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2024 Coldridge Fete Logo


Held every two years the Coldridge Fete & Vintage Rally offers visitors a quintessential village fete experience including stalls and craft demonstrations, children’s games and entertainments, wildlife stands, competitions, food and refreshments, live music, a Vintage Vehicle and Tractor parade, a Fun Dog Show along with a Flower Festival hosted in the historic setting of St. Matthew’s Church.


   Flyer T-50


This event has grown in popularity over the years and now attracts a sizeable footfall of visitors of all ages from Mid-Devon and further afield.  As such it offers an ideal opportunity to promote your business to the local community and its residents.  One of the attractions we are proud of at the Coldridge Fete & Vintage Rally is the interesting selection of traders, craft stalls and craft demonstrators that are attracted to join-us on Fete Day.

Commercial or Craft Stallholders

For commercial traders, a standard ‘outdoor’ pitch (where stallholders provide their own float, table, chairs and suitable shelter/gazebo) is sized at 4 m x 4 m and costs £25.  For 2024 we also have a limited number of indoor/covered locations with table & chairs provided by the fete, available at a cost of £40. Both these options include one free pass to enter the field; additional passes are charged at the standard fete entry rates of £3.50 per adult (Children 16 and under are free).

Craft Demonstrators

The Coldridge Fete Committee is keen to promote traditional crafts that are, or used to be, carried out in the agricultural countryside. Many rural crafts that were once widespread are, sadly, rapidly disappearing and we would like to help preserve those skills by demonstrating and sharing them with both old and new generations. We are interested in skills such as basket making; straw-work; weaving; woodcraft; leatherwork etc.

If you can interact with the public and demonstrate a skill that represents a rural craft, then we would like to invite you to join us on afternoon of 29th June FREE OF CHARGE as an exhibitor/demonstrator. (You are welcome to sell the fruits of your labours but we would appreciate a donation in return).


Copies of our information sheet (including conditions for traders and demonstrators) can be downloaded here.


If you would have any questions or are interested and would like a Stallholder or Country Craft Demonstrators Application form please contact Sally Cooke on 01363 884233, or by email

May 2024
