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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ultricies augue vitae odio porta mattis. Etiam magna enim, pulvinar a ex non, vestibulum molestie turpis. Sed pellentesque pharetra arcu a placerat. Mauris consectetur lacus in erat laoreet, at sodales orci luctus. Duis ullamcorper ligula ac erat luctus consectetur. Pellentesque id velit semper dui laoreet venenatis. Aenean non lorem sollicitudin, sagittis odio at, sodales purus. Mauris pulvinar ipsum nisi, vitae ullamcorper augue aliquam ut. Curabitur rutrum sapien nisi, eget viverra purus lacinia ac.
From Burrowplot Cross to Village Square

From Burrowplot Cross to Village Square

Wishing You a Warm Welcome

If you are planning to visit Coldridge, we do hope you will enjoy spending a little time at St Matthew’s Church in the heart of the parish, and a place of prayer and quiet contemplation through the centuries.

More recently our beautiful Church has become the subject of much public interest following research into its various artefacts, by those connected with the Missing Princes Project, and you are welcome to come and explore its history.