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Morebath Parish Council Update April 2016

The March meeting started with the co-option of John Briden to the Council, and he has agreed to take over the vacant Environment brief. John is well regarded in the village for his coordination of the Litter Picks, the latest of which was scheduled to take place on 25th March. The meeting was also informed by District Cllr Stanley that from April there will be a dedicated litter picking service from MDDC outside the 30mph areas.

MPC has submitted a grant application to the Locality Fund for improvements to the centre of the village. Whether the bid is successful or not, it was agreed to replace the parish noticeboard with a two panel, freestanding noticeboard to be located next to the post box by the village hall. One panel would be available for all community groups to use. Should the bid be unsuccessful, the new noticeboard will be funded from the council’s Amenity Reserve.

Cllr Hatton reported on the progress of discussions with Devon Highways on traffic management in the village. Unlike the speed of the vehicles, progress has been painfully slow. But there are some areas of traffic calming and road signage which DCC have agreed to investigate further. Concern is growing in the parish over large reticulated lorries trying to access narrow roads and getting stuck. Discussions with DCC on clearer HGV signage in Morebath are ongoing, and MPC is also cooperating with Bampton and Dulverton councils to improve the signage at the dangerous Exebridge Toll junction. As a further traffic calming measure, MPC is also looking into the removal of the centre white line on the main road through Morebath, in particular if it can be done without resurfacing the road.

Cllr Hatton also reported on the excellent progress being made on repairing and upgrading the parish footpaths. The Exebridge and Church Path walks are now maintained, and Footpath 1 (Watchet Cross) has a new signpost and gate. It is the intention to make maps of the two main footpaths available on the website. Other work being scheduled for this year includes making good the eroded banks on the Keen Barton to Loyton path by the bridge, as well as repair to the fencing around the commemorative trees in the field behind Watchet Cross.

Council was also pleased to note progress on Flood Resilience at Exebridge. The Clerk reported that letters had been sent to residents potentially affected by flooding making them aware of grants available from MDDC. It is understood 3 residents had contacted MDDC to enquire further.

Note for your diaries:

The Annual Parish Meeting will take place at 7pm on Tuesday May 9th in the Village Hall, in order to receive the Chair’s annual report and the Clerk’s finance report. The meeting will then be open for any member of the public to ask questions.


Cllr J Andrew