Minutes 4th May 2021
Annual Council meeting on Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 8 p.m.
Due to COVID-19 this meeting was held remotely via video conferencing
Mr G. Hall (Chairman), Mr D. Berry, Mrs J. Mitchell, Mr. M. Lake, Mr P. Lake, Mrs A. Clements, Mrs P. Colthorpe (District Councillor)
Cllr M. Squires (County Councillor) (other meetings to attend)
Mr G. Kingdom
Proposal: Mr M. Lake proposed and Mrs Clements seconded Mr G. Hall as Chairman of the Parish Council. The meeting unanimously agreed.
Mr Hall will duly sign the acceptance of office form.
Proposal: Mr M. Lake proposed and Mrs Clements seconded Mr D. Berry as Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council. The meeting unanimously agreed.
The minutes of the meeting held on 8th April 2021 had already been circulated prior to the meeting.
Proposal: Agreement to the content of the minutes was proposed by Mr Berry and seconded by Mr P. Lake and was unanimously agreed by the meeting. Minutes will be signed by the chairman in due course.
Mrs J. Mitchell declared a personal interest in Planning Application 20/02098/FULL
The clerk reported that nobody had requested an election for the parish councillor vacancy so an advert will be placed on the noticeboard, website and on Nextdoor (communication application) and the results will be discussed at the next meeting.
8.PLANNING APPLICATION (21/00499/LBC) – Listed Building Consent to replace the roof covering to main dwelling and attached outbuilding to south east corner with slates including 2 Conservation rooflights.
A short discussion took place.
Proposal: Mr M. Lake proposed and Mr. P. Lake seconded agreement to this application and the meeting unanimously agreed.
9. PLANNING APPLICATION (20/02098/FULL) – Retention of converted building to 2 bedroom live/work unit at South Eastway View, Pennymoor
Mrs Mitchell was excluded from the meeting due to her declared interest
The meeting had a discussion about this retrospective planning application.
Proposal: Mr P. Lake proposed and Mr Berry seconded agreement with this application, providing it fulfills the necessary building regulations. The rest of the meeting agreed but with one abstention.
Mrs Mitchell was brought back into the meeting
a) Certificate of Exemption
The clerk had provided the meeting with a copy of the Certificate of Exemption before the meeting – AGAR 2020/1 Part 2.
Proposal: Mr P. Lake proposed and Mrs Mitchell seconded approval of this Certificate and the meeting unanimously agreed
b) Annual Governance Statement
The clerk had provided the meeting with a copy of the Annual Governance Statement before the meeting – Section 1 AGAR 2020/1.
Proposal: Mr P. Lake proposed and Mrs Mitchell seconded approval of this Annual Governance Statement and the meeting unanimously agreed.
c) Accounting Statements
The clerk had provided the meeting with a copy of the Accounting Statements before the meeting – Section 2 AGAR 2020/1. The meeting gave YES answers to the first 8 questions with N/A for question 9 on the statement.
Proposal: Mr P. Lake proposed and Mrs Mitchell seconded approval of these Accounting Statements and the meeting unanimously agreed
11. Future face to face meetings
As Zoom meetings can no longer be used as the necessary legislation has expired, a discussion took place as to how future face to face meetings will take place with all the necessary COVID_19 restrictions in place
- Highways
The following was reported:
- Potholes between Pages Cross and Holy Cross church, Pennymoor
- Potholes down Cotton Lane, Pennymoor
- Potholes between Robins Cross to Lugsland, Pennymoor
Meeting closed 9.02p.m.