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Parish Council meeting was held in Cruwys Morchard Parish Hall on Thursday 11th April 2019 at 8 p.m.


Mr G. Hall (Chairman), Mrs J. Mitchell, Mr D. Berry, Mr. M. Lake, Mr. N. Baker, Cllr P. Colthorpe (District Councillor)

3 parishioners

2 representatives for the planning application 19/00075/MFUL at Kelly Farm − Mr John Rooney − Mr Carl Bradbury


Mr R. Hill (Work commitment)


Mr A. Chave, Mr G. Kingdom


The minutes of the meeting held on 14th March 2019 had already been circulated prior to the meeting. Proposal: Agreement to the content of the minutes was proposed by Mr Berry and seconded by Mrs Mitchell and was unanimously agreed by the meeting and duly signed by the chairman.





7 PLANNING APPLICATION (19/00075/MFUL) Erection of an agricultural educational/training facility to include demolition of farm buildings; erection of 5 buildings comprising of 20 residential apartments for service users; alterations to convert existing buildings to create classrooms and office suites; formation of an access track and overspill car park at Kelly Farm, Nomansland. Mr Bradbury gave an overview of the development and answered several questions raised.

Mr Rooney and Mr Bradbury left the meeting

Discussion then took place between the parish councillors

Proposal: Mr Lake proposed and Mrs Mitchell seconded recommending refusal of this application and the meeting unanimously agreed. The reasons for the refusal were:

• Although there were no objections to the actual development there were some major concerns in connection with the road access:

− There is very bad visibility when leaving the lane from Kelly Farm and it is suggested that maybe the landowners on either side could be made to improve this.

− On leaving Kelly Farm and turning left on to the lane which comes out onto the B3137, visibility once again is very poor.

− From leaving the B3137 the junction is very difficult and dangerous for large vehicles and this road is already used by many large lorries frequently going to the nearby Anaerobic Digester together with other farm vehicles. This lane is relatively narrow with no passing places and continues to deteriorate with so much heavy traffic.

− It is expected that this development will only bring more traffic to Kelly Farm to bring supplies, staff journeys and other vehicles used to transport the residents.

− At present this road off of the B3137 is being used as a traffic diversion due to ongoing road repairs between Nomansland and Looseland Cross which has now been closed for 18 months plus and it is not sure when the road will open again.

• Another concern was that the development stated that they had already taken away some hedging along the lane upto Kelly Farm without seeking permission to do so, and we wanted to ensure this no longer happened. The developer was unaware that there was need to get approval to remove hedges.

3 parishioners left the meeting

8 PLANNING APPLICATION (19/00440/FULL) – Removal of condition 3 of planning permission 06/01191/FULL to reinstate permitted development rights at The Hunnypot, Higher Yeadbury, Pennymoor.

A short discussion took place.

Proposal: Mr Baker proposed and Mrs Mitchell seconded refusal of this application and the meeting unanimously agreed. The reason for the refusal was that it was not known what condition 3 of the previous planning application decision was and the clerk was asked to find out and ask for an extension to the deadline for submitting a decision.

9 PLANNING APPLICATION (19/00477/HOUSE) Conversion of store to two storey annexe at Chapple Farm, Pennymoor A short discussion took place.

Proposal: Mr Berry proposed and Mr Lake seconded agreement to this application and the meeting unanimously agreed

10 PLANNING APPLICATION (19/00544/FULL) Erection of an agricultural storage barn at Chapple Farm, Pennymoor A short discussion took place.

Proposal: Mr Baker proposed and Mr Lake seconded agreement to this application and the meeting unanimously agreed

11 DALC subscription

The clerk stated that she had received the renewal invoice for membership of DALC.

Proposal: Mr Lake proposed and Mrs Mitchell seconded renewal of the subscription for £110.27 and the meeting unanimously agreed. It was agreed that the clerk would make the payment by BACS transfer to DALC.

12 Risk Assessment

The clerk read out the detail of the Risk Assessment document which needs to be reviewed every year.

Proposal: Mr Berry proposed and Mr Baker seconded agreement to this document and the meeting unanimously agreed. The chairman signed the document

13 Statement of Internal Control

The clerk read out the detail of the Statement of Internal Control which needs to be reviewed every year.

Proposal: Mrs Mitchell proposed and Mr Baker seconded agreement to this document and the meeting unanimously agreed. The chairman and clerk signed the document.

14 Clerk’s salary 2018/9

The clerk gave out her claim for salary payment for 2018/9 (The clerk left the room) After some discussion the following was agreed:

Proposal: Mr Lake proposed and Mrs Mitchell seconded paying the clerk at salary point 27 based on 4 hours per week, payment as follows: £2,672.84 plus expenses £32.80 = £2,705.04 (includes £534.40 Income Tax) (The clerk returned to the room)

13 TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDER (TRO) – Pennymoor speed limit

The clerk stated that she had been in contact with Devon CC about what happens next with getting the TRO. A Mr. Tom Vaughan (Highways) stated that he would pass on the request to the Traffic Management section who deal with TROs. The information on Devon CC website indicates that the process is quite long as it has to advertised in the papers beforehand. The clerk will continue to chase Highways.


Several potholes were reported, but these had previously been reported to Devon CC



Meeting closed 9:35 p.m.