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Coldridge 2022 Fete Logo

Alongside the Village Fete, Dog Show and Vintage tractor/vehicles located in Church Field, our historic 13th Century Parish Church of St Matthew's will play host to a traditional themed Flower Festival displaying the ingenuity and artistry of our local flower arrangers. Experts and novice flower arrangers of all ages are always welcome to participate.

Note: In 2018 the theme of the festival was 'The Wildlife Around Us'.  Pictures of those displays are available via our St Matthew's Church page.

See below for updates on our 2022 Flower Festival event.


...and the 2022 Flower Festival Theme is....

The theme for the 2022 Fete's Flower Festival in St. Matthew's Church will be...

                               'A Moment in Time'

This was a unanimous choice from the flower arrangers and interested volunteers who attended the Launch Meeting on Saturday 26th Feb, and represents a theme with a very wide scope for floral interpretation and artistic imagination!

If you missed the launch meeting but would like to find out more/take part then please contact Lyn Green.

What happens next....?

In the coming weeks of March & April, and knowing where your display will be sited in the Church, the suggested next step action is to decide upon a title for your display and prepare a short description of the story you want to tell. This should be sent to Lyn Green or Sue Lawrence by the beginning of May at the latest to allow time for your diaplay cards to be made.

Further instructions for June and arrangements for the set-up days will be shared shortly. 

Posted 14th March 2022


2022 Coldridge Fete Flower Festival - Launch Meeting

2022 Flower Festival Launch Meeting Logo

Exciting news that the long awaited Coldridge Fete & Flower Festival will be taking place this year, on 25 June, and our thoughts will be turning to decorating the church with flowers & foliage for the Flower Festival.  If you would like to make a creative contribution, please do get in touch. This is not a competition and anyone is welcome to contribute, young or old, male or female, on your own or as part of a group. 

If you would like to take part or just find out more, please join us on Saturday 26 February at 10.30 in the church for a coffee & a chat.

We will decide a theme and people can explore the nooks & crannies of the church and choose a spot for their creations! I am happy to help & will go through a few ideas and tips. We hope that lots of people will take part! I look forward to hearing from you.

Lyn Green
Posted 29th January 2022
