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Minutes of Morebath Parish Council meeting
held in the Village Hall, Morebath
on Tuesday 10 November 2015 at 7.30pm
PRESENT: Cllr Jeffrey Andrew (Chairman) Cllr Tony Conway (Vice Chairman) (*)
Cllr Merv Adams (*) Cllr Bob Hatton Cllr Peggy Reed (*)
Cllr Brian Smeeton Cllr John Wescott (*)
Clerk: Martin French
Cllr Polly Colthorpe - County & District Council Representative
Meeting protocol
1. Apologies
District Cllr Ray Stanley, District Cllr Andrew Moore
2. Declaration of interest
a. Cllr Brian Smeeton (Item 18a)
b. Cllr Merv Adams (Item 19 f & g)
3. Dispensation to councillors
a. None requested
4. Open Forum –
8 members of the public were present along with 3 people from Ironman UK
a. Ironman UK – Kevin Stewart and Sam Brawn and another person
Kevin Stewart spoke regarding the Ironman event, its organisation and impact on the community. He was questioned by some f the public present, as well as councillors, on communication, Foundation funds, encouraging young people and other matters. Ironman UK donated £500 to Oakford Parish Council for use by the community. Cllr Andrew thanks Mr Stewart for the contribution.
Mr Gregory raised the following matters :-
 Why has money been spent on P3 footpath work without it being on the agenda previously
 Cllr Jeff Andrew responded that the work had been authorised by Ros Davies at DCC Rights of Way. Also that the Parish Council will be completing the necessary forms for 2016/17 footpath work.
 Landowners pay for gates under P3
 Why s there strimming at the railway bridge?
 Cllr Jeff Andrew responded that this was in preparation for a possible project
 Mr Gregory had been unable to proceed with the proposed First Aid training during the summer but was now able to do.
 Other matters raised by included Working Groups, Salt distribution, and a defibrillator
Mr Wilken spoke regarding the building being erected at Four Winds, Shillingford (Plan. App. 15/00784 & 5/FULL). He had been away and not been informed of the application, upon his return the building was underway. The building appeared too large and in the wrong place. Mr Wilken would like to see landscaping.
5. Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on 08 September 2015 had been circulated and posted on the web site.
It was proposed to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting.
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal and the minutes were signed by the Chairman.
6. Reports
a. County Councillor Polly Colthorpe
Budgets are up for discussion at the beginning of December; DCC are awaiting the settlement from central government.
Items for discussion and decision
7. DCC Tough Choices
a. Implications on future budgets
Cllr Andrew outlined the impact upon Parish Council budgets as a result of decisions being made by DCC and MDDC. The strain on the Parish Councils budget for 2016/17 would be considerable, especially in light of the decision being made by DCC with regard to grass cutting.
8. Finance and Reserves
a. Changes to cash book format
The clerk had circulated the proposed new layout for both the cash book and the income and expenditure account.
b. End of Year Reserves
The clerk had also circulated information regarding year end reserves.
Cllr Bob Hatton spoke regarding the necessity to put money aside to maintain Parish Council assets by having an Asset Contingency Fund; also for the importance of having a Reserve account for this contingency fund running alongside a current account to hold the precept covering day to day annula expenditure.
It was proposed (prop JA sec BH) that end of year reserves for 2015/16 are allocated towards specific ongoing projects as circulated, namely
 Bus Shelter £1000
 Car Park £3000
 Play Area £1000
 Amenity Fund £2500
 Environment Fund £2500
 End of year roll over £4000
The Council RESOLVED to accept the above proposal (vote - 6 in favour 1 abstain)
c. Fixed cost budget 2016/17
Not discussed
d. Variable costs for 2016/17
Not discussed
9. Grasscutting
a. To review the Grass cutting options for 2016/17 and the budgetary implications
Cllr Andrew outlined the changes being made by DCC, which affects MDDC and their grass cutting programme which is paid for by DCC. MDDC has made no changes to arrangements for cutting grass on MDDC property around Valley View.
It was proposed that the Council adopt one of the following choices regarding grass cutting for the coming year on DCC land in the parish
i. To accept the offer of a subsidy of £99 from DCC and for the Parish Council to be responsible for funding all grass cutting from the precept.
ii. For MDDC to continue to provide its current level of service but only pay for one cut, the other 6 cuts to be paid by the Parish Council from precept.
The council RESOLVED to reject option i, and to accept option ii but require further information and a meeting with Mr Busby (MDDC Estates) to clarify the matter.
b. Grass cutting as a percentage of precept
It was proposed that grass cutting expenditure within the parish should not exceed a fixed percentage of the precept, and that the percentage is agreed annually - not voted on
10. Road Safety
a. Update on SCARF review and options available to the Parish Council
Cllr Bob Hatton provided an update on information supplied to the Council as a result of the SCARF meeting. He was disappointed that his own report had not been included in the response. As a result of the SCARF meeting the Police have said that Morebath Parish Council could join the Speedwatch Programme so long as there are 6 volunteers to operate the programme.
Cllr Jeff Andrew asked Cty Cllr Polly Colthorpe if she could facilitate a meeting with the decision makers in DCC Highways so the Morebath Parish Council could make the right choices.
b. Working Group Plan
It was proposed that a plan is drawn up to address the issue of speeding through Morebath village once there was more information on what the Parish Council could do.
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal.
It was proposed that a Road Safety working Group Budget for the coming year, amount to be agreed, is allocated to this project.
