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Morebath Parish Council

Chair’s Report April 2016

All parish councils are facing up to the challenge of cuts in funding from the local authorities. For example, from next year MPC will have to pay for most of the cutting of the roadside verges in the parish. The 2016/7 budget will be tight, and other sources of funding may also reduce. One sad consequence is that there may be more limited funds for grants or donations to community groups in the parish. This year we supported Morebath Cricket Club in its application for TAP funding to repair its pavilion, and next year we will be making an application to replace the canvas of the marquee for the Village Fete. But we understand that the TAP scheme may not continue after next year.

Progress on Road Safety has been slow, but we have now had a positive response from Highways that will enable us to move forward. As no volunteers came forward to run a Community Speedwatch scheme, this idea is no longer being pursued. But other alternative traffic calming measures are still being investigated.

The Environment working group has started work on landscaping the area around the Old Railway Bridge. The area has been opened up, and an initial purchase of trees has been made. Other planting will need to wait until the area has been fully renovated. So there is still time for more volunteers to come forward to help with the design and preparation of the site. If anyone is interested in joining the working group or just contributing ideas, please get in touch with the Clerk at or Cllr. Brian Smeeton.


Cllr Bob Hatton and Carla Dawes have walked the footpaths and put in proposals to DCC, requesting a grant to cover repairs to the footpath along the river Exe by Mason Kings, to Port Lane, and to Church Path.

The Council is encouraging efforts to keep the village tidy. Special thanks are due to John Briden for organising the Litter Pick on April 2nd so efficiently, as well as to all the volunteers who took part. A total of 19 full litter bags were collected, not to mention sundry televisions, gas canisters, plastic car parts, car tyres and a disused framed tent. Thanks to the MDDC Refuse Dept. for collecting and disposing of all the items so promptly. The next Litter Pick is scheduled for October 29th starting at 9am in the Village Hall, although help will also be needed to tidy up after the Ironman triathlon event on June 26th.

Jeff Andrew
