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 Parish Council meeting was held on Thursday 13th April 2023 at 8 p.m. in the Parish Hall 


Mr. G. Hall (Chairman), Mr D. Berry, Mr M. Lake, Mr J. Grant, Ms R. Wibberley, Mrs. J. Mitchell, Mr. P Lake, Cllr Margaret Squires (County Councillor) 




Mr. G. Kingdom 


The minutes of the meeting held on 9th February 2023 had already been circulated prior to the meeting. 

Proposal: Agreement to the content of the minutes was proposed by Mr Berry and seconded by Mr. Grant and was unanimously agreed by the meeting. The minutes were signed by the chairman. 




PLANNING APPLICATION (23/00228/FULL) Siting of a temporary rural workers dwelling with access track and erection of an agricultural building with yard. 

The clerk explained that the planned meeting for March was cancelled due to bad weather. She emailed all the parish councillors their opinions on this planning application and there were several objections given together with objections from a parishioner. 

It was agreed to object to this application with the following reasons: 

1.     The entrance to the proposed site is on Cruwys Morchard Mill Lane which is a very narrow lane with no proper passing places.
There are already a few businesses that use this lane, and this planning would only bring more large vehicle traffic to the lane.
It is anticipated that this business will generated a lot of unsuitable heavy goods vehicles together with extra traffic to provide alpaca husbandry classes
2. There appears to be proposed waste management for the dwelling, but nothing mentioned for the barn where presumably the livestock will be housed.
3. It appears work has already started on the plans despite no plans being agreed. A concrete base, excavation, new sewage treatment plant and soakaway system have all been started.
4. Site is small to keep livestock and does not warrant dwelling.
5. Applicant has stated that a 5.5 acre area of land highlighted in blue on the plan has been agreed to rent but this land belongs to someone else who has not rented the land and has not been approached. 


The clerk stated that she had been informed that the wire on pads on the defibrillator in the phone box had been pinched/caught and the pad was no longer useable. 

The spare pads had replaced the damaged one and it was therefore necessary to purchase a new set of pads. 

A replacement pad had been bought at a cost of £67.20. 

Proposal: Mrs Mitchell proposed, and Mr P. Lake seconded agreement to the cost of the replacement pads and the meeting unanimously agreed. 

Training – The clerk stated that she had been approached by Duncan Kittow (Withleigh parish hall committee) to hold a joint defibrillator training event for both parishes in Cruwys Morchard parish hall run by the Devon Air Ambulance. 

It was agreed by all parties to hold the training in CM parish hall on Wednesday 17th May 2023 where there would be 3 sessions throughout the day. It will be necessary to book the sessions online and there would be no cost. 

7.                Road Warden Scheme 

The County Council Road warden Scheme was discussed but it was decided not pursue this as it would need a volunteer to organize volunteers to cover the whole parish 

8.                DALC membership 2023/4 

The clerk stated that she had received an invoice from DALC for renewal of the annual subscription. 

Proposed: Mr P. Lake proposed and Mr. M. Lake seconded agreement to payment of £141.13 annual subscription and the meeting unanimously agreed. The clerk would make a bank transfer payment. 

9.                Risk Assessment 

The clerk stated that the Risk Assessment document for year ending 31st March 2023 had been sent out with the agenda. 

Proposed: Mrs Mitchell proposed, and Mr P. Lake seconded agreement with the content of this document and the meeting unanimously agreed. The chairman signed the document. 

10.             Statement of internal control 

The clerk stated that the Statement of Internal Control document for year ending 31st March 2023 had been sent out with the agenda. 

Proposed: Mr P. Lake proposed, and Mr. Berry seconded agreement with the content of this document and the meeting unanimously agreed. The chairman and clerk signed the document. 

11.             Accounts 2022/3 

The clerk stated that the Accounts for 2022/23 had been sent out with the agenda. 

Proposed: Mr Grant proposed, and Mr P. Lake seconded agreement with the content of this document and the meeting unanimously agreed. The chairman and clerk signed the accounts. 

12.             Certificate of Exemption 

The clerk stated that the Certificate of Exemption (AGAR 2022/3) was received from the external audits and all the necessary criteria was reached. 

Proposed: Mrs Mitchell proposed and Mr P. Lake seconded agreement with the content of this document and the meeting unanimously agreed. The chairman duly signed the certificate. 

13.             Parish Clerk salary for 2022/3 

The clerk left the meeting. 

The meeting agreed to increase the clerk’s weekly hours to 4.5. 

Proposed: Mr P. Lake proposed, and Mr. M. Lake seconded paying the parish clerk on Spinal 22 (£3,590.04 plus expenses of £39.26 LESS income tax of £718.00) and the meeting unanimously agreed. The clerk will make the necessary payment to herself and HMRC via bank transfer. 

The clerk returned to the meeting. 






Meeting closed 9:05p.m.



Signed (Chairman)…………………………………………………. Date…………………………….