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Minutes of Coldridge Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm on Thursday 25th July 2019 in the Village Hall

Present:  Councillors Andrew Green, John Smith, Jeff Burrows, Marion Born; Chris Burrows, Jim Sampson

Apologies John Daw. DCC Councillor Margaret Squires,

Clerk Keyth Richardson,


Open forum. No-one came to this.






Recording of meetings

The meeting was not being recorded



John Daw.   Margaret Squires DCC sent apologies


Declaration of interest

None reported


Approval and signing of Annual Meeting Minutes

Subject to 2 minor corrections these were approved by the meeting and signed by the chairman


Clerk’s progress report

A discussion occurred over the carparking at Frogbury Cross which can cause problems for access from the south. It was noted the 6 car spaces for 4 houses does not meet the needs of the residents. The existing car parking spaces could be increased by extending 3 of them southwards to make them into tandem parking spaces.


Defibrillator training May 30th

This was well attended by between 20 and 30 parishioners and was judged to very good by those present. It was an improvement on last year’s as it relied less on PowerPoint and more on interaction with the trainer.


Natural Devon

John Smith circulated a list of opportunities for volunteering across Devon, including some quite close to Coldridge


Safer Together Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Consultation

Following an approach from D&SFRS the clerk invited them to send a representative to the Parish Council meeting. This offer was declined as they are focusing their resources on areas facing larger changes. The suggestion was parishioners went to meetings in Tiverton or Exeter. The clerk pointed out to D&SFRS that those stations are not ones which service Coldridge, and that Crediton and North Tawton are our local stations.

It is not believed the lack of retained firefighters is a local  issue. There are some concerns over response times and The Council will wait and see if there are any problems.

It appears to have been a simple tick box consultation by D&SFRS with no real intention to meet parishioners face to face.


Dog Fouling outside School House

This matter was brought to The Council’s attention by the owner of School House, who has suggested a dog bin be fixed near the footpath into the field. In the course of the discussion it was noted that currently dog faeces can be placed in the all-purpose bin outside Rockfield and the dog bin outside Stooks Rise. Any responsible dog owner will use these bins, and irresponsible dog owners will not bother to pick up the faeces anyway. It was not thought a dog bin nearer the field will solve the problem of dog faeces being left around the village. It was noted that some of the faeces may be from foxes, or from unattended dogs.

It was suggested that a portable dog bin could be made, which could be placed where residents wanted it to be, although it was thought that no-one would want it outside their house., nor would be prepared to empty it when full.



The council noted that MDDC have given permission for a forestry storage shed at Otters Holt Wood, Park Wood. The Council believes this site now has a post box and a shower and are concerned about it being used for unlawful occupation.  As it is on a former unregulated tip it is likely to be unstable and thus unsuitable for habitation.

The clerk was asked to liaise with the planning enforcement officer over this.

The Council will keep a watching brief on this land.

MDDC Councillor John Daw would be asked to raise this with MDDC.



The “sumpbuster” from West Leigh to Thorn Corner has not yet been repaired, although by raising the western side  of the road has reduced some of its height. It is thought it will be a lot worse when the winter rains come.

Overgrown shrubs on the road from Frogbury Cross to the Village has some overgrown hedges in the village, and in particular one shrub/tree near Kinsbury which is effectively narrowing the road. John Smith offered to speak to the new owners of Kinsbury.

Farley’s Grave to Thorn Corner is badly overgrown with uncut sight lines.

Clerk asked to report all these issues to DCC Highways and CC Margaret Squires.


VE Day Celebrations May 8th 2020

The council noted there will be several national activities built around this event. After a long discussion it was agreed to investigate holding an evening event, such as a BBQ and Beacon lighting. This would be arranged in conjunction with the Village Hall Committee.

VJ day is on August 15th and some consideration of this could be built into the VE day event.


Councillors Training

Marion Born has attended Dementia Training, which is relevant considering our aging population.

The Council is concerned about the cost of training offered by Devon County Council and others. For a small council this is a large burden and is one reason why Councillors not undertaken some training, coupled with training sessions being held during the day when Councillors are at work.

DALC is the most relevant training provider for Coldridge Parish Council.



An email from PKF Littlejohn was read out, informing the Council that the application to be exempt had been agreed and that there would be no further correspondence or certificates to confirm the accounts for 2018/19 had been audited.


The Council confirmed its support for the internal audit which is the only external check on the Council’s accounts.

The following payments were agreed

Clerks wages £202.81

Clerks expenses £7.43

Cumbria Clock Company £198.00


Councillors reports

An incident in which a large steel lorry coming from C&R Construction had attempted to come down Church Lane and met one coming up was discussed, as it was witnessed by the clerk.

It transpires that one edging stone on the village green had been displaced. It was agreed that an autumnal working party to re-lay stones round the green would be arranged. The stones must not be set in concrete as this will make replacing them even harder if one is displaced. At the same time the crown of the tree on the green could be raised.


The churchyard trees continue to cause concern as they block the view of the church and especially the clock. Further discussions to be held with the church authorities in September. The Chairman suggested a celebration for the centenary of the clock, which was installed on 27 September 1919, to be held on Saturday September the 9th. Details to be confirmed but to include viewing the clock, a talk from Dave Clarke or Luke Ridge on the clock, and a social event either in the church or the hall. In the absence of an incumbent the Rural Dean, Revd David Francis, to be invited.



Date of next meetings

September 19th  and November 21st


The meeting closed at 21:00                   Signed: