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Minutes of the meeting of Morebath Parish Council
held in the Village Hall, Morebath on Tuesday 13 January 2015 at 7.30pm
Cllr Andrew Moore (Chairman)
Cllr Jose Chorley (*) Cllr Peggy Reed (*) Cllr Colin Rowland Cllr John Wescott
Cllr Polly Colthorpe - County & District Council Representative
Cllr Ray Stanley - District Council Representative
1. Apologies
Cllr Tony Conway, Cllr Merv Adams
2. Declaration of interest
All councillors have an interest in the budget and have asked for dispensation
3. Dispensation for councillors
a. For all councillors to discuss the budget under Items 17 and 18
The clerk gave dispensation to all councillors to discuss the budget
4. Open Forum
No public present
5. Minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2014
The minutes had been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting.
The Council RESOLVED to accept the minutes, and councillors also agreed that they could be signed outside the meeting as no hard copy was available.
6. Reports
a. County Councillor Polly Colthorpe
A Daft Budget has been proposed in December and DCC are awaiting confirmation from central government as to the amount available. In 2009 the budget was £1.3 billion with reductions made every year, a further 20 million for the coming financial year. Council Tax will be confirmed in February. Additional funding of £220 million has been received for road improvements, in particular for potholes. A Tiverton man has received a new WWII medal from Russia for his work on Arctic Convoys.
b. District Councillor Ray Stanley
Shillingford Solar Farm planning application is to go to appeal so is now out of the hands of MDDC. Council Tax will almost certainly be raised for the coming year.
c. Police
The Police had forwarded and e-mail reporting various local crimes and recommending that parishioner keep sheds, oil tanks and similar outdoor items secure.
d. P3 update
7. Freedom of Information
a. A copy was the circulated to all councillors
b. It is proposed to adopt the attached Freedom of Information details for Morebath Parish Council.
The Council had several minutes to consider the document prior to the vote.
The Council RESOLVED to adopt the Freedom of Information document as applied to Morebath Parish Council.
8. Risk Assessment
a. A copy has been circulated to all councillors
It is proposed to adopt the attached Risk Assessment details for Morebath Parish Council
The Council had several minutes to consider the document prior to the vote.
The Council RESOLVED to adopt the Risk Assessment document as applied to Morebath Parish Council, and asked the Clerk to ensure that the required checks are carried out.
9. Memorial Garden
a. To agree a plan regarding this matter
The Council spent some time in discussion prior to the following proposal.
Cllr Peggy Reed proposed that a memorial garden project is developed on the understanding that the land is available and that Jeff Gregory would agree to manage the project. (sec JW)
The Council RESOLVED, on the understanding that the land is available and Jeff Gregory would agree to manage the project, to accept the proposal on a vote of 4 in favour, 1 abstention, and asked the Clerk to contact Mr Gregory and the landowner.
10. Morebath Play Area
a. Update on the resolution passed on 11 November item 11c
At a meeting held last week between the Play Area Group and the Parish Council Chairman the Group agreed to adopt the Management Plan accepted by the Parish Council.
The Clerk was asked to send a copy to MDDC Planning department as a condition of the Planning Permission.
11. Village Hall
Cllr Josey Chorley confirmed that there would be a Beetle Drive on Friday.
12. Update on finger post at Morrell’s cross
The Clerk had followed up this matter with Public Rights of Way (DCC). Apparently no sign had been ordered but an officer would visit the site in the coming weeks.
13. Highways a. Mirror for Exebridge The post holding the mirror has been hit and is bent. DCC Highways have been informed and will replace the post. b. Morebath village sign No replacement sign is available from Highways, but Cllr Colthorpe asked that the Parish Council apply for funds from the Locality Budget for a new sign.
The Council RESOLVED that the Clerk should complete the form applying for funds from the Locality Budget.
14. Car Park
a. To agree a maintenance plan
As part of the budget discussions the issue of Car Park maintenance was discussed.
Cllr Andrew Moore proposed that Bill Dart is asked to look at the Car Park with a view to making recommendations.
The Council agreed unanimously, and RESOLVED to contact Mr Dart, as proposed, asking for a plan and costs for maintenance.
15. First Aid
a. It is proposed to allocate funds towards a one day First Aid training course for up to 15 people, places being allocated on a first come first served basis.