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal and agreed to set aside a fund for a budget of no more than £1000 which is to be taken from reserves.
c. Community Speedwatch
It was proposed that the Working Group investigate whether there would be enough volunteers to operate a Community Speedwatch Programme
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal.
It was proposed that the Parish Council ask to join the Community Speedwatch programme.
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal; that Cllr Bob Hatton would co-ordinate and that Cllr Jeff Andrew will ask for volunteers (Vote – unanimous yes).
11. Play Area
a. Care and maintenance for 2016/17
Cllr Jeff Andrew, supported by Cllr Bob Hatton spoke regarding the responsibilities of the Parish Council towards the play area and their desire to accept responsibility for it’s general care and maintenance. They both highlighted the need not to confuse the responsibility for the land and assets with that of a and desire to have play equipment which should remain the responsibility of a Play Area Working Group.
Cllr Wescott, who represents the Parish Council on the Play Area committee reported that there have been no meetings that he was aware of and in his opinion the Play Area Working Group was not currently active.
b. Play Area Management and Maintenance Plan Review
In light of the discussion relating to 11a above Cllr Jeff Andrew outlined the reasons for the following proposal; namely that the Plan was too complicated for purpose, that it has resulted in creating a barrier for the Play Area Working Group to play an active role.
It was proposed (prop JA sec BH)to withdraw the Play Area Management and Maintenance Plan
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal (vote - unanimous).
12. Car Park
a. Report on repairs to fencing
The clerk confirmed that Bill Dart had been asked to complete the work.
b. Review of car park expenditure
It was proposed that a maintenance plan is drawn up and that funds are allocated to Reserves on an annual basis towards the maintenance and repair of the car park.
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal
13. Environment
a. Preliminary Plan Review
Cllr Brian Smeeton outlined a plan, and reported on comments he had received from individuals. The plan covered the area around the old railway bridge as part of providing village awareness, and also a grass cutting programme for the Parish.
b. The way forward for the Working Group
Cllr Brian Smeeting outlined three alternatives for Council to consider regarding the area around the old railway bridge.
It was proposed that the Council adopt a plan, in principle, with any adjustments to be agreed
The Council RESOLVED to ask Cllr Smeeton to proved further information and costings on a plan to provide village awareness at the old railway bridge by strimming out, planting shrubs and providing signage.
It was proposed that funds are set aside on an annual basis to implement and maintain the plan.
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal and to set aside a fund not to exceed £750 for the bridge area, and £1100 for grass cutting across the Parish (vote – unanimous)
14. Requests for Funding
a. Morebath Cricket Club Request for £400 to assist with renovation project (unbudgeted)
A representative from MCC provided information on the project that he was seeking funds for.
It was proposed (prop JA) that the council apply for TAP funding to the value of £300 and upon receipt of that sum the Parish Council would provide £100
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal. The clerk was asked to complete the required forms and to ask Bampton Town Council to support the application.
b. Morebath PCC request for funding for £650 for churchyard (budgeted)
Cllr Jeff Andrew said that this request had been budgeted for in this current financial year, but felt that in future any grass cutting should come under the budget heading of the Environment Working Group.
It was proposed (prop JA sec BH) that the Council support the request and to contribute £650 towards grass cutting in the church grave yard.
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal.
Items of Information
15. Footpaths
a. Feedback on letter and progress
16. Training Day 16 November at Phoenix House (e-mail forwarded)
17. Snow Warden – confirmation of councillor
Finance, Planning & other organisational matters
18. Planning
a. 15/01588/OUT Proposal: Outline for the erection of a holiday let/therapy workshop Location : Land at NGR 295316 124977 (Whitehall Farm) Morebath Comments by 09 November 2015
No Objection at this time
b. 15/01497/FULL Proposal: Erection of a single storey function room extension Location : Loyton Lodge, Morebath Comments by 14 October 2015
c. 15/01474/CLU Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for the existing use of annexe as a separate unit of accommodation in breach of condition (3) and (4) of planning permission 00/01677/FULL for a period in excess of 4 years Location: West Wing Court, Morebath Comments by 19 October 2015
d. 15/01492/FULL Proposal: Installation of 11 replacement windows and 3 doors Location : Higher Trickeys Cottage, Morebath Comments by 20 October
e. 15/01494/LBC Proposal: Listed Building Consent for installation of 11 replacement windows and 3 doors Location: Higher Trickeys Cottage, Morebath Comments by 20 October 2015
f. 15/01459/FULL Proposal: Conversion and extension of agricultural building to form rural worker’s dwelling Location : Building at NGR294627/126390 (Combeland) Morebath Comments by 26 October 2015
The Clerk was asked to contact MDDC Planning Department asking for an update on the building work underway at Fourwinds, Shillingford. In particular as a result of approaches made to councillors complaining about the building, and with regards to the comments received in Open Forum.
19. Finance (Clerk)
a. Transfer from Current to Savings – confirmation of action
b. Bank balance to date Current Acct £13,761.78 as at 09 Oct
Business Reserve Acct £3,932.48 as at 09 Oct
c. M French (Clerk) Hours to be supplied £153.60
d. HMR&C £38.40
e. DCC for P3 £250.00 received
f. Adams & Ellicott £148.20 (P3 work on Sharps Close)
g. Adams & Ellicott £512.47 (P3 work)
h. Village Hall £45.00
i. P3 projected costs for work advised by DCC Ros Davies
The Council RESOLVED to make all the above payments
20. Points of information
21. Date of Next Meeting
a. Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 12 January 2016 at 7:30pm
………..........................................……….. Cllr Jeff Andrew (Chairman) Dated:- 12 January 2016
(*) Bank Mandate Signature