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Morebath Parish Council

Chair’s Report February 2016

Progress continues to be made on the plan to improve the Environment of the parish, concentrating initially on the two entry points to the main village. We are now looking for volunteers to come forward to join two task forces to help with landscaping the area around the old railway bridge. The first team is needed to clear and prepare the land for planting, and the second to design the proposed shrub area and recommend suitable shrubs for planting. If anyone is interested in joining either of the task forces, please get in touch with the Clerk at or contact one of your councillors.

A meeting with Devon Highways has provided the parish council with information and guidance on traffic calming, which will assist the Road Safety working group to develop a comprehensive plan for the parish. This will focus initially on community name signage over which the council has powers to act, rather than traffic signage over which it has more limited influence. It is hoped to be able to create a more welcoming approach to the village, and at the same time to give an earlier signal to motorists and encourage them to slow down.

At the time of writing, the final report from MDDC Environmental Health is awaited on the action being taken to provide a long term solution to the rodent problem in the area of Church Path that is affecting nearby homes.


 Jeff Andrew