Cllr Moore provided information regarding a First Aid training programme for up to 15 people at a cost of approximately £250, provided by either St John’s Ambulance or Red Cross.
The clerk provided the Council with information sent in an e-mail by Jeff Gregory regarding training form 40 to 50 people.
Cllr Moore proposed that the Council support the idea of First Aid training for the Parish and that a comparative proposal from Jeff Gregory should be put to the Council to compare with the information already received, prior to a decision being made. Sec (JW)
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal and the Clerk was asked to contact Mr Gregory.
16. Community Plan
a. To agree a timetable and programme for the next phase of the Community Plan
Following a community event held some time ago Cllr Andrew Moore has documented the information received and asked councillors what action should be taken.
After some discussion it was proposed that Cllr Moore proved an ‘easy to read’ document to be discussed at the Council meeting in March.
The Council RESOLVED to accept the proposal.
17. Budget for 2015/16
a. To agree a budget for the coming year
The Cash Book, and Income and Expenditure spreadsheets were provided for all councillors consideration, along with an estimated budget and background commentary for discussion.
The Clerk stated that there should be a a year end balance at 31 March of £10,000. Within this balance are the following specific balances :-
Election Fund £1600
Memorial Gardens £293
P3 £171
Community Plan £217
The Clerk confirmed that two thirds of the precept (approx £4100) is also required and that this, along with the above, will total approx £6400 leaving a surplus of £3600
In light of the above surplus, Cllr Moore proposed that £1000 is set aside in the budget for donations to community projects/clubs/associations on a basis of matched funding and to be approved by the Council at the time of application received from the project/club/association.
The Council RESOLVED to accept this proposal and would be pleased to hear from interested parties in the community.
Cllr Moore proposed that the budget as attached is agreed for the year 2015/16.
The Council voted unanimously and RESOLVED to accept the budget for the coming year
18. Precept demand
a. To agree the precept demand for 2015/16
Cllr Moore proposed that in light of the budget there should be no increase from last year in the precept demand for the year 2015/16 and that it should remain at £6155. Sec (PR)
The Council RESOLVED that the precept demand for 2015/16 is £6155
19. Finance
a. Bank balance to date Current Acct £9958.80
Business Reserve Acct £3360.98
b. Request to transfer funds from Current account to reserve account
It is proposed (prop AM, sec JW) that a sum to be agreed by the council at year end is to be transferred from the current account to the business account, and that a letter is signed by two signatories to be presented to the bank.
The Council RESOLVED to accept this proposal and asked that the Clerk draw up the letter ready for the meeting to discuss yearend figures. The Clerk was also asked to provide other investment opportunities for an improved interest rate.
c. M French (Clerk) Hours to be supplied £153.60 agreed to pay
d. HMR&C £38.40 agreed to pay
e. Bill Dart £195.00 agreed to pay
f. Ellicott and Adams (Quote – Leonard Odell)£369.00 (Exebridge gate repair)
This quote was accepted
g. MDDC £1851 received (incl in above balances)
20. Planning
a. Reference: 14/01831/FULL Full planning application Address: Mulberry Cottage Moor Farm Morebath Tiverton Devon EX16 9AQ Description: Removal of condition (8) of planning permission 01/00587/FULL to allow the use of the building as a separate unit of accommodation Decision: Grant permission, Date Issued: 17/12/2014
b. Reference: 14/01567/FULL Full planning application Address: Velthams Morebath Tiverton Devon EX16 9AL Description: Conversion and extension of existing barn to form dwelling and replacement garage (Revised Scheme) Parish: Morebath 36 Decision: Grant permission, Date Issued: 22/12/2014
c. Update on issue regarding kennels and field shelter at Loyton Farm
Cllr Ray Stanley confirmed that MDDC enforcement officer has visited Loyton Farm and said that there are no outstanding issues.
d. Update on other relevant applications
21. Clerks Report
The clerk confirmed that various letters, and e-mails have been sent.
22. Points of information
The Council would like to take this opportunity to thank Merv Adams for his donation of services undertaken for the benefit of the Parish.
23. Date of Next Meeting
a. Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 10 March 2015 in Village Hall at 7:30pm
……….........................................….. Cllr Andrew Moore (Chairman) Dated: 10 March 2015
(*) Bank Mandate Signature