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The members of Morebath Parish Council are summoned to the following meeting
Agenda for the meeting of Morebath Parish Council
to be held in the Village Hall, Morebath on Tuesday 16 June 2015 at 7.30pm
Cllr Jeffrey Andrew (Chairman) Cllr Tony Conway (Vice Chairman)
Cllr Merv Adams Cllr Bob Hatton Cllr Peggy Reed
Cllr Brian Smeeton Cllr John Wescot
Cllr Polly Colthorpe - County & District Council Representative
Cllr Ray Stanley - District Council Representative
Cllr Andrew Moore - District council Representative
Members of the public are also invited to attend and have the opportunity to speak in item 4 only
1. Apologies
2. Documentation for councillors
a. Acceptance of Office
b. Declaration of Interests
c. Standing Orders
d. Financial regulations
e. Code of Conduct
f. Risk Assessment
g. Freedom of Information
h. Contact list
3. Declaration of interest
4. Dispensation for councillors
5. Open Forum – members of the public, and councillors with an interest have the opportunity to address the meeting (limiting their contribution to 3 minutes)
6. Minutes of the meetings held on 10 March, 28 March, 27 April & 23 May 2015 (minutes have been circulated)
To be agreed as true and accurate record and to be signed by the Chairman
7. Reports
a. County Councillor (PC)
b. District Councillor (RS)
c. Police
d. P3 update
8. Village Hall – update (TC)
9. Play Area – update (JW)
10. Communication
11. Parking
12. Speeding (MA)
13. Environment – Pest Control (BS)
a. It is proposed that the council write to local residents regarding this matter
14. Training Courses
a. Being an Effective Councillors
i. 15th June at Old Heathcote School Tiverton 10am to 4pm
ii. 21 July Filleigh Village Hall 10am to 4pm
15. South West Internal Audit
a. Comments received
16. Finance (Clerk)
a. Bank balance to date Current Acct £
Business Reserve Acct £3681.70 as at 08 May
b. M French (Clerk) Hours to be supplied £230.40 to agree to pay
c. HMR&C £57.60 to agree to pay
d. South West Internal Audit £200.00 to agree to pay
e. Insurance
f. DCC Highways £150.00 to agree to pay
g. Bank Mandate forms
It is proposed that the authorised signatories in the current mandate, for the accounts details in Section 2 of the Bank Mandate form, be changed in accordance with section 5
17. Planning
a. 15/00
b. Update on other relevant applications
18. Points of information
19. Date of Next Meeting
a. Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 14 July 2015 at 7:30pm
………Martin J French……….. Martin J French (Clerk) Dated:- 04 June 2015
(*) Bank Mandate Signature