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This page gives basic information and contact details for the emergency and other services in the area.


Medical Emergency

DIAL 999 for immediate, life-threatening emergencies. The Ambulance Service will choose the most appropriate local response team to send, or direct you to the most appropriate local medical centre for treatment.

DIAL 111 for other less serious medical events that are not an emergency.


NHS 999

Accident and Emergency Services

South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) provides accident and emergency services throughout the South West region. The areas it covers include Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire, Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire.

When to call 999

You should dial 999 if the patient:

·        Is unconscious or not breathing;

·        Has a penetrating injury to the neck, chest, abdomen or thigh;

·        Has had a severe allergic reaction;

·        Has uncontrolled bleeding;

·        Is having an asthma attack and is unresponsive to medication;

·        Has severe chest pain (heart attack);

·        Is fitting (if this is unusual for the patient);

·        Has taken an overdose;

·        Has been submerged in water for more than one minute;

·        Has fallen more than 10 feet;

·        Traumatic back/spinal/neck pain.

If you have an emergency at home it is important that the ambulance team can easily find your house. Therefore, always check that your house number or name is clearly visible from the roadside.

Stop and think before you dial 999

Sometimes calling 999 is not the best way to receive medical help and choosing the most suitable way of getting the care you need can save you time and help us to respond more quickly to patients who are most in need of our help.

·        Arriving by ambulance does not automatically reduce your time in the Accident and Emergency Department

·        When an ambulance is called inappropriately, someone in a life threatening situation may suffer


Community First Responders

Community First Responders are volunteers who support their local community by attending emergency calls ahead of an ambulance. The closest team to Morebath is the Bampton Community Responders Team. However, as a back-up Dulverton Fire Service may also be asked to attend as First Responders.

 CFRs attend particular types of medical emergencies where it is essential for the patient to receive immediate life-saving care. This includes conditions such as:

·        cardiac arrest;

·        chest pain;

·        breathing difficulties;

·        unconscious patients;

·        fitting;

·        stroke.

CFRs are not sent to particular types of incidents, due to concerns for their personal or scene safety - these include:

·        road traffic collisions;

·        excess drugs or alcohol incidents.


If you would like to know more about becoming a Community First Responder at work or from home, more information can be found on the South West Ambulance website ( Vacancies are also advertised on


Tiverton Urgent Care Centre

The Urgent Care Centre at Tiverton and District Hospital, Kennedy Way, Tiverton, is open seven days a week between 8am and 10pm and is staffed by a team of highly qualified general practitioners (GPs) and nurse practitioners.

You do not need an appointment to visit the centre and we will provide treatment for a host of minor injuries and ailments including:

·        Cuts, grazes and wounds;

·        Sprains, strains, muscle or joint injury;

·        Broken bones (fractures);

·        A bite, sting or skin rash;

·        Treatment for a minor infection;

·        Minor head injuries;

·        Eye problems including infections, scratches or something that is stuck in your eye

You may also be referred to attend the Tiverton Urgent Care Centre via the NHS111 service or after looking up your symptoms on the NHS Choices website. For more serious conditions including chest pain or respiratory problems you should always dial 999 or visit your nearest A&E department.

For more information about the Tiverton Urgent Care Centre visit:



NHS 111

You should call 111 if:
•you need medical help fast but it's not a 999 emergency
•you think you need to go to A&E or need another NHS urgent care service
•you don't know who to call or you don't have a GP to call
•you need health information or reassurance about what to do next

For less urgent health needs, contact your GP or local pharmacist in the usual way.

Local Doctors' Surgeries

Bampton Surgery - 01398 3313104 and

Exmoor Medical Centre - 01398 323333 and

Local Pharmacies

Bampton Pharmacy - 01398 331455 and

Dulverton Pharmacy - 01398 323359 and


Devon and Cornwall Police

You should always call 999 when it is an emergency, such as when a crime is in progress, someone suspected of a crime is nearby, when there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened.

Police 101

You should call 101 to report crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response. For example, if:
•Your car has been stolen
•Your property has been damaged
•You suspect drug use or dealing in your neighbourhood

Or to:
•Report a minor traffic collision
•Give the police information about crime in your area
•Speak to the police about a general enquiry


Dial the Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 telephone number if you wish to call anonymously to pass on information about crime.

Local Neighbourhood Policing Team

Local policing teams are friendly officers who patrol and serve in your local towns and parishes. They are a good port of call for your local non-emergency policing needs.The Tiverton Rural Neigbourhood Policing Team covers the Morebath area. To report a crime, or for general information and advice, dial 101 and ask to be connected to Tiverton Police Station. You can also report the crime online.

The website of Devon and Cornwall Police is  


Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service provides prevention, protection and response services across the counties of Devon and Somerset. In addition to putting out fires, rescuing people from road traffic accidents and other emergencies, the service also provides home safety checks, works with partners to influence young drivers to try and prevent people being killed or injured on our roads, engages young people in diversionary activities to reduce anti-social behaviour and crime as well as rescuing people from water and height. It also has the largest number of fire appliances outside of London equipped to deal with the after effects of terrorism such as major flooding, major transportation incidents, public decontamination and collapsed structures; working within a national coordinated approach to attend incidents anywhere in the country.

In an emergency

Get Out, Stay Out and Call 999.

Non emergency

If you have a general enquiry call the service on 01392 872 200.

The website of the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service is


Mid Devon District Council

There are a number of areas that are neither the direct responsibility of the emergency services, nor of the Parish Council. You should call Mid Devon District Council (MDDC) on 01884 255255 to report issues or problems in any of the following areas:

  • Abandoned vehicle
  • Anti-social behaviour
  • Benefit fraud
  • Dangerous building
  • Dangerous dog
  • Dog fouling
  • Fly tipping
  • Found dog
  • Graffiti
  • High hedge
  • Litter
  • Lost dog
  • Missed bin collection
  • Missed trade waste collection
  • Noise
  • Planning breach
  • Pothole
  • Smoke nuisance
  • Stray dog
  • Street light - faulty
  • Trees

The Environmental Health Office (EHO) at MDDC deal with noise nuisance (such as loud parties, noisy neighbours etc) no matter what time of day or night it occurs. They can be contacted on 01884 244601. You may also call 101 so that the Police can take a log of the details and advise the local Neighbourhood Policing Team for their information. Air pollution from bonfires and hyperdermic needles found in public places are also dealt with by EHO, as well as fly-tipping, unless the offender is currently at the scene and then the Police will attend.

The Dog Warden at the local council deal with lost or found dogs unless the dog is causing an immediate danger to members of the public or is on a public highway, when Police will attend.


Other Agencies


South West Water - 0344 3462020


National Gas Emergency Service - 0800 111 999


Western Power Distribution - 0800 365 900


Environment Agency Floodline - 0845 988 1188


Devon County Council Highway Emergencies - 01392 383329

Flood risk guidance

Contact list