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Parish Council meeting was held on Thursday 10th March 2022 at 8 p.m. in the Parish Hall



Mr G. Hall (Chairman), Mr D. Berry, Mr J. Grant, Mr G. Kingdom, Mrs J. Mitchell, Mr P. Lake 

Parishioner: Mr. S. Cole 


Ms R. Wibberley (holiday), Cllr Margaret Squires (County Councillor), Cllr Polly Colthorpe (District Councillor)


Mr M. Lake 


The minutes of the meeting held on 10th March 2022 had already been circulated prior to the meeting. 

Proposal: Agreement to the content of the minutes was proposed by Mrs Mitchell and seconded by Mr Kingdom and was unanimously agreed by the meeting. The minutes were signed by the chairman. 


Mr Peter Lake declared a personal interest in Planning Application (22/00634/FULL) 


The clerk stated that we are still awaiting delivery of new pads and charger for the defibrillator at Nomansland. The supplier states that he is hopefully that they arrive in the next 4 – 6 weeks. 

According to the supplier at the moment it is still ok to use the defibrillator, but the existing pads and the charger have expired and in time if a warning sign shows on the defibrillator then it would not be able to be used. 

7.        Planning Application (22/00634/FULL) Erection of temporary rural workers dwelling at land at Edgeworthy, Nomansland 

Mr P. Lake left the meeting 

Mr. Cole gave details of why he needed a workers dwelling to look after the chickens housed on the land. Discussion took place 

Proposed: Mr Berry proposed and Mr Kingdom seconded agreement with this planning application and the meeting unanimously agreed. 

Mr P. Lake returned to the meeting 

8.       Planning Application (22/00527/FULL) Change of use of agricultural land for the siting of a shepherd’s hut for holiday accommodation at Vulscombe Farm, Withleigh 

The meeting discussed this application. 

Proposed: Mr Kingdom proposed and Mrs Mitchell seconded agreement with this planning application and the meeting unanimously agreed. 

9.       Planning Application (22/00588/CLU) Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of self-contained flat within existing building at Mill Lane Farm, Pennymoor 

The meeting discussed this application. 

Proposed: Mr Lake proposed and Mr Berry seconded objection to this planning application for the following reason: 

Planning permission was not sort when this flat was originally built. and the meeting unanimously agreed. 

10.     Planning Application (22/00587/CLU) Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of structure as a dwelling and siting of a mobile home as a dwelling with associated land as garden at Mill Lane Farm, Pennymoor. 

The meeting discussed this application. 

Proposed: Mrs Mitchell proposed and Mr Kingdom seconded agreement with this planning application and the meeting unanimously agreed. 

11.     DALC membership 2022/23 

The clerk stated that she had received an invoice from DALC for renewal of the annual subscription. 

Proposed: Mr Berry proposed and Mrs Mitchell seconded agreement to payment of £117.58 annual subscription and the meeting unanimously agreed. The clerk would make a bank transfer payment. 

12.     Risk Assessment 

The clerk stated that the Risk Assessment document for year ending 31st March 2022 had been sent out with the agenda 

Proposed: Mr Kingdom proposed and Mr Berry seconded agreement with the content of this document and the meeting unanimously agreed. The chairman signed the document 

13.     Certificate of Exemption – AGAR 2021/22 

The clerk stated that the Certificate of Exemption (AGAR 2021/2) was received from the external audits and all the necessary criteria was reached. 

Proposed: Mr Berry proposed and Mr Lake seconded agreement with the content of this document and the meeting unanimously agreed. The chairman duly signed the certificate

14.         Statement of internal control 

The clerk stated that the Statement of Internal Control document for year ending 31st March 2022 had been sent out with the agenda 

Proposed: Mr Lake proposed and Mrs Mitchell seconded agreement with the content of this document and the meeting unanimously agreed. The chairman and clerk signed the document

15.         Accounts 2021/22

The clerk stated that the Accounts for 2021/22 had been sent out with the agenda 

Proposed: Mr Lake proposed and Mrs Mitchell seconded agreement with the content of this document and the meeting unanimously agreed. The chairman and clerk signed the accounts.

16.         Parish Clerk salary for 2021/22 

The clerk left the meeting 

Proposed: Mr Berry proposed and Mrs Mitchell seconded paying the parish clerk on Spinal 22 (£2,982.57 plus expenses of £44.22 LESS income tax of £596.40) and the meeting unanimously agreed. The clerk will make the necessary payment to herself and the HMRC via bank transfer. 

The clerk returned to the meeting 

17.        Defibrillator meeting on 6th April 2022 

The clerk stated that since the defibrillator meeting on 6th April 2022 she had received a contract from BT to adopt the phone box outside The Cruwys Arms. Val Randerson had given her permission for the parish council to adopt it as it is positioned on private land. 

Proposed: Mr Kingdom proposed and Mr Lake seconded adoption of the phone box outside The Cruwys Arms and the meeting unanimously agreed. 

Proposed: Mr Lake proposed and Mr Kingdom seconded signing the BT contract to adopt the phone box outside The Cruwys Arms and the meeting unanimously agreed. The chairman signed the contract. 






Meeting closed 9:30p.m.



Signed (Chairman)…………………………………………………. Date…………………………….