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Minutes for the meeting of Morebath Parish Council
held in the Village Hall, Morebath on Tuesday 10 March 2015 at 7.30pm
Cllr Andrew Moore (Chairman) Cllr Tony Conway (Vice Chairman) Cllr Merv Adams (*)
Cllr Jose Chorley (*) Cllr Peggy Reed (*) Cllr Colin Rowland Cllr John Wescott
Cllr Polly Colthorpe - County & District Council Representative
Cllr Ray Stanley - District Council Representative
Three members of the public present
1. Apologies
2. Declaration of interest
3. Dispensation for councillors
4. Open Forum
 A gate is tied at the entrance to Sharps Close preventing access
 The Council were asked for an explanation of costs for the new gate by the river in Exebridge. Cllr Merv Adams explained that the area has been concreted and needs a compressor to cut through for holes for the gate posts.
5. Minutes
Minutes of the meetings held on 13 January 2015 had been circulated to all councillors, they were agreed as accurate and signed by the Chairman
6. Reports
a. County Councillor Polly Colthorpe
DCC Council Tax share is to increase by 1.99%. The Children’s Department is the subject of a Peer Review to improve services and currently undergoing an OFSTED inspection. Beacon Bus Company has terminated the contract for the 398 service and DCC have put it out to tender. The Local Plan Review is out for consultation at the moment, any comments should be received by 30 March.
b. District Councillor Ray Stanley
MDDC has balance the budget for next year with no reduction in services, and Council Tax has 0% increase. The Premiere Inn development is likely to go ahead with the loss of 60 parking spaces in the multi storey car park and will be built between Phoenix House and the Multi storey car park. Work on roads in Tiverton will continue for 10 weeks and there will be half hour free parking in specific sections of the Market car park. MDDC are buying up Market Walk and will be developed with units for rental providing MDDC with an 8% return. 30 affordable homes have been opened this year with a further 80 next year. The Post Office in Bampton will be closed for a week for alterations.
c. Police
An e-mail report from PCSO Melanie Smith was read out.
d. P3 update
Carla Dawes (P3 co-ordinator) updated the Council on P3 funding. The Clerk agreed to follow this up.
7. Village Hall – update
Cllr Tony Conway reported that Devon Communities Together was working with the Village Hall Committee on an appraisal of needs and looking for funding.
8. Play Area
a. Update on any issues
Cllr John Wescott was unaware of any meetings, correspondence or emails from the Play Area Committee
Cllr Merv Adams stated that the beech hedge have been planted
The Clerk stated that he had written to MDDC regarding the planning conditions for the Play Area but that there was a charge of £97 for the letter to be retained by MDDC. The Clerk decided not to pay this and informed the Council which agreed.
9. Highways
a. Roadside dumping of skimmed debris
The roadside spoil dumped on the verge has been attended to with the exception of Timewell Hill. Steve Leigh (DCC Highways) had sent an e-mail, which was read out, regarding this matter. The Clerk was asked to contact Steve Leigh to let him know about Timewell Hill.
b. Storage of road salt
Cllr Adams will liase with Cllr Wescott regarding this.
10. Community Projects
a. Availability of matched funding assistance by the Parish Council
The Clerk was asked to write to various community groups regarding this matter and that a time limit be set that requests are made by the time of the Annual Parish meeting.
11. Web site
a. Responsibility for updating the web site
Cllr Andrew Moore confirmed that he will not be updating the web site as from May 2015. The Clerk agreed to take on theses duties. A new MDDC web site is due to be in place by July 2015.
12. Car park
a. Maintenance costs and plan
The Clerk had met with Bill Dart at the Car Park to discuss a maintenance plan. Bill Dart had provided a quote to repair fencing for £265, and treat the surface prior to resurfacing for £350.
It was proposed (CR prop JW sec) that the fence is repaired, that the car park should be treated twice a year with weed killer, and that the Clerk arrange for a quote to resurface the car park
The Council RESOLVED, unanimously, to accept the proposal and the clerk was asked to arrange for a quote
13. Annual Parish Meeting
a. It is proposed to hold the Annual Parish Meeting on a different day than normal Parish Council Meeting in a format to be agreed (AM prop, TC sec)
The Council RESOLVED, unanimously, to have the Annual Parish Meeting on a separate day from the Election of Officers and Council meeting, and that community groups should be invited to the event.
14. Community Plan
a. Update provided by Cllr Moore
Cllr Moore updated the Council on work done so far on the Community Plan. The Council felt that any further work on the plan should be done by the next Council to be in place in May.
15. First Aid
a. To compare information provided by Cllr Moore and Jeff Gregory
Quotes had been received from British Red Cross, St John’s, and Jeff Gregory
It was proposed that Jeff Gregory is asked to coordinate with the Clerk to arrange for two short courses, costing £50 each, as set out in his e-mail, that this fee, along with hall hire and refreshment cost are payable by the Parish Council. It was further proposed that attendees should be asked for a contribution to go towards the hall hire and refreshment costs. (AM prop, PR sec)
The Council RESOLVED to accept both proposals and the Clerk asked to confirm this to Mr Gregory.
16. Finance (Clerk)
a. Bank balance to date Current Acct £9,958.80 as at 10 Feb
Business Reserve Acct £3,361.27 as at 10 Feb
b. M French (Clerk) Hours to be supplied £153.60 agreed to pay
c. HMR&C £38.40 agreed to pay
d. Internal audit requirements and a meeting date
The first part of the internal audit has been sent to South West internal Audit. The Clerk asked for a Finance meeting in April to discuss the year end figures.
17. Planning
a. Update on other relevant applications
18. Points of information
a. Local Plan Review 2013 - 2033
19. Date of Next Meeting
a. Parish Council Meeting Tuesday (TBA) April 2015 in Village Hall at 7:30pm
b. Annual Parish Meeting (TBA)
c. Election of Officers Tuesday 19 May at 7:30pm
d. Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 19 May at 7:30pm
……................................................................ Cllr Jeff Andrew (Chairman) Dated:- 16 June 2015
(*) Bank Mandate Signature