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Morebath Parish Council News - October 2016


Work continues to tidy the village and make it look more attractive. Landscaping of the Old Railway Bridge area continues, with clearance of the banks ready for planting and the introduction of spring bulbs. Cllr. Tony Conway reported to the September Council meeting that the Rotary Club is donating 1000 crocuses. The plan is to plant them at the north, south and west entry points to the village, the Bridge and Car Park areas, and the entrance to Church Path.


Cllr. Bob Hatton invited the Safer Travel Officer of Devon County Council to visit Morebath to discuss our traffic speeding problem. He applauded the enhancements being made to the village, which in his view would create a natural and inviting environment and help persuade drivers to drive with more care. To reinforce this message, new repeater “Welcome to Morebath” signs have been installed at the north and south entry points to the village. It is hoped that these measures will together make it more obvious to drivers that the environment has changed from a country road to a place where people live and take pride in their village.


The programme of footpath improvements also continues. Cllr. Hatton reported to the September meeting that that the Exebridge footpath has been cleared and new steps installed. Similarly, Church Path has been cleared to make access easier. You can even sit down on the bench at the other end now you can see it!


The Council continues to support community groups, and I am pleased to report that this year’s application for TAP funding to restore the marquees for the Village Fete has been successful.


If you would like to help out with the ongoing work at the bridge or with the planting of the crocuses, please let Cllr. Brian Smeeton know as soon as possible.

Volunteers are also required for the Litter Picking on Saturday 29th October. This will start at the Village Hall at 9.15, and will again be coordinated by John Brydon.


Jeff Andrew
