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The members of Morebath Parish Council are summoned to the following meeting
of Morebath Parish Council
to be held in the Village Hall, Morebath on Tuesday 14 July 2015 at 7.30pm
MEMBERS: Cllr Jeffrey Andrew (Chairman) Cllr Tony Conway (Vice Chairman)
Cllr Merv Adams (*) Cllr Bob Hatton Cllr Peggy Reed (*)
Cllr Brian Smeeton Cllr John Wescott
Clerk: Martin French
Cllr Polly Colthorpe - County & District Council Representative
Cllr Ray Stanley - District Council Representative
Cllr Andrew Moore - District council Representative
Members of the public are also invited to attend and have the opportunity to speak in item 4 only
Meeting protocol
1. Apologies
2. Declaration of interest
Cllr Tony Conway, Item 9
3. Dispensation for councillors
Cllr Tony Conway, Item 9
4. Open Forum – members of the public, and councillors with an interest have the opportunity to address the meeting (limiting their contribution to 3 minutes)
5. Minutes of the meetings held on 16 June 2015 (minutes have been circulated)
To be agreed as true and accurate record and to be signed by the Chairman
6. Reports
a. County Councillor (PC)
b. District Councillor (RS) (AM)
c. Police (PCSO)
Items for discussion and decision
7. Traffic speeding
a. Update from Cllr Adams and/or Cllr Hatton and Cllr Andrew (some documents circulated)
b. Steve Leigh (DCC Highways) is invited to speak, providing information on what can be done
c. It is proposed that priorities are agreed, that a councillor/s (to be named) is delegated to formulate an action plan, to be put to the Council at a future date.
Discuss & vote
8. Environment
a. Update from Cllr Smeeton
b. It is proposed that priorities are agreed, that a councillor/s (to be named) is delegated to formulate an action plan, to be put to the Council at a future date.
Discuss & vote
9. New Village Hall
a. Information has been provided by the Village Hall representative outlining a process and timescale for building a new village hall.
b. It is proposed that the Council supports the principle of a new village hall for Morebath, with a view to investigating additional funding avenues available through Parish Councils to assist the Village Hall Committee.
Discuss & vote
c. It is proposed that a councillor/s, (to be named) investigate funding possibilities and report to the Council at a future date.
Discuss & vote
10. Car Park
a. Quote provided by Bill Dart
i. Repair of Fence £265 (as agreed at the March meeting)
Confirmation by the Council to go ahead
ii. Work prior to resurfacing £350 (not agreed at March meeting)
Confirmation by Council not to go ahead
b. Quotes for resurfacing (as requested at the March meeting) – for information only
i. David Gale £12,977.25 (plus VAT)
ii. South West Highways (awaiting quote)
11. Footpaths P3
a. Update from Carla Dawes
b. Gate and Gate post at Sharpe’s close
c. Church path maintenance
Items of Information
12. Parking
a. Update from Cllr Hatton
13. Ironman
a. Update from Cllr Andrew
(document circulated)
Finance, Planning & other organisational matters
14. Training
a. Planning 09 July 2015
15. Planning
a. 15/00785/FULL – MDDC Grant Full Planning Permission Proposal: Erection of a agricultural building for storage of machinery and fodder (Building 2) Location: Land at NGR 297590 124016 (Four Winds) Morebath Devon
b. 15/00784/FULL – MDDC Grant Full Planning Permission Proposal: Erection of an agricultural building for rearing calves (Building 1) Location: Land at NGR 297524 124069 (Four Winds) Morebath Devon
c. 14/01452/MFULL – on appeal Grant Full Planning Permission Proposal: Installation of solar energy farm on 13.34 ha of land to generate 5.5 megawatts of energy (Revised scheme) (APPEAL ALLOWED WITH CONDITIONS 24.06.15) Address: Land at NGR 299298 125070 (East of Bowdens Lane) Shillingford Devon Decision: Allowed on appeal
d. 15/00760/FULL - MDDC Grant Full Planning Permission Address: 2 Valley View Morebath Tiverton Devon EX16 9AJ Description: Erection of two-storey extension
16. Finance (Clerk)
a. Bank balance to date Current Acct £
Business Reserve Acct £
b. M French (Clerk) Hours to be supplied £179.20 to agree to pay
c. HMR&C £ £44.80 to agree to pay
d. Adams & Ellicott £442.80 to agree to pay
17. Points of information
18. Date of Next Meeting
a. Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 08 Sept 2015 at 7:30pm
………Martin J French……….. Martin J French (Clerk) Dated:- 04 July 2015
(*) Bank Mandate Signature