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St. Matthews Logo 2023

Wishing You a Warm Welcome

If you are planning to visit Coldridge, we do hope you will enjoy spending a little time at St Matthew’s Church in the heart of the parish, and a place of prayer and quiet contemplation through the centuries.

More recently our beautiful Church has become the subject of much public interest following research into its various artefacts, by those connected with the Missing Princes Project, and you are welcome to come and explore its history.


Our Regular Services

These take place each month:  for Morning Prayer on the 2nd Sunday at 10.30am, and Holy Communion on the 3rd Sunday at 10.30am; and for celebrations at Easter, Harvest and Christmas-time amongst others.  All visitors are very welcome to join us during these times of worship together.

For the month of June 2024.....


June 2024 Events and Services Pamphlet


Click here to download a PDF copy of June 2024 - Events and Services at St. Matthew's Coldridge.


A notice to visitors wishing to view the Edward V Window

6th April 2024

From 9th April 2024 work will commence to remove the Edward V Window in preparation for its cleaning, conservation and future return to St. Matthew's.  Following its removal, and for the duration of its time away, the original stained glass will be replaced by exact copies of the originals.

For further information please email

Published 6th April 2024


Everyday Opening Times

The Church is normally open from 10.00am until 4.00pm each day for visitors and pilgrims.

Please note that during everyday openings the Chantry, which is the site of the tomb of John Evans and the Edward V window, is not accessible though it is possible to see the tomb and the window through the rood screen.  Please see information below about our special open days.

Facilities and Safety Advice

We cannot offer public toilets in the village every day, so you may wish to take advantage of local pubs nearby for food and facilities.

Visitors are advised that the path to the Church is cobbled and uneven and can present difficulties for those with mobility issues, and it can be very slippery when wet.  Please take care and use the handrail provided.  There is a wheelchair ramp in the porch giving access into the building, where caution is needed throughout owing to uneven floors, steps, tiled areas and tombs set in the surface.

Church Café

Our ever-popular ‘Church Café’ is open from 2.30pm until 4.00pm on the first Monday of each month.  Sue and her team will be there to welcome you for refreshments and a friendly get-together in the wonderful surroundings of our ancient and lovely Parish Church.  Make the first Monday of the month a firm date in your diary and we shall be happy to see you for a cuppa and a chat.  Everyone is welcome.

Open Days in 2024 for Visitors Interested in The Missing Princes

Throughout 2024 we are offering two guided tours per day starting 11am and 2pm on the following Thursdays:  22nd February, 28th March, 25th April, 23rd May, 25th July, 22nd August, 26th September, 24th October and 28th November, for which reservations are required.

On these days there will be a slide presentation before your guided tour.  To complete your visit, delicious home-made refreshments will be available in the Coldridge Cafe to be found in our nearby Village Hall between 10.00am and 3.30pm, serving coffee and cakes, tea and scones and lunches (12 - 2pm only).

To reserve your place on a tour, or request a group booking, please indicate your preferred date, stating morning or afternoon, and the number in your party by contacting us at this address

Please note: bookings close 6pm on the Tuesday prior to a tour day.

Making a donation to St. Matthew's Coldridge

If you would like to donate towards the Upkeep of St Matthew's Church please use our QR code below.

St Matthews Fundraising QR Code - Fabric_Jan24

Otherwise when visiting, you will find our offertory box and card donating facilities, as well as free Edward V history leaflets and our Church History guide books priced £2.  We are so grateful for all gifts to help with the upkeep of this ancient building.

Further information 

Should you need to know more about any matter to do with the Church, please contact St Matthew’s Parochial Church Council at

Original post 6th February 2023; Updated 6th Nov 2023; 22nd Jan 2024; 5 Mar24; 1 Apr24
