Minutes 10th December 2020
Parish Council meeting on Thursday 10th December 2020 at 8 p.m.
Due to COVID-19 this meeting was held remotely via video conferencing
Mr G. Hall (Chairman), Mr D. Berry, Mrs J. Mitchell, Mrs T. Grant, Mr M. Lake, Mr. P. Lake, Mrs P. Colthorpe (District Councillor)
Cllr M. Squires (County Councillor)(other meetings to attend)
Mr. G. Kingdom,
The minutes of the meeting held on 10th September 2020 had already been circulated prior to the meeting.
Proposal: Agreement to the content of the minutes was proposed by Mrs Mitchell and seconded by Mr Berry and was unanimously agreed by the meeting. Minutes will be signed by the chairman in due course.
Mr Berry declared an interest in the Churchyard Grants
The clerk stated that Devon CC had confirmed that they will not refill the grit bins that the parish council had purchased at Way Village, however Mr Berry stated that a colleague of his had refilled the bin at the top of Way Village junction as he had acquired surplus grit.
The clerk stated that although the grit bin at Down Cottage had a Devon CC number it was not showing on their interactive map and she had queried this with them and was awaiting a reply.
Mr Berry left the meeting
A discussion took place about the amount of churchyard grants which should be paid to the three churches in the parish.
Proposal: Mrs Mitchell proposed and Mr M. Lake seconded increasing the grants to a total of £700, split in the following way:
Holy Cross Church, Cruwys Morchard £350
Way Village Congregational Chapel £175
Nomansland Congregational Chapel £175
And the meeting unanimously agreed. The meeting agreed for the clerk to pay these amounts direct to the church bank accounts.
Mr Berry returned to the meeting
The clerk stated that there had been 3 applicants for the position and the applications had been emailed out before the meeting.
Some discussion took place about all 3 applicants
Proposal: Mrs Mitchell proposed co-opting Allison Clements as parish Councillor with Mr M. Lake seconding the proposal with the meeting unanimously agreeing.
9. PRECEPT 2021/2
The clerk handed out to the meeting details of the budget for year 2021/2.
Discussion took place about what funds would be needed for next year.
Proposal: Mr Berry proposed and Mrs. Grant seconded requesting a precept of £5,000.00 and the meeting unanimously agreed.
- Mr M. Lake stated that the grit bin (number 1799) on the road between the parish hall and West Ruckham junction had been damaged and now had a hole in the side and had been turned over. The clerk was asked report it to the highways section.
- It was reported that there are several holes along the road between Greenland Head to Puddington.
Meeting closed 8:45p.m.
Signed (Chairman)…………………………………………………. Date…………………………….