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COLDRIDGE Parish Council

Minutes of Coldridge Parish Council Meeting January 17th 2019  

Present:  Councillors John Smith, Marion Born, Jim Sampson,

Apologies: Councillors, Andrew Green (Chairman), Jeff Burrows, Chris Burrows, John Daw, DCC councillor Margaret Squires

Clerk: Keyth Richardson

Open Forum 7:30 No parishioners attended this but Helen Smith sent apologies

Minutes of the Parish Council started at 7:30 John Smith chaired the meeting in the absence of Andrew Green






Recording of Council meetings

The Chairman requested that anyone recording the meeting inform the Council of this. No-one was.



 Andrew Green Jeff Burrows, Chris Burrows, John Daw, DCC councillor Margaret Squires


Declarations of Interest




The minutes of the Council Meeting on Nov 22nd were approved


Site Meeting Jan 7th

Councillors Andrew Green, John Daw, Chris Burrows, John Smith, Marion Born and Jim Sampson met outside Holm Farm to consider the planning application 16181965 regarding change of use of a store and games room into ancillary accommodation. There were no concerns over the actual modifications to be carried out, so the Parish Council meeting to follow this site meeting was cancelled as no comments were going to be submitted to MDDC.


During the meeting, the clerk phoned MDDC Planning who confirmed that ancillary means that after the development of the property into a small self-contained flat it could not be sold let or used as an independent living unit. To be used as a holiday let or as a bed and breakfast business the owner would need to seek change of use.

As the application is for ancillary use the planning permission, if granted would make this a condition.


Clerk’s progress report

A number of parishioners had thanked Councillors for the tree on the village green and commented on how bright and cheery it looked decked in lights. The Council agreed to continue with this tradition in Dec 2019


Amenity Land

Following on from the last meeting the application for permission to borrow money was reduced to £5,000 and this has now been approved

 The Chairman of the Council had phoned the new owners of the land but so far had not been able to make contact or leave a message as there is no answerphone on the number he has. He will continue his efforts.


Communities Together Fund

Andrew Green had suggested the Clerk put in an application to this fund. As it is for items which demonstrate cross community working applying for help with the improvements to the toilets in the village hall comes under this heading. He   was asked to garner support from St Matthew’s Church, The Coldridge Painters and Coldridge Women’s Institute all of which are good examples of cross community working and all of whom use the village hall.

He has done so and the council agreed to support this application and the clerk is to submit it.



The Council agreed the following payments

Clerk’s wages £249.46

Clerk’s expenses £12.64

Grant to Mid Devon Mobility £100

This organistion runs the ring and ride which serves the parish and for at least 3 regular users it enables them to leave the village for practical reasons and these outings are good for their general well-being.



  • Marion Born rang the DCC Highways emergency number to report a dangerous pothole alongside the mains water manhole at Frogbury Cross, which was repaired quickly.
  • Councillors noted that the gulleys and ditches had been cleared out in the last few days, which was good news as excess water is often the cause of road damage.
  • A pothole repair outside Stooks Rise had failed and needs to be re-done.
  • The dip in the road at Gilscott was noted as a hazard particularly in icy weather. The lack of drainage at this point causes standing water to form and this ices up. It was reported a recent car crash on this road had been caused by a car skidding on the ice.
  • The markings on the southside of the village green had been there for many months and the clerk was asked to find out when this work was scheduled to be done.
  • The West Leigh “sumpbuster” is still awaiting repair, but it is on the list to be done
  • To date no report or action by Peter Heal has been received regarding the minute below from November, despite the Clerk sending an email.


Visibility at Frogbury Cross from the south was raised again and the danger of coming out onto the B3220, especially with a tractor/loader and trailer. The problem is caused by vegetation in the garden of Number 1. Cllr Heal took full details and promised to sort this out as the property is owned by MDDC and they have the right to cut down vegetation for safety issues.


See also post meeting note below



No Councillors had requested a meeting about the MDDC consultation on S106 and CIL, so no response had been made.


Election Update

The Clerk ran through the timetable and confirmed he would circulate nomination papers when they are available and he would also take completed forms into Phoenix House for checking.

The Clerk also reported that one Coldridge parish resident had been to see him about standing as candidate and the Clerk was sure this person would stand for election in May.

It was noted one or more current councillors may not wish to seek re-election.


Councillors’ reports and items for future agenda

No items from the Councillors but today the Clerk had received information from Action for Village Halls seeking the Parish Councils support for events put on under it’s umbrella in Coldridge Village Hall.

As this is still be discussed by the Village Hall Committee the Parish Council will wait and see what form of support is required, but in principle thought supporting such events worthy of consideration.

The Clerk will keep the Council informed of any progress made on this topic.


Date of next meetings

 Mar 28th May 16th [tbc] July 18th Sept 19th Nov 21st


Meeting closed at 20.12



Following the meeting John Daw phoned the Clerk and told him the road from Nymet Rowland to Eggesford Fourways is on the list to be done in the next week.