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Please note this Parish Council website is not going to be updated as we have moved to as from November 29th 2024

Coldridge Parish Council:
1. plays a vital part in representing the interests of the communities it serves.
2. improves the quality of life of local people and the local environment.
3. influences other decision makers, for example, in planning matters.
4. delivers services to meet local needs.
5. works with other groups in the community to develop the community and provide better services to the electors.

Meetings are held every two months, (Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, Nov) normally at 7:30 on the 3rd Thursday, in Coldridge Village Hall. Notices advertising the meetings are posted on the 3 notice boards in the parish: one on the village green, one at East Leigh and one at West Leigh and on this website


Each meeting starts with an Open Forum, at which parishioners are able to comment on items on the agenda, or bring to the Council's notice something which should be considered at a later meeting.

The current councillors are:
Andrew Green (Chairman) phone 01363 83791
John Smith (Vice-chairman) phone 01363 83436

Malcolm Bedford 01363 83530
Marion Born phone 01363 83482
Chris Burrows phone 01363 83680
Ivan Kriznik 01363 884233

John Quick phone 01363 83807


All of the councillors can be contacted directly by a parishioner about anything they feel affects the Parish.
The current Clerk to Coldridge Parish Council is Keyth Richardson 01363 83251 email