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COLDRIDGE Parish Council

Minutes of Coldridge Parish Council Meeting March 28th 2019  

Present:  Councillors, Andrew Green (Chairman) John Smith, Marion Born, Jim Sampson, Jeff Burrows, John Daw, DCC councillor Margaret Squires

Apologies: Chris Burrows

Clerk: Keyth Richardson

Open Forum 7:30 2 parishioners attended this



Concern raised over the continuing poor state of the road surface on the south side of Coldridge Village Green. This is where the passengers wait for the weekly bus on a Friday, and a number of these are less than stable on their feet. All present were reminded of the need to continue to log potholes on the DCC website, and it is possible for others to add a click to potholes already logged. The road from Nymet Rowland to Eggesford has now been done, and John Daw was happy to report it was now a good road. The pothole at the bottom of Church Lane, where the road from Burrow Plot Cross joined it was mentioned as being a significant problem.


Parking in the Square and alongside The Village Greens

Concern was raised over residents of properties regularly parking on these roads, and the possibility of emergency vehicles not getting through. It was noted that with a number of properties in the village being on the market the published details of some of these mention parking being available on these roads. The Parish Council noted these comments, [and that parking on these roads has been raised before] but there is no action they can take, and these roads are free for all to park on.


Size of lorries traversing the village

Some contractors/large lorries are approaching C&R Construction from Frogbury Cross, ignoring the signs from the B3220 and the advice given to their suppliers from C&R Construction. This is not a suitable approach and concerns were raised over possible damage to the Green and its kerbstones. [On the occasion when a lorry visiting C&R was identified to have damaged the Green C&R came out and made the damage good.] Clerk to phone C&R Construction.


Minutes of the Parish Council started at 7:56





Recording of Council meetings

The Chairman requested that anyone recording the meeting inform the Council of this. No-one was.



 Chris Burrows


Declarations of Interest




The minutes of the Council Meeting on Jan 17th were approved


Clerk’s progress report

Action for Village Halls. Feedback from the Village Hall, and investigation in more details as to what was involved led to a decision not to follow this up, so any financially support from the Parish Council would not be required.

John Smith had been given some strong glazing material by his old employer Brett Martin, and had replaced the damaged Perspex.  Despite appeals no one had come forward with information on how the damage occurred.


Community Led Planning

This had been circulated earlier, and it was agreed, after some discussion that this was not required at the moment, but if planning proposals and procedures changed it would be re-visited.


Church Clock

At present the clock is stopped, and it has not been striking for a few weeks. John Smith had visited the tower and looked at the mechanism. He was not able to identify the problem and the Clerk was asked to arrange for the work required to be done by Cumbria Clock Company.


Amenity Land

The Chairman of the Council has had a conversation with one of the new owners of Coldridge Barton, Mrs Diana Wastenage. She has indicated that they want to continue hosting the bi-annual fete.  Regarding the purchase of the land for amenity use she will contact Andrew when she is next down to arrange a site visit.

The farm is being run on the New Zealand system, which has low inputs and low outputs.



Communities Together Fund

The application was successful and a grant of £500 has been given to Coldridge Village Hall towards the work on the toilets. The Council thanked the Clerk for his work on the application


Review od 2018/19 Finances

A copy of the year’s income and expenditure was circulated and discussed. The year to date will have a surplus of £1258 and with the b/f balance gives £3081 to carry forward to next year, which could be an election year.



The Council agreed the following payments

Clerk’s wages £137.96

Clerk’s expenses £40.93

The Clerk reported the printer had just stopped working and needed repairing and servicing. He had carried out some initial research into a replacement and had identified an Epson Eco-Tank model which should significantly reduce the ink running costs. The cost of ink cartridges has far outweighed the initial purchase price of the old printer.

The Council authorised the Clerk to spend up to £250 on a new one



On March 11th a meeting was held at Frogbury Cross with a representative of MDDC as the vegetation obscuring the view which makes the junction dangerous is in the garden of a MDDC tenant. A report of the meeting was circulated by the clerk, and MDDC will be kept informed of the outcome of a meeting to held with the tenant. 


Election Update

The Clerk confirmed the timetable and offered to check and take any completed forms into MDDC on Monday April 1st.


Councillors’ reports and items for future agenda

Jim Sampson reported the sump buster near West Leigh is still causing issues, and Margaret Squires offered to follow this up with DCC Highways.

Potholes near to Burrow Plot Cross and outside Stooks Rise were mentioned and will be reported on the DCC website.

A tent had been seen in the woodlands near Park Mill, and the Clerk was asked to check with MDDC Planners regarding the legal situation. It was not thought anyone was living there on a permanent basis


Date of next meetings

May 16th [tbc] July 18th Sept 19th Nov 21st

Meeting closed at 20.36