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Cruwys Morchard Parish Council
man's Report 2022

This time last year we were about to have our first face to face meeting after many months of
Zoom meetings. I think I can safely say that, after a certain amount of hesitancy, it was a grateful
return to some sort of normality in our lives. Although Covid 19 and its many variants is still
around, thanks to the vaccine role out, life appears to be returning to pre pandemic ways.
Earlier this year a very well attended meeting took place to discuss the need for further a
defibrillator in the Parish. It looks very likely, that in not too distant future, we will have raised
enough money for not one but two additional defibrillators. One in the phone box outside the
Cruwys Arms and one in Way Village, the location to be determined. A working party of
parishioners has been set up to coordinate any further fund raising, purchasing and installation.
Once they have been installed we will be running a training session on their use and general first
aid. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been involved in raising the
funds for all their hard work.

As usual planning applications and highway problems dominate our meetings. The former has not
thrown up any controversial applications this year. However the state of the lanes and more major
roads continues to deteriorate at an alarming rate with very little seemingly being done to make

Another year passes and the Pennymoor 30mph speed limit signs are still ongoing. Hopefully over
the next year we will get a bit closer to getting them installed.

We welcomed two new Parish Councillors this year Rosie Wibberley and Jeremy Grant. I thank
them for their time and input.

The Churchyard Grants have been increased this year with £400 for the Parish Church and £200
each to both Way Village and Nomansland Chapels.

The precept for 2022 has been set at £5300.

We have complied with all the statutory requirements.

Finally I would like to thank Viv Ray our Clerk for all her hard work. Mrs Colthorpe (District Council)
and Mrs Squires (County Council) and all my fellow councillors old and new


Mr Gavin Hall (Chairman)

12th May 2022