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Parish Council meeting was held in Cruwys Morchard Parish Hall on Thursday 13th December 2018 at 8 p.m.


Mr G. Hall (Chairman), Mr. A. Chave, Mr. G. Kingdom, Mr R. Hill, Mr M. Lake, Cllr P. Colthorpe (District Councillor) and 2 parishioners


Mrs J. Mitchell (Family Commitment), Mr. N. Baker (Work commitment), Mr D. Berry (Family commitment), Cllr Margaret Squires (Other meeting to attend)




The minutes of the meeting held on 8 th November 2018 had already been circulated prior to the meeting.

Proposal: Agreement to the content of the minutes was proposed by Mr Chave and seconded by Mr Hill and was unanimously agreed by the meeting and duly signed by the chairman.




The clerk stated that she is still trying to chase the situation concerning having a speed limit through Pennymoor and will contact both Cllr Squires and Steven Tucker (Highways) about this.

Cllr Colthorpe reminded the meeting of a Highways meeting next week at County Hall covering winter services and speed limits, she urged the parish council for someone to attend if possible.

7 PLANNING APPLICATION (18/01750/FULL) – Erection of timber agricultural store/office on land at West Ruckham Farm, Pennymoor

A discussion took place with the parishioners giving their concerns about this application, which was an application resubmitted after it had originally been refused.

Proposal: Mr Hill proposed and Mr Kingdom seconded refusal of this application and the meeting unanimously agreed.

The reasons for the refusal were the same as the previous application, as follows: 

  • There is no justification for the requested size of the agricultural store/office 
  • There appears to be no agricultural activity on the land 3.
  • Foundations for the requested building have already been laid 4.
  • There is already an empty building on the site which could be used for agricultural use.

2 parishioners left the meeting

8 PLANNING APPLICATION (18/01880/FULL) Removal of condition 2 of planning permission 09/00756/FULL relating to the agricultural building at Windmill Farm, Pennymoor

A short discussion took place.

Proposal: Mr Lake proposed and Mr Chave seconded agreement to this application and the meeting unanimously agreed

9 PLANNING APPLICATION (18/01566/FULL) Erection of an agricultural livestock and storage building at Chapple Farm, Pennymoor

A short discussion took place.

10 ROAD SIGNS Mr Hall stated that he had now received the sign for Way Village which is awaiting to be erected. The clerk confirmed that the payment for the sign of £151.51 had been taken from the parish council bank account. It was confirmed that a new dead-end sign had been erected at the top of Cotton Lane and that the fingerpost knocked down at Greenland Head had been put back up.

11 HIGHWAY PROBLEMS The following pothole were reported:

  • Traffic driving over a large pothole filled with stones near to Thorne Farm meant that the large stones were coming out of the pothole and become a danger on the road


Meeting closed 8:37 p.m.