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Coldridge Village Hall Social Group Logo_Jan24

The Village Hall Social Group is a small band of keen 'entertainment activists' whose role (under the umbrella of the Village Hall Committee) is to organise a calendar of social events for our village community that appeal to all ages in the Parish.

Over past years the group has arranged regular social evenings & films, quiz nights, the occasional wine tasting or foodie-evening along with screening of sporting events such as the 6 Nations Rugby and important National events on the big screen!  The Social Group meets up approx. every other month in the Village Hall to plan future events to maximise the use of the excellent hall facilities we are lucky to have.

Information on upcoming events is included in The Coldridge Calendar as well as here on the Parish Website and on the 'What's on in Coldridge Devon' Village Facebook page.

If you would like to get involved in the Social Group and can help with event ideas, planning or are willing to lend a hand 'on the night' then we would be keen to hear from you.

For further information, please contact Lyn Green.


Updated 27th March 2024