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Minutes of Morebath Parish Council

Meeting held in the Village Hall, Morebath on

Tuesday 12 July 2016 at 7.30pm


PRESENT:        Cllr Jeffrey Andrew (Chairman)

Cllr Tony Conway (*)  Cllr Bob Hatton          Cllr Peggy Reed (*)

Cllr Brian Smeeton     Cllr John Wescott (*)


Clerk:        Martin French



Cllr Polly Colthorpe                                 -           County & District Council Representative

Cllr Ray Stanley                                        -           District Council Representative


  1. Apologies

Cllr Merv Adams

  1. Declaration of interest
  1. Cllr Tony Conway item 10b (on management committee)
  2. Cllr Peggy Reed iten 10a (on Parochial Church Council)
  1. Dispensation to councillors

None requested

  1. Open Forum – 5 members of the public present
  • Carla Dawes asked for an update on traffic calming
  • Cllr Andrews said that Cllr Hatton would be updating the Council under item 9
  1. Minutes of the meetings held on 24 May 2016 (minutes have been circulated)


It was RESOLVED (unanimously) to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting and that the Chairman should sign them.


  1. Reports
  1. County Councillor Polly Colthorpe

The Locality Budget request for village planter of £50 has been paid; also the busget will be frozen from 10th March for County Council elections next year, ensure applications are in. The Referendum turnout was 79.38%, the highest ever for any election in Devon. The Tour of Britain cycle race stage 6 is from Sidmouth to Haytor (via Tiverton) on Friday 9th September. Heathcotes 200 year celebration has been commemorated with a walk from Loughborough to Tiverton by a trustee of Tiverton Museum. The A396 work cost £1.15 mil, finished on time and on budget. The B3227 is due to close between Exeter Inn and Bampton for BT work (date to be agreed).


  1. District Councillor Ray Stanley

The new Chief Executive is in the process of restructuring MDDC. M5 jct 27 development plans are to go before the Council soon, this will be the 6th set of plans. Premiere Inn contract is signed and work due to start by Christmas. Devolution discussions are taking place with central government. Devon Air Ambulance are looking for a night time landing pad in or near Bampton. Waste Recycling depot has moved to Willand. Some Street lights are now focussed white LED.


  1. Police

Report read by Cllr Andrew.


  1. Applications for clerk vacancy
  1. Applications received

Applications received from Susan Squire and Karen Ward following a period of advertising on DALC web site, along personal contact from the chairman.


It was proposed that both candidates are interviewed (Vote: 5 for 1 against), It was further proposed that Cllr Andrew and Cllr Conway interview the candidates and that the Council delegate the power to them to select accordingly (Vote: all in favour)


The Council RESOLVED that Cllr Andrew and Conway interview both applicants and select the most suitable to start work at an agreed date.


  1. Suitability for post of Financial Officer

As no clerk has been selected there is no gauge of suitability.

Cllr Hatton asked the Clerk to draw up a list of questions to be used at interviews.


  1. Grasscutting                                                                                 
  1. Update on Bridge Area and Play Area (Cllr Brian Smeeton)

Steve Kelland has been selected to do the work, he has insurance and is available to cut the area by the old railway bridge and the play area. All councillors agreed with this to move forward.


  1. New Village Signage
  1. Update on installation of village sign (Cllr Bob Hatton

The process is now underway to make the entrance to the village more noticeable so that drivers are aware that they are entering an area of housing. The old railway bridge area has been tidies and plants put in, a new sign has been installed, two further signs are on order. Cllr Hatton has found it increasingly frustrating dealing with DCC Highways who seem reluctant to assist with this matter.


It was proposed that a paper is drawn up with options that DCC Highways need to confirm can be done and that Cllr Hatton follows this up with Highways


The Council RESOLVED that Cllr Hatton continue his work in getting agreement from DCC Highways for a solution to traffic calming in Morebath.


  1. Amenity Fund Applications
  1. St Georges Church, Morebath

A request has been received for assistance with funding Church activities. After much discussion it was proposed (BH prop BS sec) that a donation of £500 be given to the church as a one off grant for the benefit of the community. (Vote: 5 in favour, 1 no vote)

  1. Morebath Village Hall

A request has been received for assistance with funding the Village Hall activities. After much discussion it was proposed (BH prop BS sec)  that a donation of £500 be given to the Village Hall as a one off grant for the benefit of the community. (Vote: 3 in favour, 1 against, 1 abstain, 1 no vote)


The Council RECOLVED that a one off grant of £500 each is given to both the St Georges Church and to the Village Hall to be used as they feel suitable for the benefit of the community.


  1. Car Park
  1. Request for vehicular access from Car Park to Velthams

Manfred Krombas and Cllr Tony Conway outlined the discussions to date. At this point the Clerk intervened to say that there should be no decision on this until legal advice has been sought. It was agreed to continue this discussion at a future date with a full set of details on the proposal.

  1. Proposal to purchase and install an advice notice in the Public Car Park to discourage unauthorised parking

Letter have been put on cars which appear to be abusing the use of the car park, and as a result vehicles have been moved.


It was proposed that signage is bought to a maximum value of £150 outlining the general use of the car park (working along the line of the letters and to be agreed between JA and BH)


It was RESOLVED that the Council should purchased as agreed


  1. Footpath P3                                                                                 
  1. Update on work schedule for 2016/17

Quotes have been received from Adams and Ellicot

  1. Planning
  2. Finance                                                                                                                         (Clerk)
  1. Bank balance to date Current Acct                      £

Business Reserve Acct     £

  1. M French (Clerk)                £153.60 agreed to pay
  2. HMR&C £38.40 agreed to pay
  3. SWH £630 (plus VAT) quotation for signage NOT to pay
  4. Village Hall £84 agreed to pay
  5. Village Hall £500 agreed to pay (as agreed in 10b above)
  6. St Georges Church Morebath £500 agreed to pay (as agreed in 10a above)
  1. Date of Next Meeting
  1. Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 6 September 2016 at 7:30pm


……….........................................……..   Cllr Jeff Andrew (Chairman)  Dated:-  6 September 2016


(*)        Bank Mandate Signature