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Date Payee Amount Description
12/04/2018 Devon Association of Local Councils £108.01 Annual subscription
12/04/2018 Mrs V. Ray £1,844.88 Clerk salary for 2017-8 (includes non-taxable expenses)
12/04/2018 HMRC £458.40 Clerk income tax for above payment
10/05/2018 Devon Association of Local Councils £48.00 DALC GDPR training course
10/05/2018 Community First Trading  £181.73 Annual Insurance subscription
07/11/2018  BCW £151.51 Warning road sign
08/11/2018  Holy Cross Church £300.00 Churchyard Grant
08/11/2018 Nomansland chapel £150.00 Churchyard GRant
08/11/2018 Way Village chapel £150.00 Churchyard Grant
 10/01/2019   Cruwys Morchard Parish Hall  £96.00  Hire of parish hall for meetings
 14/01/2019   PC Mot  £95.00  Laptop repair