a Restricted Byway (not for use by motorised vehicles except by landowners/occupiers).  As the application has been made, this route will be a proposal on the parish Definitive Map Review consultation map.
  • During Nymet Rowland’s parish review it was noted that the south east end of Footpath No. 16, Coldridge is actually in Nymet Rowland parish and this will be corrected by way of an administrative process in due course.


User evidence forms can be downloaded from the DCC - Public Rights of Way (PROW) website and all completed forms should be accompanied by maps, signed and dated by the user.

There will be an Open Forum Session preceding the Coldridge Parish Council meeting at 7:30 on May 25th (Coldridge Village Hall) at which any amendments to the Definitive Plan can be raised and discussed. It is not the place to raise any specific points about a footpath, such as the state of a stile.

Posted on behalf of Keyth Richardson, Clerk to Coldridge Parish Council, 4th May 2017

Withdrawn 27th June 2017


New Coldridge Pilates Classes starting in March 2017

Kate Fitch will start running weekly Pilates classes in the Village Hall on Tuesday evenings from 7th March. Further information on timing and how to join is available here

Posted 27th February 2017;  Withdrawn 27 June 2017


UPDATE - Road Closure Notification

5th June:  Evidence of diversion signs spotted on the ground over the weekend suggests that action on a recently advised notification of road closure will finally happen in the coming few days.  I've posted the original item and link for details below; apologies there's no further details re the revised dates - we'll just have to 'go with the flow'!


The Parish Council have received a notification from Devon County Council of a local road closure/access restriction affecting the 'top lane' between Coldridge Village (Village Cross) and Holm Cross junctions planned between Monday 22nd and Thursday 25th May inclusive. Alternative routes will be signed.

Original post 13th May 2017; Withdrawn 30th May 2017; re-posted 5th June 

Withdrawn 11th June 2017


Coldridge Annual Parish Meeting - 25th May 2017

All parishoners and residents are invited to attend our Annual Parish Meeting, to be held on Thursday 25th May from 07:30pm in the Village Hall.  The meeting's agenda is available here or can be read on the the Village Noticeboard. The meeting will include an opportunity to discuss the Parish Definitive Map review (see related article below) and any actions required.

Posted 23rd May 2017

Withdrawn 30th May 2017


Road Closure Notification

The Parish Council have received a notification from Devon County Council of a local road closure/access restriction affecting the 'top lane' between Coldridge Village (Village Cross) and Holm Cross junctions planned between Monday 22nd and Thursday 25th May inclusive. Alternative routes will be signed.

Posted 13th May 2017

Withdrawn 30th May 2017 

**Editor's Note - Well I don't know about you but I never saw any evidence of these roadworks in action last week.


Bird-Flu Update: DEFRA announce revised guidelines for Poultry

On April 10th the UK's Chief Veterinary Officer announced (see press release here) that all poultry in England are to be allowed outside from Thursday 13 April 2017 following updated evidence on the risk posed by wild birds.  Conditions concerning biosecurity and gatherings/markets though will remain in force for the time being.

The latest information & guidance is available via the DEFRA website and DEFRA Avian Flu news announcements.

Updated 11th April 2017

Withdrawn 30th May 2017 


Village Hall Commitee AGM - Wednesday 26th April, 7:30pm

The Coldridge Village Hall Committee are holding their Annual General Meeting on 26th April from 7:30pm in the Village Hall. All are welcome to attend the AGM and get involved. Following the AGM there will be a Committee meeting.  Further details available by contacting Lyn Green (01363 83791).

Posted 10th April 2017

Withdrawn 23rd May 2017


Neighbourhood Watch Open Meeting - Monday 24th April, 7:30pm

There will be an open meeting in the Village hall on Monday 24th April to discuss and share information the issues of Internet and Telephone Fraud. All are welcome.  Further information is available here.

Posted 7th April 2017

Withdrawn 23rd May 2017


Website Test News Item

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ultricies augue vitae odio porta mattis. Etiam magna enim, pulvinar a ex non, vestibulum molestie turpis. Sed pellentesque pharetra arcu a placerat. Mauris consectetur lacus in erat laoreet, at sodales orci luctus. Duis ullamcorper ligula ac erat luctus consectetur. Pellentesque id velit semper dui laoreet venenatis.

Aenean non lorem sollicitudin, sagittis odio at, sodales purus. Mauris pulvinar ipsum nisi, vitae ullamcorper augue aliquam ut. Curabitur rutrum sapien nisi, eget viverra purus lacinia ac.

Posted 27th December 2016

Withdrawn 23rd May 2017


UPDATE - Bird-Flu: DEFRA Guidelines for Poultry & Captive Bird Keepers

Concerning the current outbreak of avian flu, DEFRA are continuing to provide periodic updates and announcements for all poultry & captive bird keepers on their website.  Recent updates now include details of DEFRA's planned control approaches from 28th February 2017, the end of the current control period. 

The latest information & guidance is available via the DEFRA website and DEFRA Avian Flu news announcements.

Updated 7th April 2017

Withdrawn 11th April 2017


Mid-Devon improvements at Lords Meadows Swimming Baths, Crediton

Improvements for swimmers using the Lord's Meadow Baths are coming to fruition in February - read about them here along with details of hoe to find out more about Mid-Devon Leisure facilities & programs.

Posted 5th February 2017

Withdrawn 9th April 2017


Hi-Speed Broadband is 'now available' in Coldridge Village

FYI - The long-awaited upgrading of the Village's telephone lines to the Lapford exchange appears to be complete, and the ability to connect to a high-speed Broadband service may now be feasible for Coldridge Village Residents.  This is certainly the case for this BT customer (author) living on the edge of the village who received a handsome performance upgrade on Fri 13th! 

Other providers are available, but I cannot comment on the status of their services or latest customer contacts/offerings.  If you have not yet heard of the changes or any new deals on offer from your current provider, then you might wish to go-online/contact them to check what's available, or by when they'll be ready to offer.

Posted 15th January 2017  

Withdrawn 9th April 2017


Defibrillator on order for Coldridge

The Parish Council have confirmed that a defibrillator is now on order, and will be placed by the Village Hall. Details of the planned installation will be shared in due course. Procuring a second device for use in East Leigh is also under consideration.

Posted 30th January 2017

Withdrawn 7th April 2017


Bird-Flu: DEFRA Guidelines for Poultry Keepers

The Parish Council have received a DEFRA notice for all poultry keepers detailing some essential precautions & steps to take during the current Bird Flu outbreak.  Further information concerning the current outbreak can be found at the DEFRA website.

Posted 15th January 2017

Withdrawn 23th February 2017


Christmas & New Year Recycling

The rules for recycling can be confusing at the best of times, and Christmas is no exception!

Some simple guidelines are available here at the Mid Devon Recycling Website.

Remember too that the run of Bank Holidays will affect the calendar for recycling pick-ups during late December and early January.  You can quickly double-check by using the MDDC on-line Collection Day finder.

First Posted 27th December 2016

Withdrawn  21 January 2017